The final project for the databases module of my MSc course involved coding the backend of a forum website using Java, SQL and JavaDB.
The relevant SQL queries and Java code for the backend is contained within the /src/uk/ac/bris/cs/databases/cwk2/ folder.
Below was the original specification provided by the unit director:
Coursework 2 involves developing the data access layer of a web-based forum application. You can do this either on a lab machine or on your own laptop.
Please follow the instructions in the PDF file, which are repeated here:
- Download and unzip it; this creates a folder cw2-student/.
- Go to cw2-student/lib/ and open README.txt; download the libraries indicated into the cw2-student/lib/ folder.
- In the cw2-student/ folder, run ant compile. Start the DB VM database as usual (vagrant up, ensure you can log in with mysql) and run ant run from the cw2-student/ folder.
- Browse to http://localhost:8000 and you should see "Hello world!" You are required to submit all files in a single zip on the Blackboard course site. If you need to re-submit a file, you must resubmit your full zip again, updated appropriately.
For CS2 support, please use the Unit Forums (Discussion Boards) on BlackBoard, or book an appointment.