Small KSP module for moving science data from experiments into a science container on a probe.
Intended for use with KOS for automating multiple science results during planet/moon fly-by missions.
Example usage:
function StoreScience {
parameter storagePart.
SET m TO storagePart:GETMODULE("ProbeScienceStore").
m:DOEVENT("Gather available science").
function fly_by_science {
parameter expirimentList. // list of modules containing science experiments to run.
parameter storagePart.
WAIT UNTIL Altitude < 200000. // start collecting at 200km.
FOR experiment IN experimentList {
StoreScience(storagePart). // store results and reset experiments - duplicates will be discarded.
WAIT 10. // delay between re-running experiments in hope of new biome.
LOCAL probeStore IS SHIP:PARTSTAGGED("probe")[0].
LOCAL experimentParts IS SHIP:PARTSTAGGED("flybyexperiment").
LOCAL experimentModules IS LIST().
FOR p IN experimentParts {
fly_by_science(experimentModules, probeStore).