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Rubab is a simpler way for using React or Vue or any frontend-js framework with Django, a simpler integration of UI frameworks with Django.

Idea is to leverage Django templating, routing and existing app(s) based structure. This way, we can better use Django's features rather than just using it only for DRF and few other features. Some ideas below might feel counter-intuitive but are actually reasonable and might be the better choices.

  1. No need to run separate server for Js(even during development).

    • NOTE: lacks live-reloading. Live-reloading is not a make/break feature for most and perhaps can be achieved with django too.
  2. No need to bundle all Js in a huge bundle and pore much thought on code splitting later.

    • Django already has concept of app, so on similar line we can have generated(using snowpack/webpack) in 1 Js for an app. If needed, we can have 2-3 Js generated files
  3. Each Django template/route loads following files:

    1. 1 html /loading template
    2. 1 Js generated for the app
    3. 1 Js for React/Vue shared cross apps of the project, so that cached copy is used on navigating to a different app/route.
    4. 1-2 CSS, Tailwind CSS or Sass can be used or you might not need this if you use react's library like material-ui
    5. 1 vendor/shared JS (optional)
    • So 4-7 files per app/page, it's not bad. Actually it might be more performant, responsive and maintainable than loading giant BLOB with Js, CSS...
    • Even a different set of files may be added to a tempalte based on roles/authentication.
  4. Handling initial load of data/metadata(not private/user sensitive data) without api/service call. This is done using templatetags, this might feel weird, even ugly.

    # myapp/templatetags/
      from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe
      from django.template import Library
      import json
      register = Library()
      def jsObject(obj):
          return mark_safe(json.dumps(obj)) 
     # using templatetag in app template

      {% load js_utils %}
      <script type="text/javascript">
          const metadataObject = {{ metadata_dict| jsObject }};

To Run: create a virtual environment, activate that environment and then run

pip install -r requirement.txt

create a "SECRET_KEY" using python/django shell and add it to

from import get_random_secret_key


Install node_modules for Js

npm install

Run Django

python runserver

Open another terminal to build and watch Js(you aren't running another dev-server for Js/statics)

npm run build-dev

Open another terminal to build css

npm run build-css

Once running please check "http://localhost:8000/demos/demo1/" for simple example


Simple Django, Js Framework Integration






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