A golang package to create ODATA REST APIs for MongoDB and PostgreSQL (jsonb)
Select: selects specified columns for the data records. This uses a string split with a comma delimiter. EX. http://localhost/test?$select=name,age
Top: returns the top x records where x is a valid integer value EX: http://localhost/test?$top=10
Skip: skips the first y records where y is a valid integer value EX: http://localhost/test?$skip=5
Count: returns an integer value that equals the total count of records found in the collection. This command requires no parameters and takes precedence over all other commands. EX: http://localhost/test?$count
OrderBy: returns the collection in an order based on the input parameters. The input is a string with comma delimiters and uses a similar string parsing method as select. The order by parameter also supports ascending (asc) and descending (desc) options as part of each column parameter. EX: http://localhost/test?$orderby=name asc, age desc
InlineCount: returns the query result records along with the count. The inlinecount parameter takes either 'allpages' or 'none' as the input. Any other input will cause the count to not return. EX: http://localhost/test?$skip=5&$inlinecount=allpages
Filter: Returns data based on the expression input by the user. The parser utilizes its own library to define keywords and regular expressions to sort the input. The input is then put into a tree structure which can be converted into a map of interfaces. The map structure allows the database adapters to translate the input into the appropriate queries. EX: http://localhost/test?$filter=name eq 'val' EX: http://localhost/test?$filter=name eq 'val' or name eq 'val2' EX: http://localhost/test?$filter=name eq 'val' and name ne 'val' EX: http://localhost/test?$filter=number gt 0 and number lt 10
Functions: "contains", "endswith", "startswith" EX: http://localhost/test?$filter=startswith(Name, 'abc') EX: http://localhost/test?$filter=endswith(Name, 'xyz') EX: http://localhost/test?$filter=contains(Name, 'mno')
OData queries can be combined as follow: EX: http://localhost/test?$filter=((num1 gt 0) and (name ne 'abc') and (required eq true) and (count lt 0.1) or (id eq '123') and contains(time, '0') and startswith(code, '456') or "endswith(code, '789'))&top=10...
See ODATA specification https://www.odata.org/{:target="_blank"}