This is an Event Management Platform which enables users' to perform CRUD operations wrt events and participate in them
NextJS, TypeScript, MongoDB, MailTrap(For Event Mailing), Docker and Azure[For Deployment (Azure Container Instances Used)]
Clone into the repo after forking it (or directly cloning it. Your call)
Create a .env file in the evpr directory
In the .env file, following details need to be mentioned:
(i) TOKEN_SECRET (For JWT Tokens) [String]
(ii) MONGO_URL (For connecting to database. You can use the local mongo or the cloud one. Just add the appropriate URL) [String]
(iii) MAIL_USER (This is your MailTrap Username) [String]
(iv) MAIL_PASS (This is your MailTrap Password) [String]
(v) MAIL_ID (The Email ID with which mail should be sent to users upon participation/non-participation of events) [String]
(vi)DEFAULT_EVENT_IMG (This is the default image which is to be used in case user doesn't provide any image url for their events) [String]
Type "npm install" in CLI to install all dependencies
- In Dev Mode: Just type "npm run dev" in CLI
- In Prod Mode: Use the Dockerfile to build an image(feel free to use any name you want). Then, run a container based on the image.
Home Page:
Login Page:
Signup Page:
User Dashboard:
All Events Page:
User Events Page:
Create Events Form Page:
Update Events Form Page:
Page to view single event: