Releases: Ableton/LinkKit
LinkKit 3.0.0
Start Stop Sync allows one to share start and stop commands between Link peers that have the feature enabled.
- This version is backward compatible with previous versions of Link.
- To allow the user to enable Start Stop Sync a Boolean entry YES under the key
- ABLLinkStartStopSyncSupported must be added to Info.plist.
- Please refer to the updated documentation.
LinkKit 2.1.4
Improved Swift compatibility
LinkKit 2.1.3
- Xcode 9 (with Swift 4) compatibility
- iPhone X support
Pre-Release of LinkKit Version 3.0 adding Start Stop Sync
Start Stop Sync allows one to share start and stop commands between Link peers that have the feature enabled.
- This version is backward compatible with previous versions of Link.
- Please refer to the documentation in
included in the zip archive for more details. - To allow the user to enable Start Stop Sync a Boolean entry
under the keyABLLinkStartStopSyncSupported
must be added to Info.plist.
LinkKit 2.1.2
Fixed leaks in ABLLinkSettingsViewController
Fixed an issue that caused beat time jumps in some rare cases.
Release Notes
- Fixed an issue that caused a mutex to be locked when calling
. - Fixed issues with bitcode support.
- Updated LinkHut Xcode project.
LinkKit 2.0.0
Licensing Notice
LinkKit 2.0 contains an updated version of the Ableton Link SDK. This update has been released under the Ableton Link SDK License v2.0. In order to use the updated SDK you must first accept the Ableton Link SDK License v2.0. This license is delivered with LinkKit 2.0.
By using the SDK provided with LinkKit 2.0 you are accepting the terms and conditions set out in the Ableton Link SDK License v2.0 on your own behalf and/or on behalf of your company. Please note: You may not use the SDK if you do not agree to the provisions in the Ableton Link SDK License v2.0.
Release Notes
- LinkKit version 2.0 is not API-compatible with 1.x versions, so upgrading will require adaptation of client code.
- LinkKit 2.0 fully supports participating in Link sessions with Apps built against any previous version of LinkKit, so upgrading will not cause incompatibilities with other Apps.
- The LinkHut test App has been totally re-designed and now provides a visual indication of beat time and quantum. The quantum can also be changed by the user.
- libABLLink.a is smaller and no longer contains symbols from the boost library.
- There are now separate functions for querying/modifying the Link state from an application thread vs. the audio thread, which enables more consistent performance in the audio thread.
- New
type and associated functions provide a more transactional approach to querying/modifying Link state. By capturing a timeline, clients can be guaranteed that the Link state they observe will not change during the course of a computation. - The quantum value is no longer a property of an
instance but is accepted as a parameter to most timeline functions. This means clients can query the Link state with respect to multiple quanta and changing quanta does not modify the Link state.
LinkKit 2.0.0 Beta 3
- Changed a couple of function names in ABLLink.h to improve consistency
- Fixed missing symbol ABLLinkForceBeatAtTime
LinkKit-2.0.0 Beta 2
- Fixed missing symbol for
- Simplifications and improvements in LinkHut example code.