A Golang testing framework for testing asyncronous dependencies.
Pull the module into your GOPATH using
go get github.com/apiercey/zardoz
ZARDOZ can be imported like so:
import z "github.com/APiercey/zardoz"
ZARDOZ comes with three assertions for testing asyncronous dependencies. Test blocks begin with a Describe
block, which provides a test suite.
func main() {
z.Describe("Example External System", func(s *z.Suite) {
s.Test("can turn lights on", test_light_turn_on)
A test can be written using anonymous functions or by passing in the function name to the describe block. The function will receive a Test struct, which provides assertions.
func test_lego_car_turns_left(t *z.Test) {
t.AssertSync(func() bool {
return evaluate_lego_car_turned_left()
}, 500)
s.Test("can turn left", test_lego_car_turns_left)
or simply
s.Test("can turn left", func (t *z.Test) {
t.AssertSync(func() bool {
return evaluate_lego_car_turned_left()
}, 500)
ZARDOZ provides three assertions:
asserts a value is true immediatly.t.AssertSync
assert a condition will become true.t.AssertAsync
asserts a condition will become true and can be parallelized with other Assert calls.
Simple assertions like in other unit testing frameworks.
t.Assert(true) // passes
t.Assert(false) // fails
t.Assert(some_func_that_returns_boolean()) // depends on the returned value
Asserts something will eventually true. It expects two values: a predict function that compares for a condition and a timeout of how long it should attempt to assert this condition. Timeout values are in milliseconds.
If the predict should return false it will try again.
Multiple t.AssertSync
assertions result will assert their conditions syncronously.
t.AssertSync(func() {
return true
}, 1_000)
t.AssertSync(func() {
return maybe_returns_true()
}, 1_000)
t.AssertSync(maybe_returns_true, 1_000)
In the example above, the test will take a maximum time of 3000ms to complete if all assertions are false.
Asserts something will eventually be true. It expects two values: a predict function that compares for a condition and a timeout of how long it should attempt to assert this condition. Timeout values are in milliseconds.
If the predict should return false it will try again.
Multiple t.AssertSync
assertions result will assert their conditions asyncronously and can be used to observe conditions which take place within the same time frame.
t.AssertAsync(func() {
return true
}, 1_000)
t.AssertAsync(func() {
return maybe_returns_true()
}, 1_000)
t.AssertAsync(maybe_returns_true, 1_000)
In the example above, the test will take a maximum time of roughly 1000ms to complete if all assertions are false.
Below is an example of testing IoT device using the MQTT protocol. The suite will send messaeges to a device and expects an asynchronous response.
package main
import "fmt"
import z "github.com/APiercey/zardoz"
import mqtt "github.com/eclipse/paho.mqtt.golang"
// Setup code for completness
var connectLostHandler mqtt.ConnectionLostHandler = func(client mqtt.Client, err error) {
fmt.Printf("Unexpected connection lost: %v", err)
// Setup code for completness
func setupMqttClient(clientID string) mqtt.Client {
var broker = "localhost"
var port = 1883
opts := mqtt.NewClientOptions()
opts.AddBroker(fmt.Sprintf("tcp://%s:%d", broker, port))
opts.SetDefaultPublishHandler(func(client mqtt.Client, msg mqtt.Message) {
opts.OnConnectionLost = connectLostHandler
client := mqtt.NewClient(opts)
if token := client.Connect(); token.Wait() && token.Error() != nil {
return client
func test_falls_asleep_on_message(t *z.Test) {
expect_to_fall_asleep := false
client.Subscribe("iot-device/output", 1, func(c mqtt.Client, m mqtt.Message) {
if string(m.Payload()) == "ASLEEP" {
expect_to_fall_asleep = true
client.Publish("iot-device/input", 0, false, "SLEEP")
t.AssertSync(func() bool { return expect_to_fall_asleep }, 500)
func test_wakes_up_on_messages(t *z.Test) {
expect_to_be_awake := false
expect_to_download_config := false
client.Subscribe("iot-device/output", 1, func(c mqtt.Client, m mqtt.Message) {
if string(m.Payload()) == "WOKEN_UP" {
expect_to_be_awake = true
if string(m.Payload()) == "CONFIG_DOWNLOADED" {
expect_to_download_config = true
client.Publish("iot-device/input", 0, false, "WAKEUP")
// Both assertions should be true within 500ms
t.AssertAsync(func() bool { return expect_to_be_awake }, 500)
t.AssertAsync(func() bool { return expect_to_download_config }, 500)
func test_receives_ping(t *z.Test) {
expected_response_received := false
client.Subscribe("iot-device/output", 1, func(c mqtt.Client, m mqtt.Message) {
expected_response_received = string(m.Payload()) == "PING"
t.AssertSync(func() bool {
return expected_response_received
}, 1_000)
func main() {
z.Describe("IoT Device Commands", func(s *z.Suite) {
s.Test("wakes up on message", test_wakes_up_on_messages)
s.Test("falls asleep on message", test_falls_asleep_on_message)
z.Describe("Diagnostics", func(s *z.Suite) {
s.Test("receives PING", test_receives_ping)
After every test ZARDOZ will provide a summary of the number of tests ran, passes, and failes. When tests fail, ZARDOZ will provide a preview of the offending assertion and as well as the path and line number under the summary.
Example below:
$ go run *.go
1) Example External System can turn on
Never returned true after 500ms when evaluating:
t.AssertSync(func() bool {
return expected_response_received
}, 500)
2) Example External System can turn off
Never returned true after 500ms when evaluating:
t.AssertSync(func() bool {
return expected_response_received
}, 500)
Assertion failed /Users/example-user/.go/src/example-tests/v1/main.go:18
Assertion failed /Users/example-user/.go/src/example-tests/v1/main.go:32
2 tests ran with 0 passes and 2 failures.
1) Information about external system
Never returned true after 15000ms when evaluating:
t.AssertSync(func() bool {
return expected_response_received
}, 15_000)
Assertion failed /Users/example-user/.go/src/example-tests/v1/main.go:44
1 tests ran with 0 passes and 1 failures.
ZARDOZ allows you to run setup code or cleanup code, if you so wish. These are executed once per test.
executed before the test.s.Cleanup
executed after the test.
func main() {
z.Describe("Example External System", func(s *z.Suite) {
s.Setup(func () {
// or
s.Test("can handle commands", test_some_command)
s.Cleanup(func () {
// or