- Serves PDFs and annotations meta data
- Allows creation of new annotations
- Renders:
- PDFs
- their annotations
- highlighted annotations
- Can serve PDFs from local file system by relative file paths e.g. http://localhost:5003/r/-1.1/-1?relative_file_path=example_pdfs/visible_directory/example_1.pdf
- serve PDFs from other websites e.g. https://anot8.org/r/1772.1/1?highlighted_annotation_ids=0 uses a PDF file from the github repo.
See the change log for breaking changes.
- Guard against multiple tabs open with the same PDF, which will result in annotations being overwritten and lost.
python3 -m venv venv
. venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
cp config/local_vault_template.json config/new\ vault.json
new vault
can be any name.
These vault config files are just pointers to other directories of PDFs so you
will want to edit the root_path
attribute to point to the parent directory for
your PDFs to annotate. This path can be relative or absolute. If you edit this
file or any other .json file with a rich text editor you might run into problems
and errors so we would recommend you try to edit them using a plain text editor.
Once the annotate server has started it will create a new
file at this new root_path directory.
You will then want to edit the directories
attribute of the
new anot8_vault_config.json to contain the directories of the files you want
to annotate. These directory paths are relative to root_path
Specifying directories allows you to limit by whitelisting what files are available for the annotations server to serve.
Edit the labels
attribute of the anot8_vault_config.json file to be a list
of strings, e.g:
"labels": ["label one", "another label"]
. venv/bin/activate
export FLASK_APP=src/server/annotator.py && flask run --port=5003
Replace "1" with your annotations vault id
1772 is the "naming authority id" of CCI on anot8.org
1 (of ".1") is the vault id
1 (which is trailing) is the file id
The naming authority id is only needed for anot8.org permalinks. And file id is not needed if the relative_file_path is used instead, for example:
Additionally when you first set up a vault of PDFs to annotate, the vault will not have yet been assigned an anot8.org vault id. So you access your vault through the local_vault_id
you specify in the json files in the /config directory. For the "local_vault_template" vault the local_vault_id is "demo". So the example PDFs in this repo can be accessed using: http://localhost:5003/r/-1.demo/1
When annotating specific pieces of data it's helpful to prioritise certain labels to the top of the labels list. This can be done using:
localStorage.setItem("priority_labels", JSON.stringify(["label one", "another label"]))
It's possible to hide common label roots. For example if you have the following labels:
"root label"
"root label/parent one/parent two/Alpha"
"root label/parent one/parent two/Bravo"
And using the following:
localStorage.setItem("hide_label_roots", JSON.stringify(["root label/parent one/"]))
Then the label list will display:
"parent two/Alpha"
"parent two/Bravo"
"root label"
The render_pdf.html file can use the anot8.org naming authority server (i.e. how to translate a file_id into a url of a file) instead of your local server by setting:
localStorage.setItem("override_naming_authority_server_url", "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/centerofci/anot8/master/anot8_org_naming_authority_lookup.json") // set value to "" to revert to using your local server
This will work when running locally or from anot8.org.
To get permalinks which work for anyone you'll need to open a new issue here: https://github.com/CenterOfCI/anot8.org/issues/new?title=Request%20for%20perma%20link%20name%20id to get a naming id and have it added to the anot8.org resolver.
Once set up the following type of anot8.org URLs (with a naming authority id and file id as well as their vault id) should work, e.g.:
You can visit https://anot8.org/r and set the url of the PDF to load. Once it loads you can annotate it. The annotations are impermanent and will be lost if you clear your browser storage or change to a different computer. You can however copy the resulting URL and send it to anyone else for whom it will load the PDF and annotate it with your annotations. Due to the limitations of URL length it's best to plan on not sharing more than 10 annotations this way.
If the website serving the PDF does not allow your browser to load it directly, then anot8 will fallback to using a proxy server. This is not guarenteed to work. If it still errors please report it here.
At the moment it is only possible to save your annotations when running the server locally. If there is interest then we can look at persisting annotations in a database.
TODO You can visit anot8.org/resolver and follow the instructions to allow it to find your local server. It will store the information in that browsers local storage. Redirecting to local will be faster in terms of download speed and will also allow you to annotation your (local) files.
Remember to:
pip freeze > requirements.txt
src/client$ npm run watch
Or to just build:
src/client$ npm run build