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BetaLeaf edited this page Jun 9, 2017 · 6 revisions

Welcome to the PortableApps-App-Creation-Wizard wiki!

PortableApps App Creation Wizard is a simple GUI-based wizard for assisting developers creating PortableApps.


  • Suite Installed
  • Launcher Generator Installed (and its requirements)
  • This program is installed in the PortableApps folder.


  1. User is asked for the name of the Portable App the want to create.
  • We will call this $AppName.
  1. Folders are automatically created with the default structure.
  • You must manually move your project to the App$AppName folder.
  • User is informed that the icon will be extracted automatically from ProcessExecute set during Step 4.
  • If you don't move your project into this folder, the script will ask you to manually add the icon during Step 5.
  1. User is asked for information on the Portable App for filling out appinfo.ini.
  • (See Screenshot #1)
  • appinfo.Ini is created using the information obtained in the previous steps.
  1. User is asked for executing instructions on the Portable App for filling out launcher.ini.
  • (See Screenshot #2)
  • launcher.Ini is created using the information obtained in the previous steps.
  • If you added any RegistryKeys, Registry will automatically be activated.
  1. User clicks ok and begins icon extraction. Icons are extracted and PortableApps.comLauncherGenerator.exe is launched to create the launcher.
  • If you did not move the project into the proper folder, the script will ask you to manually add the icon.
  1. User is informed if Launcher succeeded or failed.
  • At this point, if you didn't get any errors, you are ready to go. Launch the app and make sure it is working as intended. It should work out-the-box.



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