NOTE: Package is supported. I just haven't found any bugs since the last commit.
Simple state management for Flutter.
This package is built to work with:
- beholder_form - elegant form validation
- beholder_provider - package:provider integration
Define a
class CounterViewModel extends ViewModel {}
Define state and a method to update it:
class CounterViewModel extends ViewModel { late final counter = state(0); void increment() => counter.value++; }
Watch value with
- it will rebuild the widget when the value changes:final vm = CounterViewModel(); // ... Widget build(BuildContext context) { return Observer( builder: (context, watch) => OutlinedButton( onPressed: vm.increment, child: Text("${watch(vm.counter)}") ), ); }
is used to group Observable
Usually, you want to define ViewModel
per piece of UI - it should represent UI state and related business rules.
If we need to develop a screen for searching users, its ViewModel
might look like that:
class SearchUsersScreenVm extends ViewModel {
late final search = state("");
late final users = state(Loading<List<User>>()); // *
SearchUsersScreenVm() {
search.listen((_, current) => refresh());
Future<void> refresh() async {
users.value = Loading();
try {
final List<User> result = Api.fetchUsers(search: search.value);
users.value = Data(result);
} catch (error) {
users.value = Failure(error);
, Failure
and Loading
- are helper classes. Read more about them here
Every class extending ViewModel
has dispose
Call it once you don't need ViewModel
to release resources:
class MyWidget extends StatefulWidget {
const MyWidget({super.key});
State<MyWidget> createState() => _MyWidgetState();
class _MyWidgetState extends State<MyWidget> {
final vm = SearchUsersScreenVm();
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
// ...
void dispose() {
is a core concept in beholder
It tracks changes to its value and notifies every observer depending on it.
late final counter = state(0);
void increment() {
counter.value = counter.value + 1;
// or
counter.update((current) => current + 1);
counter.listen((previous, current) {
// Do something with `current`
Use computed
to derive from state
class User {
final String name;
class UserProfileVm extends ViewModel {
late final user = state<User?>(null);
late final username = computed((watch) => watch(user)?.name ?? 'Guest');
Need a parametrized computed
? Use computedFactory
class UserListVm extends ViewModel {
late final users = state(<User>[]);
late final usernameByIndex = computedFactory((watch, int index) {
return watch(users)[index];
final vm = UserListVm();
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return ListView.builder(
itemBuilder: (context, index) => Observer(
builder: (context, watch) {
final username = watch(vm.usernameByIndex(index));
return Text(username);
Every Observable
could be converted to a stream.
class SearchScreenVm extends ViewModel {
SearchScreenVm(this.githubApi) {
final subscription = search.asStream().listen((value) {
print("Search query changed to $value");
late final search = state('');
is a default type for handling async data in asyncState
It has three subtypes:
- the future is completed successfullyLoading
- the future is not completed yetFailure
- the future is completed with an error
It's a sealed class, so you can use switch
to handle all cases.
also has previousResult
field, which is the last Data
It might be useful for showing old data while loading new one:
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Observer(
builder: (context, watch) {
final posts = watch(vm.posts);
if (posts case Loading(previousResult: Data(value: var posts))) {
return Stack(
children: [
itemCount: posts.length,
itemBuilder: (context, index) => Text(posts[index].title),
const CircularProgressIndicator(),
// ...
allows to call instance method in field initializer.
The following:
class CounterViewModel extends ViewModel {
late final counter = state(0);
is a shorter (but not the same!*) version for:
class CounterViewModel extends ViewModel {
final ObservableState<int> counter;
CounterViewModel(): counter = ObservableState(0) {
fields are initialized lazily - when they are first accessed.