Releases: AbkarinoMHM/PS4SysconTools
Releases · AbkarinoMHM/PS4SysconTools
PS4 Syscon Tools v2.1.0 beta
- Fix bug in Enable Debug Mode function by removing Erase command and using new Extended Write command.
- Remove Auto Erase feature, and make erase happen automatically before writing in case of block to be written is not empty.
- Code clean up.
- Update version to v2.1.0 Beta.
PS4 Syscon Tools v2.0.2 beta
- PS4 Syscon Tools v2.0.2 beta change log:
- Upgrade .NET framework to .NET framework 8.0 LTS for better support.
- Remove manual connect/disconnect functions.
- Add auto detect for PS4 Syscon Flasher and connect to it automatically once connected to PC.
- Set Get Dump Info function as a default function in case of no PS4 Syscon Flasher detected.
- Set Dump Full Flash function as a default function in case of there is a PS4 Syscon Flasher detected.
- Disable all advanced functions by default and add a new option on Options menu to enable it.
- Add support for newer PS4 Syscon Flasher firmware v2.02.
- Code clean up.
- Update PS4 Syscon Tools to v2.02 Beta.
- PS4 Syscon Flasher v2.02 change log:
- Make a universal code base for all Teensy models, no more seprate code for each model.
- Code clean up.
PS4SysconFlasher_Teensy++_2.0_v2.02.hex: (SHA-2 256bit) 34CF76FEADD4858E41739E3FCB3461AEC656154CF754C40A9D08D9D680E44641
PS4SysconFlasher_Teensy_4.0_v2.02.hex: (SHA-2 256bit) D1BACC80F584F518DE7056D2FA5C3E3FCB09F6943CC983C0EB00435DEB52D9E9
PS4SysconFlasher_Teensy_4.1_v2.02.hex (SHA-2 256bit) 40C429922489B7311A7D9ED1C40352EB9D7A2E842043EF49518D31967B2AC824
PS4 Syscon Tools v1.6
- PS4 Syscon Tools v1.6 change log:
- Add support for newer PS4 Syscon Flasher firmware v2.01.
- Fix issue that made application lock during dumping process in some cases.
- Fix issue in getting syscon firmware information in some cases.
- Add automatic verify function after for partial firmware writing process.
- Add automatic verify function after for SNVS/NVS writing process.
- PS4 Syscon Flasher v2.01 change log:
- Optimize and enhance firmware dumping process.
- Fix an issue on Teensy 4.0 & Teensy 4.1 firmware that prevent PS4 Syscon Flasher from glitching non debug mode syscons.
- Code clean up.
PS4SysconFlasher_Teensy++_2.0_v2.01.hex: (SHA-2 256bit) 37D5893BA3A04B0BBFC10F0970D23724BC1781C20465B788E8C2E499A6E98B10
PS4SysconFlasher_Teensy_4.0_v2.01.hex: (SHA-2 256bit) 14037E68D9ADDC80917103B649519152E16FC23621F9F393EB35D2B82ACCE9D6
PS4SysconFlasher_Teensy_4.1_v2.01.hex (SHA-2 256bit) 28D0DF486065A03D12F43FB145D07C3FA10F4B3F44D9B974B86AA8B5B1853AEE
PS4 Syscon Tools v1.5
- PS4 Syscon Tools v1.5 change log:
- Add support for newer PS4 Syscon Flasher firmware v2.00.
- Add an auto connect mode option to allow auto connection to PS4 Syscon Flasher hardware at application launch time.
- Add new option to enable erase functions (now all erase functions are disabled by default).
- Add new option to auto patch debug mode if it is not enabled.
- Add new function to get Syscon dump info by read and validate syscon firmware part (nvs/snvs data will follow).
- Add new write method that is safer and faster than old method (we will auto erase block before writing data to it if it is not a blank block, ,thanks to check blank feature that was added to our flasher firmware).
- Add automatic verify function after writing to syscon.
- Add function to ask user to patch debug mode if it is not patched in the current selected syscon dump to be written.
- Add support to show PS4 Syscon Flasher firmware version on status bar.
- Add about info.
- Code clean up.
- Project restructure.
PS4 Syscon Flasher v2.00 change log: - Add new enhanced and safer write block method, that minimize the risk specially when handle Boot0 blocks (block 0 to block 3).
- Add method to check if block is blank or not.
- Add method to get chip info.
- Add support for Teensy 4.1.
- Code clean up.
PS4SysconFlasher_Teensy++_2.0_v2.00.hex: C4FD95B317F8E95A1CF82B0FEC08C78254BB13CFAC063C0E7755EBA2A2C5BDC9
PS4SysconFlasher_Teensy 4.0_v2.00.hex: 70A6F7F9C7160B30B68781EB4124FE4B13136C6079699F064D95CB7EC2697AFB
PS4SysconFlasher_Teensy 4.1_v2.00.hex 70A6F7F9C7160B30B68781EB4124FE4B13136C6079699F064D95CB7EC2697AFB
PS4 Syscon Tools v1.0.1
- PS4 Syscon Tools release by Abkarino & EgyCnq.
PS4SysconFlasher_Teensy 4.0_v1.00.hex | SHA-256: 6EF89CE01DCC41CF56235D7A35F65E47E0F261BD8C8D78201E94C18A794BB5B0
PS4SysconFlasher_Teensy++_2.0_v1.00.hex | SHA-256: DD4C3725DF13AB68A23E4CC675BCC0E3622C77E77B33B0A75C83AC56D5E3C063
PS4 Syscon Tools.exe | SHA-256: DE82E878A1707582043DA72C61A9DB01DDB23B39A8C342B96C1293098C004036