Create Multiple Google Drive Files/Folders inside Multiple Folders in a Single Click
- HTML, CSS, JavaScript
- Vue.js
- Google OAuth, Google Drive API
To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps.
- Node.js, Vue CLI should be installed to run the application
- You should have API key for Google Drive API, Google Picker API and OAuth Client ID.
Clone the resposity by using the following command
> git clone
Replace your API key and Client ID with ones inside .env file.
Install the node_modules by following command:
> npm install
To Serve the Application locally use the following command:
> npm run serve
👤 Aizaz Ahmad
- GitHub: @Aizaz-Ahmad
- Twitter: @aizazahmad0
- LinkedIn: aizazahmad0
Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check and report the issues at the issues page.
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