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A list of Hacktoberfest 2022 Repos that are valid to be contributed towards Hacktoberfest pull requests


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A compilation of all valid repos for Hacktoberfest 2022. A list of invalid repos can be found here and a list of repos that has historically been good but seem inactive can be found here.

‼ Notice: This repository has been excluded from Hacktoberfest 2022 ‼

Table of Contents





Repo By Topic

Algorithms and Data Structures

codedecks-in solutions to various problems on different different online judges and interview prep sites, most repos can count towards Hacktoberfest
CrackerSuman/Algorithms small algorithms repository
hhhrrrttt222111/Patterns patterns in various languages
Knackie/algorithmshacktoberfest2021 Repository for algorithms in various language
mad003/Sorting-Algos sorting algorithms in various languages
OpenGenus/cosmos algorithms on AI, CP, crypto, quantum, and more in C, C++, Java, JS, Swift, Python, Go, and more
shivprime94/Data-Structure-Algorithms various algorithms and data structures as well as solution code to some CP platforms
TARANG0503/DSA-Practice This is a repository having implementation of algorithms and questions in different languages
TheAlgorithms algorithm implementations in various different languages, most repos can count towards Hacktoberfest
ZoranPandovski/al-go-rithms search, sort, math, crypto, geometry, graph theory, DP, DS, and more types of algorithms in various languages

Back End


Anuja2512/Answering_Machine Create a chatbot using if-elif-else statements
awsheeshh/Kanna-Chan multipurpose and open source Discord bot (verified) written in
DistroByte/ComfyBot an open source multipurpose Discord bot written in Discord.js


theepiccode/Awesome-CyberSec-Resources Awesome Resources Needed For Pentesters


Alexandria/match-three-game Candycrash clone in js, HTML and CSS with beginner-friendly environment


5h0bh4nk/FizzBuzz-Hacktoberfest-2021 fizzbuzz is various different languages
Abhinandan323/Programming-notes various different algorithms and small projects in C++, C, Java, and Python
ardianta/anime-for-dev A list of animes every developer should watch.
bigyanic/Hacktoberfest-Simple-Practice-Programmes simple programs in various languages (has suggestions of program ideas)
blogmaker123/Hacktoberfest any program in any language or maintenance
Coder-forfun/Hactoberfest-accepted algorithms and projects in any language
eraaxit/emoticon-suggestor suggests emojis based on a word (not machine learning)
florinpop17/app-ideas compilation of possible coding projects to make
GDSC-MITADT-Hacktoberfest2021/Hacktoberfest2021 A Repo for CPP,Python, ML and Frontend Projects.
Htrap1862/Hacktoberfest2021 commit poems, programs, literally anything
ishkapoor2000/PRACTICE_HACKTOBERFEST2021 code (or not code, ie. content or designs) in Arduino, miscellaneous programming things, and machine learning
Learn-Write-Repeat/Hacktoberfest-Contribution contribution can be from any topic like your mini-project, algorithms, solution to coding problem, etc.
Magnesiaworld/Hacktoberfest_2021 random code in Python, C++, HTML, CSS
many-passwords aimts to collect default passwords of various devices and sites
mentoriaiac/docker-packer-ansible A docker image to run Packer with Ansible provisioner
mentoriaiac/glossario This project is intended to have a glossary of key words to assist IaC Mentoring participants.
mentoriaiac/iac-modulo-compute-gcp Terraform compute module for GCP
mentoriaiac/Makefiles This project aims to provide a base Makefile to be imported at the beginning of the implementation Makefiles and templates of the organization of the IaC Mentoring.
mentoriaiac/template-modulo-terraform This repository must contain the basic structure for creating a terraform module.
Mimic-Tools/name-generation character name generation
mujacm/hacktoberfest-2021-md Submit anything, even markdown files
PraSarOG/Hacktoberfest-21 any program in any programming language
varunherlekar/lets-do-it Live HTML, CSS & Js Todo web-app
vikhyatsingh123/Naruto-Shippuden add your favorite character card from naruto
vinitshahdeo/HBD creative ways to wish someone happy birthday with code
wafarifki/Hacktoberfest_2021 any program in any programming language
zeel-codder/Recursion-Hub recursive solutions to any problem in any language

Git and Github

EshanTrivedi21/Git-CheatSheet Git and Github cheat sheet

Github Profile

anuraghazra/github-readme-stats gives a Github profile summary, most used languages, repo cards, and Wakatime cards
Ashutosh00710/github-readme-activity-graph a Github README profile contributions graph
DenverCoder1/github-readme-streak-stats displays current and longest Github activity streak
DenverCoder1/readme-typing-svg a typing SVG for Github README profiles
gautamkrishnar/blog-post-workflow updates Github README to show latest blog posts from various sources
jamesgeorge007/github-activity-readme updates Github README to show most recent Github activity
rahuldkjain/github-profile-readme-generator Generate GitHub profile README easily with the latest add-ons like visitors count, GitHub stats, etc using minimal UI.

Hackerrank Solutions

Riddhi9570/HackerrankPracticeProblems solutions to hackerrank practice problems

Leetcode Solutions

Vanshika2063/Leetcode-Questions Solutions to various problems from Leetcode.
wingkwong/leetcode-the-hard-way A Leetcode guide book covering Leetcode problems based on their topics.


bobbyiliev/101-linux-commands-ebook a guidebook for Linux commands

Machine Learning

academic/awesome-datascience collection of data science
gdscjgec/ML-Gallery various classification, regression, clustering, neural networks, and deep learning algorithms


EbookFoundation/free-programming-books compilation of programming e-books
kaydee001/learn-programming-resources compilation of learning to program resources
sdmg15/Best-websites-a-programmer-should-visit compilation of programming websites
swapagarwal/swag-for-dev a list of swag that developers can get
vinitshahdeo/Hacktoberfest2021 a guide on contributing to open source as well as a list of beginner friendly projects



abhishek-dhnma/Vinent-Van-VsCode-theme a VSCode theme
musm/min-tomorrow-theme This is a minimal theme for VS Code based on a blend of Min and Tomorrow

Web Dev

anurag-crypto/Awesome-web-components fun frontend stuff
avinash201199/stopwatch stopwatch with HTML, CSS, JS
charukalyani/netflix_clone a Netflix clone created with CodeSandbox
Coders-Evoke-Community/Amazing-Frontend_Templates coding frontend templates using HTML, CSS, JS.
devicons/devicon Set of icons representing programming languages, designing & development tools
KYKY62/RestauranWeb-HTML simple website started with HTML ,CSS and bootstrap.
mrbyyn/simple-web-project-collection various web projects
mykartadmin/TailwindReactBoilerplate startup setup for tailwind and react
saloni-15/Heel2Toe web develop using html, css, JS
shubham-2611/Hacker-News-Clone clone of HackerNews using the HackerNews API and React
siddhi-244/Embellish snippets of HTML, CSS, JS things
sonaiX69/dfgdfnfdgndfbdfbsrdbddrhf cool website styling trick
TogaTech/helpful.js A collection of helpful JavaScript functions
zero-to-mastery/webblocks-2022 A collection of simple plane html, css, vannila js cool web pages.

Repo By Language


itaysaadia/OLAFv2-CPU A virtual CPU, mini Operating System and Assembler
Mithunitp/Mips-Statistics-Guide A guide to solving statistical problems using MIPS assembly language
roerohan/8086.js A basic web-based 8086 emulator built with Javascript rocket


divyanshugarg36/c-programs various programs in C
mujacm/hacktoberfest-2021-c Algorithm In C

CPP (C++)

amritansh22/Data-Structures-and-Algorithms-in-cpp self explanatory title
fauziajalal/city-guessing-game A game in which computer will select a random Indian city name and you have to guess next city name based on the last letter of current city name.
iamAnki/CPP-Programs- C++ algorithms/programs


kowainik/learn4haskell learn Haskell with pull requests


kokonior/HTML-Projects various small HTML projects
KYKY62/RestauranWeb-HTML simple website started with HTML ,CSS and bootstrap.
Linux-User-Group/hacktoberfest2021-HTML good repository to learn
RitwikSachdeva/csneeds various projects to contribute


ashwiniswag/Personal-Diary Java Android diary app
atulanand26/myclassroom work on project to make that more useful
decode11/decode-1-rep decoding repo to contribute
iluwatar/java-design-patterns shows Java's design patterns
jvm-coder/Java_Programs various Java programs
mujacm/hacktoberfest-2021-java Algorithms in Java


DistroByte/ComfyBot an open source multipurpose Discord bot written in Discord.js
kokonior/Javascript-Projects various projects and code snippets in JavaScript
kokonior/NodeJS-Projects projects and code snippets in Node
SupperSource/ajaniStore Ecommerce application in node js
SupperSource/commuter API client in electron
sutin1234/angular-12-graphql-subscription build angular 12 graphQL & apollo server nodejs
TogaTech/helpful.js A collection of helpful JavaScript functions


Anjan50/Python Various Projects and Scripts
Chelsea31/xbox-scraper simple web scraper to find xbox series x availability across shopping websites
HowkMii/ProgrammingProblem solving coding and interview problems in Python
IEEE-VIT/concy-bot a Python Discord bot
kokonior/Python-Projects various projects and snippets of code in Python
SahanChan/Angampora-Srilankan-App Angampora Sri Lankan Martial Arts Teaching Mobile App
shashwat211/spaceShooter classic space shooter game in Python


Bobliuuu/RacketResources A repository of programs impleented in Racket


chankruze/mwbr This is a very basic setup for a react app
LBBO/generate-web-app This is CLI to help to geting started with web project


A list of Hacktoberfest 2022 Repos that are valid to be contributed towards Hacktoberfest pull requests



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