- Ruby version 2.3
- Rails version
To Do:
- Migrate DB to PostgreSQL from SQLite
- Host site (AWS, Digital Ocean, or Heroku)
- Use vagrant to set up dev env and keep envs consistent with prod
- Set up CD/CI
- Remove C++ component(?)
- Could deploy with heroku if removed
- Enter the
directory and, in a terminal, type$ bundle install --path vendor/bundle
- You might need to install sqlite on your machine
apt-get install libsqlite3-dev
or brew install sqlite
(if on mac)
- Next, enter to run the server locally
$ bin/rails server
Finally, open up a web browser and got to
to see the site- While it might not be necessary, you may need to migrate the database. If so, simply
directory and, in a terminal, type
- While it might not be necessary, you may need to migrate the database. If so, simply
bin/rails db:migrate RAILS_ENV=development
- Fork the repository
- Clone your fork
- Add the original repository as a remote by typing
git remote add upstream [email protected]:Abeyy/WeatherBet.git
$ git remote -v
origin [email protected]:MahmoudDolah/WeatherBet.git (fetch)
origin [email protected]:MahmoudDolah/WeatherBet.git (push)
upstream [email protected]:Abeyy/WeatherBet.git (fetch)
upstream [email protected]:Abeyy/WeatherBet.git (push)
- Create a new branch for each feature from a story on PivitolTracker (don't forget to branch off of the master of this repo)
git checkout -b [BranchName] upstream/master
git checkout -b [WorkType_TaskName] upstream/master
git checkout -b Feature_LogIn upstream/master
git checkout -b Bug_IncorrectHomepageStyleSheet upstream/master
Complete the task
Stage the changes you've made
- Recommend using
git add -p
to systematically go through all changes of modified files in chunks so you don't accidentally merge something not needed (like debug code, etc)
- Recommend using
Commit changes
git commit -m "commit message"
- While not always necessary, try to make commit messages meaningful and a 2-3 sentences long (considered best practice)
ex: git commit -m "Implement Login for Members using Devise PT#123456"
Push changes to github
git push -f origin [BranchName]
Create pull request to merge your branch to upstream master
- Navigate to https://github.com/Abeyy/WeatherBet/pulls
- Click button to "Create New Pull Request" (Add description of what your PR does, include images if front end changes)
- Paste pull request link into Slack #PR, Group has 60 mins to respond + 3hr grace period (within reason), After 60 person who innitiated PR should @everyone in Slack
- Once approval is recieved via Slack, click "Merge Pull Request" and delete branch if prudent (don't forget to delete locally)