This is a Pseudo Random Number Generator that can Provide Arbitratry N bit Random binary Sequence based on simple Generator Function of lim n->∞ (Xn=Xn-12 % M )
Parameters For the PRNG
- Where Xn -> Future Sequence
- Xn-12 -> Past Sequence Squared to introduce Randomness .
- M= p*q Where P,Q are Large Primes Which Are Generated By Atkin's Sieve
- S= Secret Number that is CoPrime to M
- Seed Generator - This Part is not a Necessary Parameter But It is needed see Implementation Section For Details. The seed Could be any Number .
This Implementation was done in C with std C libraries as requirements.
Aspects Of Implementation:
- Prime Number Generator I Chose Not to use the Standard Sieve of Erasthones as it is very slow to Generate Considerably Large Primes and has a Time complexity of O(log(log(n)))
- Sieve Of Atkin Implementation
- BBS Generator
- Design Choice : Seed Generator
So I came across another Sieve generator Atkin's Sieve that is Comparatively better than the previous one
And has a time complexity of O(N/log(log(N))) with a space tradeoff of O(N)
bool* _state=(bool*)calloc(limit+1,sizeof(bool));
is for creating a Bool Array with N x 1 Dimension to toggle depending on the conditions .
uint32_t n=0,isq=0,jsq=0;
uint64_t lim=(uint64_t)sqrt(limit)+1;
Here We Create a UpperLimit Of the Search space sqrt(lim)
for(uint64_t i=1;i<lim;i++){
for(uint64_t j=1;j<lim;j++){
if(n<=limit && (n%12==1|n%12==5)){ _state[n]^=true;}
Here This is an optimised version for the original algorithm proposed by Atkin .(For A detailed Explanation Refer Wiki)
We Toggle the state if:
1.n=4x**2+y**2 -> if (n%12) belongs to {1,5}
2.n=3x**2+y**2 -> if (n%12) belongs to {7}
3.n=3x**2-y**2 -> if (n%12) belongs to {11}
We then clear out the squares of Primes by setting those squares we toggled to false as shown below
for (uint64_t k=5;k<lim;k++){
if (_state[k]){
uint64_t pow_k=k*k;
for(int i=pow_k;i<=limit;i+=pow_k){
This part of the code is to find the Primes P,Q Such that it is congruent to 3 mod 4
So we Use the above Atkin Generator Discussed To generate large primes.
2000000 is the Upper Limit - > this can be tweaked in the code .
uint64_t prime1,prime2,tmp2,iter=0;
Once the Primes are Found then we compute N = p*q and Generate S such that s is coprime to N ie (gcd(i,n)==1)
uint64_t n= prime1*prime2;
uint64_t secret,tmp;
for (uint64_t i=(uint64_t)sqrt(n/2);i<n;i++){
This is where the Core of the BBS Lies
We generate bits upto 64 and do bit shifts to generate a uint_64 integer that is 64 bits. Do Note that this is a deterministic PRNG Meaning the Seed is the core for this Algorithm
uint64_t _seed_gen= (secret*secret)%n;
// printf("\n%ld \n%ld",n,secret);
uint64_t no=0;
for (int i=0;i<63;i++){
int bit=_seed_gen%2;
// printf("%d",bit);
return no;
One can use time(NULL) as Seed Which is a good choice .
But one caveat is that Since We are choosing Large Primes the time will also be a long int which caps the upper limit & Lower Limit. By Prime Number Theory There Exists Large Undeterminable Prime Gaps Where We May Never Find Any Prime Whatsoever. So This will Lead to an Endless loop & Memory Wastage or even so we may only find one prime where the bits generated will be the same no matter how long the time changes.
So I Chose to stick with True Source of Randomness to generate a seed .
The Linux /dev/urandom/
provides cryptographically secure Environment Noise data eg device driver
This ensures that the Seed Generated will Drastically change and Hence the Upper & Lower Limit Search Space will also change and this will result in a new Prime
uint64_t gen_seed(){
FILE* f=fopen("/dev/urandom","r");
uint64_t seed;
return (uint64_t)abs(seed);