єrdopu lnepo "emnit"us is a Telegram bot designed to generate roots for the constructed language Emnit.
The user enters a word in English, and the bot translates it into nine different languages, including Chinese, Latin, Esperanto, Russian, Hindi, Arabic, Finnish, and Swahili. This ensures broad linguistic coverage and diversity in phonetic structures. Based on these translations, the bot extracts consonant sounds, which are then processed, taking into account their weights and positions within the words. The analysis allows the bot to evaluate the significance of each sound in various linguistic contexts, after which a final root is generated for the Emnit language. This root can then be used to create new words.
Simply enter any word in English, and the bot will generate a root for the Emnit language. The bot will respond with a message containing translations of the word into nine languages, an analysis of the consonants, and the final root.
We are always open to collaboration and would be happy to receive your suggestions for improving the project. If you have any ideas, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us. Your feedback will help us make the project better and more useful for all users.