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Magnetic ordering and deformation workflows
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computron authored Apr 2, 2019
2 parents 7e20b71 + 5e984fc commit d9ac93a
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Showing 15 changed files with 99,457 additions and 7 deletions.
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion atomate/vasp/
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Expand Up @@ -14,4 +14,5 @@
HALF_KPOINTS_FIRST_RELAX = False # whether to use only half the kpoint density in the initial relaxation of a structure optimization for faster performance
RELAX_MAX_FORCE = 0.25 # maximum force allowed on atom for successful structure optimization
REMOVE_WAVECAR = False # Remove Wavecar after the calculation is finished. Only used for SCAN structure optimizations right now.
DEFUSE_UNSUCCESSFUL = "fizzle" # this is a three-way toggle on what to do if your job looks OK, but is actually unconverged (either electronic or ionic). True -> mark job as COMPLETED, but defuse children. False --> do nothing, continue with workflow as normal. "fizzle" --> throw an error (mark this job as FIZZLED)
DEFUSE_UNSUCCESSFUL = "fizzle" # this is a three-way toggle on what to do if your job looks OK, but is actually unconverged (either electronic or ionic). True -> mark job as COMPLETED, but defuse children. False --> do nothing, continue with workflow as normal. "fizzle" --> throw an error (mark this job as FIZZLED)
CUSTODIAN_MAX_ERRORS = 5 # maximum number of errors to correct before custodian gives up
265 changes: 265 additions & 0 deletions atomate/vasp/firetasks/
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from pymatgen.symmetry.analyzer import SpacegroupAnalyzer
from pymatgen.analysis.ferroelectricity.polarization import Polarization, get_total_ionic_dipole, \
from pymatgen.analysis.magnetism import CollinearMagneticStructureAnalyzer, Ordering, magnetic_deformation
from pymatgen.command_line.bader_caller import bader_analysis_from_path

from atomate.common.firetasks.glue_tasks import get_calc_loc
from atomate.utils.utils import env_chk, get_meta_from_structure
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -753,6 +755,269 @@ def run_task(self, fw_spec):"Thermal expansion coefficient calculation complete.")

class MagneticOrderingsToDB(FiretaskBase):
Used to aggregate tasks docs from magnetic ordering workflow.
For large-scale/high-throughput use, would recommend a specific
builder, this is intended for easy, automated use for calculating
magnetic orderings directly from the get_wf_magnetic_orderings
workflow. It's unlikely you will want to call this directly.
Required parameters:
db_file (str): path to the db file that holds your tasks
collection and that you want to hold the magnetic_orderings
wf_uuid (str): auto-generated from get_wf_magnetic_orderings,
used to make it easier to retrieve task docs
parent_structure: Structure of parent crystal (not magnetically

required_params = ["db_file", "wf_uuid", "parent_structure",
"perform_bader", "scan"]
optional_params = ["origins", "input_index"]

def run_task(self, fw_spec):

uuid = self["wf_uuid"]
db_file = env_chk(self.get("db_file"), fw_spec)
to_db = self.get("to_db", True)

mmdb = VaspCalcDb.from_db_file(db_file, admin=True)

formula = self["parent_structure"].formula
formula_pretty = self["parent_structure"].composition.reduced_formula

# get ground state energy
task_label_regex = 'static' if not self['scan'] else 'optimize'
docs = list(mmdb.collection.find({"wf_meta.wf_uuid": uuid,
"task_label": {"$regex": task_label_regex}},
["task_id", "output.energy_per_atom"]))

energies = [d["output"]["energy_per_atom"] for d in docs]
ground_state_energy = min(energies)
idx = energies.index(ground_state_energy)
ground_state_task_id = docs[idx]["task_id"]
if energies.count(ground_state_energy) > 1:
logger.warn("Multiple identical energies exist, "
"duplicate calculations for {}?".format(formula))

# get results for different orderings
docs = list(mmdb.collection.find({
"task_label": {"$regex": task_label_regex},
"wf_meta.wf_uuid": uuid

summaries = []

for d in docs:

optimize_task_label = d["task_label"].replace("static", "optimize")
optimize_task = dict(mmdb.collection.find_one({
"wf_meta.wf_uuid": uuid,
"task_label": optimize_task_label
input_structure = Structure.from_dict(optimize_task['input']['structure'])
input_magmoms = optimize_task['input']['incar']['MAGMOM']
input_structure.add_site_property('magmom', input_magmoms)

final_structure = Structure.from_dict(d["output"]["structure"])

# picking a fairly large threshold so that default 0.6 µB magmoms don't
# cause problems with analysis, this is obviously not approriate for
# some magnetic structures with small magnetic moments (e.g. CuO)
input_analyzer = CollinearMagneticStructureAnalyzer(input_structure, threshold=0.61)
final_analyzer = CollinearMagneticStructureAnalyzer(final_structure, threshold=0.61)

if d["task_id"] == ground_state_task_id:
stable = True
decomposes_to = None
stable = False
decomposes_to = ground_state_task_id
energy_above_ground_state_per_atom = d["output"]["energy_per_atom"] \
- ground_state_energy
energy_diff_relax_static = optimize_task["output"]["energy_per_atom"] \
- d["output"]["energy_per_atom"]

# tells us the order in which structure was guessed
# 1 is FM, then AFM..., -1 means it was entered manually
# useful to give us statistics about how many orderings
# we actually need to calculate
task_label = d["task_label"].split(' ')
ordering_index = task_label.index('ordering')
ordering_index = int(task_label[ordering_index + 1])
if self.get("origins", None):
ordering_origin = self["origins"][ordering_index]
ordering_origin = None

final_magmoms = final_structure.site_properties["magmom"]
magmoms = {"vasp": final_magmoms}
if self["perform_bader"]:
# if bader has already been run during task ingestion,
# use existing analysis
if "bader" in d:
magmoms["bader"] = d["bader"]["magmom"]
# else try to run it
dir_name = d["dir_name"]
# strip hostname if present, implicitly assumes
# ToDB task has access to appropriate dir
if ":" in dir_name:
dir_name = dir_name.split(":")[1]
magmoms["bader"] = bader_analysis_from_path(dir_name)["magmom"]
# prefer bader magmoms if we have them
final_magmoms = magmoms["bader"]
except Exception as e:
magmoms["bader"] = "Bader analysis failed: {}".format(e)

input_order_check = [0 if abs(m) < 0.61 else m for m in input_magmoms]
final_order_check = [0 if abs(m) < 0.61 else m for m in final_magmoms]
ordering_changed = not np.array_equal(np.sign(input_order_check),

symmetry_changed = (final_structure.get_space_group_info()[0]
!= input_structure.get_space_group_info()[0])

total_magnetization = abs(d["calcs_reversed"][0]["output"]["outcar"]["total_magnetization"])
num_formula_units = sum(d["calcs_reversed"][0]["composition_reduced"].values())/\
total_magnetization_per_formula_unit = total_magnetization/num_formula_units
total_magnetization_per_unit_volume = total_magnetization/final_structure.volume

summary = {
"formula": formula,
"formula_pretty": formula_pretty,
"parent_structure": self["parent_structure"].as_dict(),
"wf_meta": d["wf_meta"], # book-keeping
"task_id": d["task_id"],
"structure": final_structure.as_dict(),
"magmoms": magmoms,
"input": {
"structure": input_structure.as_dict(),
"ordering": input_analyzer.ordering.value,
"symmetry": input_structure.get_space_group_info()[0],
"index": ordering_index,
"origin": ordering_origin,
"input_index": self.get("input_index", None)
"total_magnetization": total_magnetization,
"total_magnetization_per_formula_unit": total_magnetization_per_formula_unit,
"total_magnetization_per_unit_volume": total_magnetization_per_unit_volume,
"ordering": final_analyzer.ordering.value,
"ordering_changed": ordering_changed,
"symmetry": final_structure.get_space_group_info()[0],
"symmetry_changed": symmetry_changed,
"energy_per_atom": d["output"]["energy_per_atom"],
"stable": stable,
"decomposes_to": decomposes_to,
"energy_above_ground_state_per_atom": energy_above_ground_state_per_atom,
"energy_diff_relax_static": energy_diff_relax_static,
"created_at": datetime.utcnow()

if fw_spec.get("tags", None):
summary["tags"] = fw_spec["tags"]


mmdb.collection = mmdb.db["magnetic_orderings"]
mmdb.collection.insert(summaries)"Magnetic orderings calculation complete.")

class MagneticDeformationToDB(FiretaskBase):
Used to calculate magnetic deformation from
get_wf_magnetic_deformation workflow. See docstring
for that workflow for more information.
Required parameters:
db_file (str): path to the db file that holds your tasks
collection and that you want to hold the magnetic_orderings
wf_uuid (str): auto-generated from get_wf_magnetic_orderings,
used to make it easier to retrieve task docs
Optional parameters:
to_db (bool): if True, the data will be inserted into
dedicated collection in database, otherwise, will be dumped
to a .json file.

required_params = ["db_file", "wf_uuid"]
optional_params = ["to_db"]

def run_task(self, fw_spec):

uuid = self["wf_uuid"]
db_file = env_chk(self.get("db_file"), fw_spec)
to_db = self.get("to_db", True)

mmdb = VaspCalcDb.from_db_file(db_file, admin=True)

# get the non-magnetic structure
d_nm = mmdb.collection.find_one({
"task_label": "magnetic deformation optimize non-magnetic",
"wf_meta.wf_uuid": uuid
nm_structure = Structure.from_dict(d_nm["output"]["structure"])
nm_run_stats = d_nm["run_stats"]["overall"]

# get the magnetic structure
d_m = mmdb.collection.find_one({
"task_label": "magnetic deformation optimize magnetic",
"wf_meta.wf_uuid": uuid
m_structure = Structure.from_dict(d_m["output"]["structure"])
m_run_stats = d_m["run_stats"]["overall"]

msa = CollinearMagneticStructureAnalyzer(m_structure)
success = False if msa.ordering == Ordering.NM else True

# calculate magnetic deformation
mag_def = magnetic_deformation(nm_structure, m_structure).deformation

# get run stats (mostly used for benchmarking)
# using same approach as VaspDrone
run_stats = {'nm': nm_run_stats, 'm': m_run_stats}
overall_run_stats = {}
for key in ["Total CPU time used (sec)", "User time (sec)", "System time (sec)",
"Elapsed time (sec)"]:
overall_run_stats[key] = sum([v[key] for v in run_stats.values()])
logger.error("Bad run stats for {}.".format(uuid))
overall_run_stats = "Bad run stats"

summary = {
"formula": nm_structure.composition.reduced_formula,
"success": success,
"magnetic_deformation": mag_def,
"non_magnetic_task_id": d_nm["task_id"],
"non_magnetic_structure": nm_structure.as_dict(),
"magnetic_task_id": d_m["task_id"],
"magnetic_structure": m_structure.as_dict(),
"run_stats": overall_run_stats,
"created_at": datetime.utcnow()

if fw_spec.get("tags", None):
summary["tags"] = fw_spec["tags"]

# db_file itself is required but the user can choose to pass the results to db or not
if to_db:
mmdb.collection = mmdb.db["magnetic_deformation"]
with open("magnetic_deformation.json", "w") as f:
f.write(json.dumps(summary, default=DATETIME_HANDLER))"Magnetic deformation calculation complete.")

class PolarizationToDb(FiretaskBase):
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3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion atomate/vasp/firetasks/
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from fireworks import explicit_serialize, FiretaskBase, FWAction

from atomate.utils.utils import env_chk, get_logger
from atomate.vasp.config import CUSTODIAN_MAX_ERRORS

__author__ = 'Anubhav Jain <[email protected]>'
__credits__ = 'Shyue Ping Ong <ong.sp>'
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -121,7 +122,7 @@ def run_task(self, fw_spec):
job_type = self.get("job_type", "normal")
scratch_dir = env_chk(self.get("scratch_dir"), fw_spec)
gzip_output = self.get("gzip_output", True)
max_errors = self.get("max_errors", 5)
max_errors = self.get("max_errors", CUSTODIAN_MAX_ERRORS)
auto_npar = env_chk(self.get("auto_npar"), fw_spec, strict=False, default=False)
gamma_vasp_cmd = env_chk(self.get("gamma_vasp_cmd"), fw_spec, strict=False, default=None)
if gamma_vasp_cmd:
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9 changes: 7 additions & 2 deletions atomate/vasp/fireworks/
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Expand Up @@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ def __init__(self, structure, name="structure optimization",
class StaticFW(Firework):

def __init__(self, structure=None, name="static", vasp_input_set=None, vasp_input_set_params=None,
vasp_cmd="vasp", prev_calc_loc=True, prev_calc_dir=None, db_file=None, vasptodb_kwargs={}, parents=None, **kwargs):
vasp_cmd="vasp", prev_calc_loc=True, prev_calc_dir=None, db_file=None, vasptodb_kwargs=None, parents=None, **kwargs):
Standard static calculation Firework - either from a previous location or from a structure.
Expand All @@ -107,11 +107,16 @@ def __init__(self, structure=None, name="static", vasp_input_set=None, vasp_inpu
prev_calc_dir (str): Path to a previous calculation to copy from
db_file (str): Path to file specifying db credentials.
parents (Firework): Parents of this particular Firework. FW or list of FWS.
vasptodb_kwargs (dict): kwargs to pass to VaspToDb
\*\*kwargs: Other kwargs that are passed to Firework.__init__.
t = []

vasp_input_set_params = vasp_input_set_params or {}
vasptodb_kwargs = vasptodb_kwargs or {}
if "additional_fields" not in vasptodb_kwargs:
vasptodb_kwargs["additional_fields"] = {}
vasptodb_kwargs["additional_fields"]["task_label"] = name

fw_name = "{}-{}".format(structure.composition.reduced_formula if structure else "unknown", name)

Expand All @@ -134,7 +139,7 @@ def __init__(self, structure=None, name="static", vasp_input_set=None, vasp_inpu
t.append(RunVaspCustodian(vasp_cmd=vasp_cmd, auto_npar=">>auto_npar<<"))
VaspToDb(db_file=db_file, additional_fields={"task_label": name}, **vasptodb_kwargs))
VaspToDb(db_file=db_file, **vasptodb_kwargs))
super(StaticFW, self).__init__(t, parents=parents, name=fw_name, **kwargs)

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