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Showing 1 changed file with 122 additions and 122 deletions.
244 changes: 122 additions & 122 deletions examples/LinkHut/LinkHut/AudioEngine.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -8,12 +8,12 @@


static OSSpinLock lock;

* Structure that stores the data needed by the audio the main thread.
* Structure that stores engine-related data that can be changed from
* the main thread.
typedef struct {
UInt32 outputLatency; // Hardware output latency in HostTime
@@ -24,94 +24,109 @@
} EngineData;

* Structure that stores the data needed by the audio callback.
* Structure that stores all data needed by the audio callback.
typedef struct {
ABLLinkRef ablLink;
Float64 sampleRate; // Shared between threads. Only write when engine not running.
Float64 secondsToHostTime; // Shared between threads. Only write when engine not running.
Float64 metronomeSamplePosition; // Local to the audio thread.
Float64 metronomeFrequency; // Local to the audio thread.
EngineData sharedEngineData; // Shared between threads.
EngineData lockfreeEngineData; // Copy of sharedEngineData local to the audio thread.
// Shared between threads. Only write when engine not running.
Float64 sampleRate;
// Shared between threads. Only write when engine not running.
Float64 secondsToHostTime;
// Shared between threads. Written by the main thread and only
// read by the audio thread when doing so will not block.
EngineData sharedEngineData;
// Copy of sharedEngineData owned by audio thread.
EngineData localEngineData;
} LinkData;

* Pull data from the main thread to the audio thread if lock can be obtained.
* Pull data from the main thread to the audio thread if lock can be
* obtained. Otherwise, just use the local copy of the data.
static void pullEngineData(EngineData* shared, EngineData* lockfree) {
static void pullEngineData(LinkData* linkData, EngineData* output) {
// Always reset the signaling members to their default state
output->resetToBeatTime = INVALID_BEAT_TIME;
output->proposeBpm = INVALID_BPM;

// Attempt to grab the lock guarding the shared engine data but
// don't block if we can't get it.
if (OSSpinLockTry(&lock)) {
lockfree->outputLatency = shared->outputLatency;
if (shared->resetToBeatTime != INVALID_BEAT_TIME) {
lockfree->resetToBeatTime = shared->resetToBeatTime;
shared->resetToBeatTime = INVALID_BEAT_TIME;
lockfree->proposeBpm = shared->proposeBpm;
shared->proposeBpm = INVALID_BPM;
lockfree->quantum = shared->quantum;
lockfree->isPlaying = shared->isPlaying;
// Copy non-signaling members to the local thread cache
linkData->localEngineData.outputLatency =
linkData->localEngineData.quantum = linkData->sharedEngineData.quantum;
linkData->localEngineData.isPlaying = linkData->sharedEngineData.isPlaying;

// Copy signaling members directly to the output and reset
output->resetToBeatTime = linkData->sharedEngineData.resetToBeatTime;
linkData->sharedEngineData.resetToBeatTime = INVALID_BEAT_TIME;

output->proposeBpm = linkData->sharedEngineData.proposeBpm;
linkData->sharedEngineData.proposeBpm = INVALID_BPM;


* Subroutine to fill the audio-buffer with the metronome sound.
static void fillBuffer(
const UInt32 startFrame,
const UInt32 inNumberFrames,
AudioBufferList *buffers,
Float64 *samplePosition,
const Float64 frequency,
const Float64 sampleRate) {

for (UInt32 i = startFrame; i < inNumberFrames; ++i) {
Float64 amp = 0.;
// Simple cosine synth with a tick duration of 100ms.
if (*samplePosition <= sampleRate / 10) {
const Float64 osc = cos(2 * M_PI * (*samplePosition) / sampleRate * frequency);
amp = osc * (1 - sin(*samplePosition * 5 * M_PI / sampleRate));
// Write metronome sound only to 1st channel and silence other channels
SInt16 *bufData = (SInt16 *)(buffers->mBuffers[0].mData);
bufData[i] = (SInt16)(32761. * amp);
for (UInt32 j = 1; j < buffers->mNumberBuffers; ++j) {
SInt16 *bufData = (SInt16 *)(buffers->mBuffers[j].mData);
bufData[i] = 0;
// Copy from the thread local copy to the output. This happens
// whether or not we were able to grab the lock.
output->outputLatency = linkData->localEngineData.outputLatency;
output->quantum = linkData->localEngineData.quantum;
output->isPlaying = linkData->localEngineData.isPlaying;

* Create an audible click in the given audio buffers for every half beat on
* the song timeline.
* Render a metronome sound into the given buffer according to the
* given timeline and quantum.
static void clickInBuffer(
const Float64 positionAtBufferBegin,
const Float64 positionAtBufferEnd,
static void renderMetronomeIntoBuffer(
const ABLLinkTimelineRef timeline,
const Float64 quantum,
const UInt32 numSamples,
AudioBufferList *buffers,
const UInt64 beginHostTime,
const Float64 sampleRate,
Float64 *metronomeSamplePosition,
Float64 *metronomeFrequency) {

static const Float64 beatsPerClick = 1.;

const Float64 beatsInBuffer = positionAtBufferEnd - positionAtBufferBegin;
const Float64 samplesPerBeat = numSamples / beatsInBuffer;
Float64 clickAtPosition = positionAtBufferBegin - fmod(positionAtBufferBegin, beatsPerClick);

while (clickAtPosition < positionAtBufferEnd) {
const long offset = lround(samplesPerBeat * (clickAtPosition - positionAtBufferBegin));
if (offset >= 0 && offset < (long)(numSamples)) {
// Use a high pitch to emphasize the first beat of the quantum.
*metronomeFrequency = fmod(clickAtPosition, quantum) == 0 ? 1567.98 : 1108.73;
*metronomeSamplePosition = 0;
fillBuffer((UInt32)offset, numSamples, buffers, metronomeSamplePosition, *metronomeFrequency, sampleRate);
const Float64 secondsToHostTime,
const UInt32 bufferSize,
SInt16* buffer)
// Metronome frequencies
static const Float64 highTone = 1567.98;
static const Float64 lowTone = 1108.73;
// 100ms click duration
static const Float64 clickDurationInSeconds = 0.1;

// The number of host ticks that elapse between samples
const Float64 hostTicksPerSample = secondsToHostTime / sampleRate;
// The metronome click duration in beats at the current tempo
const Float64 clickDurationInBeats =
clickDurationInSeconds / (60. / ABLLinkGetTempo(timeline));

for (UInt32 i = 0; i < bufferSize; ++i) {
Float64 amplitude = 0.;
// Compute the host time for this sample.
const UInt64 hostTime = beginHostTime + llround(i * hostTicksPerSample);
// Only make sound for positive beat magnitudes. Negative beat
// magnitudes are count-in beats.
if (ABLLinkBeatTimeAtHostTime(timeline, hostTime, quantum) >= 0.) {
// Get the phase of this sample. The phase is a beat value in
// the range [0, quantum).
const Float64 phase = ABLLinkPhaseAtTime(timeline, hostTime, quantum);
const Float64 lastBeatPhase = floor(phase);
// The click phase represents where this sample falls in the
// click duration.
const Float64 clickPhase = (phase - lastBeatPhase) / clickDurationInBeats;
// If the clickPhase is less than 1, it means that the current
// sample is within a click duration from the previous beat, in
// which case we must render the click sound for this sample.
if (clickPhase < 1.) {
// If the phase of the last beat was zero, then it was at a
// quantum boundary and we want to use the high tone. For other
// beats within the quantum, use the low tone.
const Float64 freq = lastBeatPhase == 0. ? highTone : lowTone;
// Simple cosine synth
amplitude =
cos(2 * M_PI * clickPhase * clickDurationInSeconds * freq) *
(1 - sin(5 * M_PI * clickPhase * clickDurationInSeconds));
clickAtPosition += beatsPerClick;
buffer[i] = (SInt16)(32761. * amplitude);

@@ -128,29 +143,32 @@ static OSStatus audioCallback(
AudioBufferList *ioData) {
#pragma unused(inBusNumber, flags)

LinkData *linkData = (LinkData *)inRefCon;
EngineData* engineData = &linkData->lockfreeEngineData;

pullEngineData(&linkData->sharedEngineData, engineData);
// First clear buffers
for (UInt32 i = 0; i < ioData->mNumberBuffers; ++i) {
memset(ioData->mBuffers[i].mData, 0, inNumberFrames * sizeof(SInt16));

const Float64 sampleRate = linkData->sampleRate;
const Float64 secondsToHostTime = linkData->secondsToHostTime;
LinkData *linkData = (LinkData *)inRefCon;

fillBuffer(0, inNumberFrames, ioData,
&linkData->metronomeSamplePosition, linkData->metronomeFrequency, sampleRate);
// Get a copy of the current link timeline.
const ABLLinkTimelineRef timeline =

// The mHostTime member of the timestamp represents the time at which the buffer is
// delivered to the audio hardware. The output latency is the time from when the
// buffer is delivered to the audio hardware to when the beginning of the buffer
// starts reaching the output. We add those values to get the host time at which
// the first sample of this buffer will be reaching the output.
const UInt64 hostTimeAtBufferBegin = inTimeStamp->mHostTime + engineData->outputLatency;
// Get a copy of relevant engine parameters.
EngineData engineData;
pullEngineData(linkData, &engineData);

const ABLLinkTimelineRef timeline =
// The mHostTime member of the timestamp represents the time at
// which the buffer is delivered to the audio hardware. The output
// latency is the time from when the buffer is delivered to the
// audio hardware to when the beginning of the buffer starts
// reaching the output. We add those values to get the host time
// at which the first sample of this buffer will reach the output.
const UInt64 hostTimeAtBufferBegin =
inTimeStamp->mHostTime + engineData.outputLatency;

// Handle a timeline reset
if (engineData->resetToBeatTime != INVALID_BEAT_TIME) {
if (engineData.resetToBeatTime != INVALID_BEAT_TIME) {
// Reset the beat timeline so that the requested beat time
// occurs near the beginning of this buffer. The requested beat
// time may not occur exactly at the beginning of this buffer
@@ -160,40 +178,25 @@ static OSStatus audioCallback(
// buffer, which therefore may be less than the requested beat
// time by up to a quantum.
timeline, engineData->resetToBeatTime, hostTimeAtBufferBegin, engineData->quantum);
engineData->resetToBeatTime = INVALID_BEAT_TIME;
timeline, engineData.resetToBeatTime, hostTimeAtBufferBegin,

// Handle a tempo proposal
if (engineData->proposeBpm != INVALID_BPM) {
if (engineData.proposeBpm != INVALID_BPM) {
// Propose that the new tempo takes effect at the beginning of
// this buffer.
ABLLinkSetTempo(timeline, engineData->proposeBpm, hostTimeAtBufferBegin);
engineData->proposeBpm = INVALID_BPM;
ABLLinkSetTempo(timeline, engineData.proposeBpm, hostTimeAtBufferBegin);

// Fill the buffer
if (engineData->isPlaying) {
// We use ABLLinkBeatTimeAtHostTime to query the beat time at the beginning of
// the buffer.
const Float64 beatTimeAtBufferBegin = ABLLinkBeatTimeAtHostTime(
timeline, hostTimeAtBufferBegin, engineData->quantum);

// To calculate the host time at buffer end we add the buffer duration to the host
// time at buffer begin.
const UInt64 bufferDurationHostTime =
(UInt64)(secondsToHostTime * inNumberFrames / sampleRate);

const Float64 beatTimeAtBufferEnd = ABLLinkBeatTimeAtHostTime(
timeline, hostTimeAtBufferBegin + bufferDurationHostTime, engineData->quantum);

// Add audible clicks to the buffer according to the portion of the song
// timeline represented by this buffer.
if (beatTimeAtBufferEnd >= 0.) {
clickInBuffer(beatTimeAtBufferBegin, beatTimeAtBufferEnd,
engineData->quantum, inNumberFrames, ioData, sampleRate,
&linkData->metronomeSamplePosition, &linkData->metronomeFrequency);
// When playing, render the metronome sound
if (engineData.isPlaying) {
// Only render the metronome sound to the first channel. This
// might help with source separate for timing analysis.
timeline, engineData.quantum, hostTimeAtBufferBegin, linkData->sampleRate,
linkData->secondsToHostTime, inNumberFrames,

ABLLinkCommitAudioTimeline(linkData->ablLink, timeline);
@@ -243,8 +246,7 @@ - (Float64)beatTime {

- (Float64)quantum {
const Float64 quantum = _linkData.sharedEngineData.quantum;
return quantum;
return _linkData.sharedEngineData.quantum;

- (void)setQuantum:(Float64)quantum {
@@ -368,15 +370,13 @@ - (void)initLinkData:(Float64)bpm {
_linkData.ablLink = ABLLinkNew(bpm);
_linkData.sampleRate = [[AVAudioSession sharedInstance] sampleRate];
_linkData.secondsToHostTime = (1.0e9 * timeInfo.denom) / (Float64)timeInfo.numer;
_linkData.metronomeSamplePosition = INVALID_SAMPLE_POSITION;
_linkData.metronomeFrequency = 0;
_linkData.sharedEngineData.outputLatency =
(UInt32)(_linkData.secondsToHostTime * [AVAudioSession sharedInstance].outputLatency);
_linkData.sharedEngineData.resetToBeatTime = INVALID_BEAT_TIME;
_linkData.sharedEngineData.proposeBpm = INVALID_BPM;
_linkData.sharedEngineData.quantum = 4; // quantize to 4 beats
_linkData.sharedEngineData.isPlaying = false;
_linkData.lockfreeEngineData = _linkData.sharedEngineData;
_linkData.localEngineData = _linkData.sharedEngineData;

- (void)setupAudioEngine {

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