Shovel is a web application that offers a graphical user interface to explore Suricata Extensible Event Format (EVE) outputs. Its primary focus is to help Capture-the-Flag players analyse network flows during stressful and time-limited attack-defense games such as FAUSTCTF, ENOWARS or ECSC. Shovel is developed in the context of ECSC Team France training.
You might also want to have a look at these other awesome traffic analyser tools:
- (first commit in 2018)
- (first commit in 2020)
- (fork from flower in May 2022)
Compared to these traffic analyser tools, Shovel only relies on Suricata while making opinionated choices for the frontend. This has a few nice implications:
- dissection of all application protocols supported by Suricata (HTTP2, modbus, SMB, DNS, etc),
- flows payloads and dissections are stored inside SQLite databases for fast queries,
- ingest can be a folder of pcaps for non-root CTF, or a live capture (less delay),
- tags are defined using Suricata rules (regex, libmagic match, HTTP header, etc),
- no heavy build tools needed, Shovel is easy to tweak.
Moreover, Shovel is batteries-included with some Suricata alert rules.
device │ Suricata with: │ eve.db ┌───────────────┐
or pcap │ - Eve SQLite plugin ├────────────►│ │
───────►│ - TCP payloads plugin │ payload.db │ Python webapp │
│ - UDP payloads plugin ├────────────►│ │
└────────────────────────┘ └────▲──────────┘
.env │
Shovel is configured using environment variables.
Copy example.env
to .env
and update the optional configuration parameters.
You may update this file later and restart only the webapp.
Add the flag format in suricata/rules/suricata.rules
if needed.
If you modify this file after starting Suricata, you may reload rules using
pkill -USR2 suricata
Suricata supports multiple capture methods.
Please use a live capture with AF_PACKET
when possible,
or libpcap
if you can't mirror the traffic (archives replay or rootless CTF).
Place pcap files in a folder such as input_pcaps/
If you are continuously adding new pcap, add --pcap-file-continuous
Suricata command line.
Then you may start the compose using:
docker compose up -d
If you don't want to use Docker, you may manually launch Suricata and the web application using the two following commands:
./suricata/ -r input_pcaps
(cd webapp && uvicorn --host main:app)
If the CTF event does not already provide PCAP files, then you may adapt the following command for a GNU/Linux system (22 is SSH):
ssh root@ tcpdump -i game -n -w - 'tcp port not 22' | tcpdump -n -r - -G 30 -w input_pcaps/trace-%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S.pcap
For a Microsoft Windows system, you may run the following command (3389 is RDP) inside a PowerShell console:
&'C:\Program Files\Wireshark\tshark.exe' -i game -w Z:\ -f "tcp port not 3389" -b duration:60
Please note that restarting Suricata will cause all network capture files to be loaded again. It might add some delay before observing new flows.
Live capture mode requires access to a network device with the game traffic.
This can be achieved by mirroring vulnbox traffic through a tunnel,
see FAQ for more details.
Here this device is named tun5
Edit docker-compose.yml
and comment option A and uncomment option B under
container definitions.
Then, you may start the compose using:
docker compose up -d
If you don't want to use Docker, you may manually launch Suricata and the web application using the two following commands:
sudo ./suricata/ -i tun5
(cd webapp && uvicorn --host main:app)
Please note that stopping Suricata will stop network capture.
You may run sudo tcpdump -n -i tun5 -G 30 -w trace-%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S.pcap
archiving purposes.
is derived from timestamp (ms scale) and current flow parameters (such
as source and destination ports and addresses). See source code:
Most CTF uses OpenVPN or Wireguard for the "game" network interface on the vulnbox,
which means you can send the traffic to an OpenSSH tun
Using this method, Shovel can run on another machine in live capture mode.
If you need to clone a physical Ethernet interface such as eth0
you will need to use -o Tunnel=ethernet -w 5:5
in the SSH command line to create a tap
To achieve traffic mirroring, you may use these steps as reference:
- Enable SSH tunneling in vulnbox OpenSSH server:
echo -e 'PermitTunnel yes' | sudo tee -a /etc/ssh/sshd_config systemctl restart ssh
- Create
tunnel from the local machine to the vulnbox and uptun5
on vulnbox:sudo ssh -w 5:5 root@ ip link set tun5 up
- Up
on the local machine and starttcpdump
to create pcap files:sudo ip link set tun5 up sudo tcpdump -n -i tun5 -G 30 -Z root -w trace-%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S.pcap
- Mirror
traffic totun5
on the vulnbox. This can be done using Nftables netdevdup
option oningress
You can edit suricata rules in suricata/rules/suricata.rules
, then reload the rules
pkill -USR2 suricata