This project is used to solve a map-colouring problem using a backtracking algorithm. The main goal is to compare the performance of the two inference algorithms: Forward Checking vs Maintaining Arc Consistency.
Below is the list of files that make up the project, divided into src and testBT which is the folder that contains the test code for the algorithms:
- contains the source code for the structure of the graph, including the Node class and the methods used for the edge generation process.
- in this file are contained all the functions needed to compute the intersection between the edges of the graph.
- source code for the backtracking algorithms implementation.
- contains the code for the test implementations. There are 3 different types of tests used to verify both the correct structure of the graph, using graphical visualization, and the performance of the two inference algorithms.
In the file we have three different functions called:
Test.test_graph_visualization(N_NODES, BT_TYPE): used to visualize the randomly generated graph with N_NODES number of nodes and BT_TYPE of backtracking algorithm applied. We can choose the number of the nodes of the graph simply by changing the N_NODES constant parameter as well as changing the type of backtracking algorithm by setting BT_TYPE parameter to the string "ForwardChecking" or "Mac".
Test.time_comparison(): is used to compare the execution time of the two algorithms. We can change the domain size (the colors used for the assignment) by adding/deleting values from the COLOR parameter in the file.
Test.test_failed_assignment(): this function is used to compare the number of failed assignments of the two algorithms while incrementing the size of the graph. Also here we can change the domain size of each variable as well as in the previous test performing the same action.