The AdvancedSystems.Security
library provides classes and services for symmetric and
asymmetric standard cryptographic algorithms based on the .NET cryptography system.
dotnet add package AdvancedSystems.Security
The changelog for this package are available here.
Package consumers can also use the symbols published to symbol server by adding to their symbol sources in Visual Studio, which allows stepping into package code in the Visual Studio debugger. See Specify symbol (.pdb) and source files in the Visual Studio debugger for details on that process.
Additionally, this project also supports source link technology for debugging .NET assemblies.
Configure local user secrets for the test suite (optional):
$Password = Read-Host -Prompt "AdvancedSystems-CA.pfx Password"
dotnet user-secrets set CertificatePassword $Password --project ./AdvancedSystems.Tests
Run test suite:
dotnet test ./AdvancedSystems.Core.Tests --configuration Release
In addition to unit testing, this project also uses stryker for mutation testing, which is setup to be installed with
dotnet tool restore --configfile nuget.config
Run stryker locally:
dotnet stryker
Build and serve documentation locally (http://localhost:8080
docfx ./docs/docfx.json --serve