This is a repo where the scraped data from steam api and gamalytics api (for sales estimate) is stored
The Files only contain Data till january 2025
- This will give you the csv with all the appids be it for games, dlcs, soundtracks, demos, server
- You will get all the data in a file named AllGames.csv
Command for Running this
- It will just take a couple of minutes
- It will ask you to enter the file name so you will just have to enter "AllGames"
- it will add .csv extension by itself
- The data will be saved in 3 seprate files namely base_games.csv, dlcs.csv, demos.csv
base_games.csv will save data for base games like their appid, name, platforms, features, genres, total achievements, release date
dlcs.csv will save data for dlcs like thier base game's appid, thier appid, name
demos.csv will save data for demos like thier base game's appid, thier appid, name
Command for Running this :
After Pressing Enter paste this :
- it will take more time combined than other Scripts, its speed also depends on Write Speeds of your drive as well as how stable your network is
- For me it took around 3 to 4 days to completely extract the data (because my system and internet isn't the best)
- if there are network issues for you then worry not, the script will save all the errored appids for you to go through again
- if the script stops running then you still dont need to worry, it has saved a file named processed_appids so you can see which appid it has successfully gone through so you can remove them from AllGames.csv and run the script again
- After running this you will get around 95,000 entries of sales data
- You will get all the data in a csv file named gamalytic_steam_games.csv
Command for Running this :
- It is relatively fast, will be done in a couple of minutes
- if you have any Duplicate data in any of your Csv files you can run Script
- it will take time based on your hardware
- it will still run even if the ram in your system is miniscule
- it will promt you to enter the file name
Command for Running this :