A Clojure library to search for broken links on a web site.
(ns my-app.core
(:require [link-checker.core :as link-checker]
[link-checker.utils :as link-checker-utils]))
{;; function for filtering links to process
:check-fn (fn [url data]
(.contains url "//docs.anychart.com"))
;; function which to be invoked for each iteration to control the process
:iteration-fn (fn [iteration urls-count remaining-checked-urls-count total-urls-count]
(println "Iteration: " iteration urls-count remaining-checked-urls-count total-urls-count))
;; each loop sends 100 requests
:max-loop-count 50
;; apply to urls like '//example.com'
:default-protocol "https"
;; invoke on end
:end-fn (fn [result]
;; broken pages
(println "RESULT: " result)
;; pages that have links to broken pages
(println "REVERTED RESULT: " (link-checker-utils/revert-result result)))})