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AshivDhondea authored Feb 7, 2018
1 parent adaa020 commit 817dca1
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# -*- coding: cp1252 -*-
A collection of functions which implement special maths functions in my Masters dissertation.
Created by: Ashiv Dhondea, RRSG, UCT.
Created on: 21 July 2016
Edited on:
22 July 2016: added fn_Create_Concatenated_Block_Diag_Matrix, originally from
28 July 2016: implemented the function invSymQuadForm from the Tracker Component Library.
6 August 2016: created the function fnInvert_symplectic_STM for inverting STMs for symplectic Hamiltonian systems.
28 September 2016: added comments and cleaned the code.
10 October 2016: from 15 September 2016: added the function fnStack_Block_Diag which is needed for measurement covariance matrices in the GNF framework.
23/01/17: added a fast implementation fn_invSymQuadForm
26/01/17: cleaned up the code.
02/03/17: added the function find_nearest required by PM.fnCalculate_DownlinkTime_Iter
1. Statistical Orbit Determination, 2004. Tapley, Born, Schutz.
2. ekfukf toolbox [Online]
3. Tracker Component Library [Github]
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Import libraries
import numpy as np
import math
import scipy.linalg
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
def schol(A): # Cholesky decomposition for PSD matrices.
## Emulates schol.m of ekfukf toolbox.
## Description from schol.m
## %SCHOL Cholesky factorization for positive semidefinite matrices
##% Syntax:
##% [L,def] = schol(A)
## % In:
##% A - Symmetric pos.semi.def matrix to be factorized
##% Out:
##% L - Lower triangular matrix such that A=L*L' if def>=0.
##% def - Value 1,0,-1 denoting that A was positive definite,
##% positive semidefinite or negative definite, respectively.
## % Copyright (C) 2006 Simo Särkkä
n = np.shape(A)[0];
L = np.zeros((n,n),dtype=np.float64);
definite = 1;

for i in range(0,n):
for j in range(0,i+1):
s = A[i,j];
for k in range (0,j):
s = s - L[i,k]*L[j,k];
if j < i :
if L[j,j] > np.finfo(np.float64).eps:
L[i,j] = s/L[j,j];
L[i,j] = 0;
if (s < - np.finfo(np.float64).eps ):
s = 0;
definite = -1;
elif (s < np.finfo(np.float64).eps):
s = 0;
definite = min(0,definite);

L[j,j] = np.sqrt(s);
# if definite < 0, then negative definite
# if definite == 0, then positive semidefinite
# if definite == 1, then positive definite
return L, definite
# ------------------------------------------------------------------- #
def fn_Create_Concatenated_Block_Diag_Matrix(R,stacklen):
# fn_Create_Concatenated_Block_Diag_Matrix creates a block diagonal matrix of size (stacklen) x (stacklen)
# whose diagonal blocks are copies of the matrix R.
## L = [R];
## for index in range (0,stacklen):
## L.append(R);
## ryn = scipy.linalg.block_diag(*L);
ryn =np.kron(np.eye(stacklen+1),R); # Edit: 19/07/2016: probably better idea than using a for loop.
return ryn
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
def invSymQuadForm(x,M):
%%INVSYMQUADFORM Compute the quadratic form x'*inv(R)*x in a manner that
% should be more numerically stable than directly evaluating
% the matrix inverse, where R is a symmetric, positive
% definite matrix. The parameter M can either be the matrix
% R directly (R=M) (the default), or the lower-triangular
% square root of R (R=M*M'). The distance can be computed
% for a single matrix and multiple vectors x. If x consists
% of vector differences and R is a covariance matrix, then
% this can be viewed as a numerically robust method of
% computing Mahalanobis distances.
%INPUTS: x An mXN matrix of N vectors whose quadratic forms with the
% inverse of R are desired.
% M The mXm real, symmetric, positive definite matrix R, or
% the square root of R, as specified by the following
% parameter.
% matType This optional parameter specified the type of matrix that
% M is. Possible values are
% 0 (the default if omitted) M is the matrix R in the form
% x'*inv(R)*x.
% 1 M is the lower-triangular square root of the matrix R.
%OUTPUTS: dist An NX1 vector of the values of x*inv(R)*x for every vector
% in the matrix x.
%As one can find in many textbooks, solvign A*x=b using matrix inversion is
%generally a bad idea. This relates to the problem at hand, because one can
% =x'*inv(C)'*inv(C)*x
%where C is the lower-triangular Cholesky decomposition of R. Next, say
%Then, we are just computing y'*y.
%What is a stable way to find y? Well, we can rewrite the equation as
%Since C is lower-triangular, we can find x using forward substitution.
%This should be the same as one of the many ways that Matlab solves the
%equation C*y=x when one uses the \ operator. One can explicitely tell
%Matlab that the matrix is lower triangular when using the linsolve
%function, thus avoiding the need for loops or for Matlab to check the
%structure of the matrix on its own.
%August 2014 David F. Crouse, Naval Research Laboratory, Washington D.C.
%(UNCLASSIFIED) DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release.
## 28 July 2016. Emulates the invSymQuadForm.m function from the Tracker Component Library. Removed matType to make things simpler.

# implements x'M x
C,definiteness = schol(M);

y = np.linalg.solve(C,x);
dist =,y);
return dist
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
def fnInvert_symplectic_STM(stm):
Analytic way of inverting an STM when it is symplectic. This occurs when the acceleration
can be written as the gradient of a potential function. Refer to eqn 4.2.22 on page 167 in
Statistical Orbit Determination, Tapley, Schutz, Born. 2004.
Created: 6/8/16
stm_inv = np.zeros_like(stm);
dim = int(0.5*np.shape(stm)[0]); # stm should be (even number x same even number).
stm_inv[0:dim,0:dim] = stm[dim:,dim:];
stm_inv[dim:,0:dim] = -stm[dim:,0:dim];
stm_inv[0:dim,dim:] = -stm[0:dim,dim:];
stm_inv[dim:,dim:] = stm[0:dim,0:dim];
return stm_inv
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
def fnStack_Block_Diag(R,stacklen):
Creates a block diagonal matrix using the first 'stacklen' square matrices r x r in R.
'R' is r x r x t.
This function is needed for the Gauss-Newton filter.
Date: 15 September 2016
Note that the difference between this function and fn_Create_Concatenated_Block_Diag_Matrix
is that R is r x r x t instead of just r x r.
stackmatrix = [R[:,:,0]];
for index in range (1,stacklen):
ryn = scipy.linalg.block_diag(*stackmatrix);
return ryn

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
def fn_invSymQuadForm(x,M):
Faster implementation of invSymQuadForm
Created: 23/01/17
R = np.linalg.inv(M);
isqf =,,x));
return isqf
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
def find_nearest(array,value):
Find element from array which is nearest to a certain value, as well as its index in an ordered array.
Date: 02/03/17
idx = np.searchsorted(array, value, side="left")
if idx > 0 and (idx == len(array) or math.fabs(value - array[idx-1]) < math.fabs(value - array[idx])):
return array[idx-1],idx-1
return array[idx],idx

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