make sure you have python installed
clone this project
go to "" and create an app called "Reddit scraper"
under the app creation make sure you mark it as a script and set the redirect url to "http://localhost:8080"
find your client secret and client id under the app you just created
enter your client id and client secret in the designated places in the "" file
then replace "[NAME OF THE SUBREDDIT WITHOUT THE r/]" with the name of the subreddit you wanna see the exact number of members of
save the script by hitting "ctrl+s" on your keyboard
in CMD or the terminal run "cd SubredditMemberCounter"
run "pip -R install Requirements.txt" in CMD or the Terminal
after having ran the cd command enter "python3" to run the script
and that's it, to exit press ctrl+c
The script works by gathering the info specified in the script from Reddit's api called PRAW