An EL data pipeline that leverages the capabilities of Apache Airflow to extract a file from the web and subsequently upload it to BigQuery.
- To start the process, the DAG (Directed Acyclic Graph) first downloads the desired file from the web source. The downloaded file is then uploaded to Google Cloud Storage.
- In the next step of the process, an external table is created in BigQuery, which refers to the uploaded file in GCS. This table can then be used analyze the data.
- Instance configuration
- Machine type: e2-standard-4
- Boot disk image: ubuntu-2004-focal-v20230918
- Boot disk size: 30 GB
- Boot disk type: Balanced persistent disk
- Environment configuration
- Apache Airflow: 2.7.2
- Docker version: 24.0.6
- Docker Compose version: 3
- Instance configuration
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