Mylalang is a LISP implemented in Rust.
- Content
- Usage
- Types
- Arithmetic Operators
- Relational Operators
- Comments
- Binding values
- Functions
- Aliasing
- Inspecting
- The
Function - Conditionals
- Files
- Recursion and Loops
- The
Function - The
Function - The
Operator and theapply
Function - Evaluating Code
- Native functions
Table of contents generated with markdown-toc
Firstly, clone the repository to a local directory
git clone [email protected]:APiercey/mylalang.git
cd mylalang
Mylalang comes with two binaries: an interactive REPL and a interpreter.
The REPL can be started by running:
cargo run --bin imy
The REPL can be started by running:
cargo run --bin imy
Only primitive types exist in Mylalang. Constructing types does not exist.
s written like1
s written like89.353
s written like "This is a string!" or "Hello, world."Null
written asnil
s written as[]
contain other types, written like[2 23 88]
or["mixed list" 823.45 "containing different" 90 "types" nil]
s written as()
contain other types and form the syntax of the language. Can be constructed using thelist
s written as(fn [arg1 arg2 ...argN])
. More about this under the functions section.Boolean
values are natural booleans, written astrue
(+ 1 2)
=> 3
(- 7 2)
=> 5
(* 10 2)
=> 20
(/ 2 10)
=> 20
All operators work against their arguments as lists, reducing to a result:
(+ 1 2 3 4 5)
=> 15
(- 1 2 3 4 5)
=> -13
(= 1 1)
=> true
(= 2 1)
=> false
Greater than
(> nil 1)
=> false
(> 1 nil)
=> true
Less than
(< 1 nil)
=> false
(< nil 1)
=> true
Greater than or equal to
(>= 1 1)
=> true
(>= 2 1)
=> true
(>= 1 2)
=> false
Less then or equal to
(<= 1 1)
=> true
(<= 1 2)
=> true
(<= 2 1)
=> false
Comments start with ;
; This is a comment!
; This code does not execute
; (def a "123")
thread 'main' panicked at '"a" does not exist within this scope
; oops :)
The def
keyword allows bind a value (and functions but more on that later) to a name:
(def a 23)
=> <#def "a">
(def b 2)
(+ a b)
=> 23
In Mylalang, functions are a primitive type. They can be bound to a name and used as a value. Through this, the language supports both anonymous and named functions.
The def
keyword can be used to bind a function to a name
(def double (fn [a] a * 2))
=> <#def "double">
(double 2)
=> 4
Functions can take multiple parameters
(def greet (fn [firstname lastname] (+ "Hello " firstname " " lastname)))
=> <#def "greet">
(greet "John" "Travolta")
=> Hello John Travolta
Anonymous functions are called without binding it to a name. An example makes this easier to explain
The function below doubles a given number:
(fn [a] (* 2))
=> <#anonfunc [[<#def "a">]]>
The return value is a function. Like this, it's a bit useless but it provides the foundation of using functions as values. They can be called immediately or passed as a function:
Executing an anonymous function
((fn [fruit] (+ "My favorite fruit is " fruit)) "Banana")
=> My favorite fruit is Banana
Comparing to its named counterpart
(def favfruit (fn [fruit] (+ "My favorite fruit is " fruit)))
=> <#def "favfruit">
(favfruit "Banana")
=> My favorite fruit is Banana
Passing functions as values
(def double (fn [a] (* a 2)))
=> <#def "double">
(def applyfunc (fn [f a] (+ "The value of the applied function is: " (f a)))
=> <#def "applyfunc">
(applyfunc double 21)
=> The value of the applied function is: 42
It is possible to bind local scoped variables to a function using the let
keyword. This keyword functions the same as def
but can only be used within a function.
is a function which takes multiple arguments. The first is list
of name and value pairs and binds the name in the first position to a value in the second position of each pair in the list.
The remaining arguments can be function calls with the last function to return a value. This is used when you want to execute side effects or inspect a result.
# This example needs to be compressed into a single line to execute correctly in the REPL.
(def shifter (fn [i]
(let [x (* i i)
y (+ i i)
z (if (> x 50) (- x y) (+ x y))]
(+ "Final value is " z))))
=> <#def "shifter">
In the example above, x
equals the value if i
multiplied by i
(shifter 23)
=> Final value is 483
It's possible to bind multiple functions to the same name if they accept different parameters.
(def greeter (fn [name]
(let [greeting (+ "Hello " name)]
(inspect greeting))))
=> <#def "greeter">
(def greeter (fn [first_name last_name]
(let [greeting (+ "Hello " first_name " " last_name)]
(inspect greeting))))
=> <#def "greeter">
(def greeter (fn [salutation first_name last_name]
(let [greeting (+ "Hello " salutation ". " first_name " " last_name)]
(inspect greeting))))
=> <#def "greeter">
(greeter "Alan")
=> Hello Alan
(greeter "Alan" "Turing")
=> Hello Alan Turing
(greeter "Dr" "Alan" "Turing")
=> Hello Dr. Alan Turing
This allows to build boundaries in a very convenient way, particularly with recursion.
Because all types - including functions - are just values, it is possible to bind a name to another name using def
(def hey (fn [] (inspect "Hey")))
=> <#def "hey">
(def sayhey hey)
=> <#def "sayhey">
=> Hey
(def no_i_made_this "A very fancy string")
=> <#def "no_i_made_this">
(inspect no_i_made_this)
=> "A very fancy string"
Mylalang lets you inspect a value and pass it through to calling functions.
Inspecting simple results
(inspect "This is an inspection!")
This is an inspection!
=> This is an inspection!
The output in a REPL shows a printed result and then shows the value of the executed statement.
Using inspect inside a function
(def suspiciousfunction (fn [a]
(let [r (* a a)]
(inspect (+ "Result is strange... " r))
The do
function lets you execute multiple functions without the need of a let
function. It's used when you want to execute side effects but have no need for let
local bindings.
(def saygarbage (fn [a]
(do (inspect "Hello world")
(inspect "foo bar")
=> <#def "saygarbage">
(saygarbage "123")
Hello world
foo bar
=> 123
There are two conditional statements:
, which when given a true statement returns (or executes) the left value. When false, the right value.unless
, which when given a false statement returns (or executes) the left value. When true, the right value.
(if (< 1 10) "One is lower than ten" "Something is fishy..")
=> One is lower than ten
(unless (= 8 8) "We've broken math" "8 always equals 8")
=> 8 always equals 8
The readfile
function will read the contents of a file. The value returned is a string.
; echo "Hello world" > file.txt
(readfile "file.txt")
=> Hello world
Importing named valued (bound through def
) in another file is possible using the import
function, which binds the imported functions to named in the local scope.
(def double (fn [a] (* a 2)))
(import "")
=> <#def "double">
(double 99)
=> 198
Recursion is used for looping in Mylang.
Example of a function using recursion create a loop with an exit condition
(def start 0)
(def inc (fn [i]
(+ i 1)))
(def loop (fn [i]
(if (<= i 10)
(loop (inc (inspect i)))
(inspect "finished"))))
(loop start)
The cons
operator is function which constructs a list from another value. An example of its usage is to append a value to a list.
(cons "This" ["is" "my" "list"])
=> [[This, is, my, list]]
The ()
syntax is literally a list which executes a context. The context being the first item in the list.
For this reason, it is difficult for Mylalang to understand if you want to construct a list or execute a some context, such as a bound function.
The list
function solves this issue by creating a list for you.
(list 1 2 3 5 7 11 13)
=> ([1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13])
Lists can be operated on like any other primitive type.
(list 1 2 3)
(list 4 5 6))
=> ([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6])
The real power of lists comes out when used with recursion where they are applied as a list of arguments. See the apply
The short form of cons is the :
operator. It is used the same as above.
(: 1 [2 3])
=> [[1, 2, 3]]
The apply
function is a powerful function that allows us to expand a list as arguments for a function. It accepts the function as the first argument and a list of values-as-parameters as the second argument.
An example using the +
; The operation we want to perform
(+ 1 2 3)
=> 6
(apply + (list 1 2 3))
=> 6
In most cases, we want to operate on value individually. The &
(capture) operator allows us to capture all remaining unnamed arguments as a list.
(def cap_example (fn [first & rest]
(do (inspect "First arg")
(inspect first)
(inspect "The rest of the args")
(inspect rest))))
=> <#def "cap_example">
(cap_example 1 2 3 4 5) ; Calling the function
First arg ; inspecting first argument
The rest of the args ; inspecting the remaining arguments
([2, 3, 4, 5])
=> ([2, 3, 4, 5]) ; Final return result of the function
With recursion, it becomes even more powerful. The implementation of max
shows how recursion, cons, apply, and & can be used together.
(def max (fn [a] a))
(def max (fn [a & rest]
(let [b (apply max rest)]
(if (>= a b) a b))))
The eval
function accepts a string and executes it as code. The return result is always nil
but any functions or values bound to a name will be bound to the local scope.
A simple example using inspect
(eval "(def value 1)")
=> <#def "value">
(inspect value)
=> 1
A more complex example when you would want to eval code, is when the code is in another file or serialized into a string. The import
function is implemented in Mylalang itself using only eval
and readfile
(def import (fn [file_name]
(let [contents (readfile file_name)]
(eval contents))))
Most functions covered are implemented Mylalang itself. While there is no standard library, there are additional functions which come with Mylalang:
Returns the smallest value from a list.
(min 23 77 99)
=> 23
Returns the largest value from a list.
(min 23 77 99)
=> 99
Doubles a value! Originally implemented to provide a function to test with.
(double 21)
=> 42
The map
function maps a function over a list. Accepts a function as its first argument and a list for the remaining arguments.
(map double 1 2 3 4 5)
=> ([2, 4, 6, 8, 10])
Reduces a list of values to the right. Accepts a function in it's first position, accumulator in it's second. The rest of the arguments are captured.
(reduce + 0 1 2 3 4)
=> 10
More functions exist in the language which can be found by checking out the native implementation files.