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Mylalang is a LISP implemented in Rust.

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Mylalang comes with two binaries: an interactive REPL and a interpreter.

Interactive REPL

The REPL can be started by running:

cargo run --bin imy


The REPL can be started by running:

cargo run --bin imy


Only primitive types exist in Mylalang. Constructing types does not exist.

  • Integers written like 1 or 1042.
  • Floats written like 89.353.
  • Strings written like "This is a string!" or "Hello, world."
  • Null written as nil.
  • Arrays written as [] contain other types, written like [2 23 88] or ["mixed list" 823.45 "containing different" 90 "types" nil]
  • Lists written as () contain other types and form the syntax of the language. Can be constructed using the list function.
  • Functions written as (fn [arg1 arg2 ...argN]). More about this under the functions section.
  • Boolean values are natural booleans, written as true or false

Arithmetic Operators


(+ 1 2)
=> 3


(- 7 2)
=> 5


(* 10 2)
=> 20


(/ 2 10)
=> 20

List Processing

All operators work against their arguments as lists, reducing to a result:

(+ 1 2 3 4 5)
=> 15

(- 1 2 3 4 5)
=> -13

Relational Operators


(= 1 1)
=> true

(= 2 1)
=> false

Greater than

(> nil 1)
=> false

(> 1 nil)
=> true

Less than

(< 1 nil)
=> false

(< nil 1)
=> true

Greater than or equal to

(>= 1 1)
=> true

(>= 2 1)
=> true

(>= 1 2)
=> false

Less then or equal to

(<= 1 1)
=> true

(<= 1 2)
=> true

(<= 2 1)
=> false


Comments start with ;

; This is a comment!

; This code does not execute
; (def a "123")


thread 'main' panicked at '"a" does not exist within this scope

; oops :)

Binding values

The def keyword allows bind a value (and functions but more on that later) to a name:

(def a 23)
=> <#def "a">

(def b 2)

(+ a b)
=> 23


In Mylalang, functions are a primitive type. They can be bound to a name and used as a value. Through this, the language supports both anonymous and named functions.

Named Functions

The def keyword can be used to bind a function to a name

(def double (fn [a] a * 2))
=> <#def "double">

(double 2)
=> 4

Functions can take multiple parameters

(def greet (fn [firstname lastname] (+ "Hello " firstname " " lastname)))
=> <#def "greet">

(greet "John" "Travolta")
=> Hello John Travolta

Anonymous Functions

Anonymous functions are called without binding it to a name. An example makes this easier to explain

The function below doubles a given number:

(fn [a] (* 2))
=> <#anonfunc [[<#def "a">]]>

The return value is a function. Like this, it's a bit useless but it provides the foundation of using functions as values. They can be called immediately or passed as a function:

Executing an anonymous function

((fn [fruit] (+ "My favorite fruit is " fruit)) "Banana")
=> My favorite fruit is Banana

Comparing to its named counterpart

(def favfruit (fn [fruit] (+ "My favorite fruit is " fruit)))
=> <#def "favfruit">

(favfruit "Banana")
=> My favorite fruit is Banana

Passing functions as values

(def double (fn [a] (* a 2)))
=> <#def "double">

(def applyfunc (fn [f a] (+ "The value of the applied function is: " (f a)))
=> <#def "applyfunc">

(applyfunc double 21)
=> The value of the applied function is: 42

Local Binding

It is possible to bind local scoped variables to a function using the let keyword. This keyword functions the same as def but can only be used within a function.

let is a function which takes multiple arguments. The first is list of name and value pairs and binds the name in the first position to a value in the second position of each pair in the list.

The remaining arguments can be function calls with the last function to return a value. This is used when you want to execute side effects or inspect a result.

# This example needs to be compressed into a single line to execute correctly in the REPL.

(def shifter (fn [i]
  (let [x (* i i)
        y (+ i i)
        z (if (> x 50) (- x y) (+ x y))]
    (+ "Final value is " z))))
=> <#def "shifter">

In the example above, x equals the value if i multiplied by i.

(shifter 23)
=> Final value is 483

Function Overloading

It's possible to bind multiple functions to the same name if they accept different parameters.

(def greeter (fn [name] 
  (let [greeting (+ "Hello " name)]
    (inspect greeting))))
=> <#def "greeter">
(def greeter (fn [first_name last_name]
  (let [greeting (+ "Hello " first_name " " last_name)]
    (inspect greeting))))
=> <#def "greeter">
(def greeter (fn [salutation first_name last_name]
  (let [greeting (+ "Hello " salutation ". " first_name " " last_name)]
    (inspect greeting))))
=> <#def "greeter">

(greeter "Alan")
=> Hello Alan

(greeter "Alan" "Turing")
=> Hello Alan Turing

(greeter "Dr" "Alan" "Turing")
=> Hello Dr. Alan Turing

This allows to build boundaries in a very convenient way, particularly with recursion.


Because all types - including functions - are just values, it is possible to bind a name to another name using def.

(def hey (fn [] (inspect "Hey")))
=> <#def "hey">

(def sayhey hey)
=> <#def "sayhey">

=> Hey

(def no_i_made_this "A very fancy string")
=> <#def "no_i_made_this">

(inspect no_i_made_this)
=> "A very fancy string"


Mylalang lets you inspect a value and pass it through to calling functions.

Inspecting simple results

(inspect "This is an inspection!")

This is an inspection!
=> This is an inspection!

The output in a REPL shows a printed result and then shows the value of the executed statement.

Using inspect inside a function

(def suspiciousfunction (fn [a]
  (let [r (* a a)]
    (inspect (+ "Result is strange... " r))

The do Function

The do function lets you execute multiple functions without the need of a let function. It's used when you want to execute side effects but have no need for let local bindings.

(def saygarbage (fn [a]
  (do (inspect "Hello world")
      (inspect "foo bar")

=> <#def "saygarbage">
(saygarbage "123")
Hello world
foo bar
=> 123


There are two conditional statements:

  • if, which when given a true statement returns (or executes) the left value. When false, the right value.
  • unless, which when given a false statement returns (or executes) the left value. When true, the right value.
(if (< 1 10) "One is lower than ten" "Something is fishy..")

=> One is lower than ten
(unless (= 8 8) "We've broken math" "8 always equals 8")

=> 8 always equals 8


Reading Files

The readfile function will read the contents of a file. The value returned is a string.

; echo "Hello world" > file.txt

(readfile "file.txt")

=> Hello world


Importing named valued (bound through def) in another file is possible using the import function, which binds the imported functions to named in the local scope.

(def double (fn [a] (* a 2)))

(import "")

=> <#def "double"> 

(double 99)

=> 198

Recursion and Loops

Recursion is used for looping in Mylang.

Example of a function using recursion create a loop with an exit condition

(def start 0)

(def inc (fn [i] 
  (+ i 1)))

(def loop (fn [i] 
  (if (<= i 10) 
    (loop (inc (inspect i)))
    (inspect "finished"))))

(loop start)

The cons Function

The cons operator is function which constructs a list from another value. An example of its usage is to append a value to a list.

(cons "This" ["is" "my" "list"])
=> [[This, is, my, list]]

The list Function

The () syntax is literally a list which executes a context. The context being the first item in the list.

For this reason, it is difficult for Mylalang to understand if you want to construct a list or execute a some context, such as a bound function. The list function solves this issue by creating a list for you.

(list 1 2 3 5 7 11 13)
=> ([1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13])

Lists can be operated on like any other primitive type.

  (list 1 2 3)
  (list 4 5 6))
=> ([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6])

The real power of lists comes out when used with recursion where they are applied as a list of arguments. See the apply function.

: Operator

The short form of cons is the : operator. It is used the same as above.

(: 1 [2 3])
=> [[1, 2, 3]]

The & Operator and the apply Function

The apply function is a powerful function that allows us to expand a list as arguments for a function. It accepts the function as the first argument and a list of values-as-parameters as the second argument.

An example using the + operator.

; The operation we want to perform
(+ 1 2 3)
=> 6

(apply + (list 1 2 3))
=> 6

In most cases, we want to operate on value individually. The & (capture) operator allows us to capture all remaining unnamed arguments as a list.

(def cap_example (fn [first & rest]
  (do (inspect "First arg")
      (inspect first)
      (inspect "The rest of the args")
      (inspect rest))))

=> <#def "cap_example">

(cap_example 1 2 3 4 5) ; Calling the function
First arg               ; inspecting first argument
The rest of the args    ; inspecting the remaining arguments
([2, 3, 4, 5])          

=> ([2, 3, 4, 5])       ; Final return result of the function

With recursion, it becomes even more powerful. The implementation of max shows how recursion, cons, apply, and & can be used together.

(def max (fn [a] a))
(def max (fn [a & rest]
  (let [b (apply max rest)] 
    (if (>= a b) a b))))

Evaluating Code

The eval function accepts a string and executes it as code. The return result is always nil but any functions or values bound to a name will be bound to the local scope.

A simple example using inspect:

(eval "(def value 1)")
=> <#def "value">

(inspect value)
=> 1

Complex Example

A more complex example when you would want to eval code, is when the code is in another file or serialized into a string. The import function is implemented in Mylalang itself using only eval and readfile.

(def import (fn [file_name] 
  (let [contents (readfile file_name)]
    (eval contents))))

Native functions

Most functions covered are implemented Mylalang itself. While there is no standard library, there are additional functions which come with Mylalang:


Returns the smallest value from a list.

(min 23 77 99)

=> 23


Returns the largest value from a list.

(min 23 77 99)

=> 99


Doubles a value! Originally implemented to provide a function to test with.

(double 21)

=> 42


The map function maps a function over a list. Accepts a function as its first argument and a list for the remaining arguments.

(map double 1 2 3 4 5)

=> ([2, 4, 6, 8, 10])


Reduces a list of values to the right. Accepts a function in it's first position, accumulator in it's second. The rest of the arguments are captured.

(reduce + 0 1 2 3 4)

=> 10

More functions exist in the language which can be found by checking out the native implementation files.


Mylalang is a LISP implemented in Rust.






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