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Refactor 'BridgePolicy' out of Machine.
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They were a bunch of methods that really didn't belong on Machine,
so we moved them out into their own type, and bring along its test suite.

Move netBondReconfigureDelay to be initialization instead of a parameter.
  • Loading branch information
jameinel committed Jan 31, 2017
1 parent 171cc23 commit abc5cf2
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Showing 9 changed files with 1,388 additions and 1,064 deletions.
14 changes: 12 additions & 2 deletions apiserver/provisioner/provisioner.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ import (
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -677,7 +678,13 @@ func (ctx *prepareOrGetContext) ProcessOneContainer(netEnv environs.NetworkingEn
return err

if err := host.SetContainerLinkLayerDevices(container); err != nil {
bridgePolicy := containerizer.BridgePolicy{}

// TODO(jam): 2017-01-31 PopulateContainerLinkLayerDevices should really
// just be returning the ones we'd like to exist, and then we turn those
// into things we'd like to tell the Host machine to create, and then *it*
// reports back what actually exists when its done.
if err := bridgePolicy.PopulateContainerLinkLayerDevices(host, container); err != nil {
return err

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -798,7 +805,10 @@ type hostChangesContext struct {

func (ctx *hostChangesContext) ProcessOneContainer(netEnv environs.NetworkingEnviron, idx int, host, container *state.Machine) error {
netBondReconfigureDelay := netEnv.Config().NetBondReconfigureDelay()
bridges, reconfigureDelay, err := host.FindMissingBridgesForContainer(container, netBondReconfigureDelay)
bridgePolicy := containerizer.BridgePolicy{
NetBondReconfigureDelay: netBondReconfigureDelay,
bridges, reconfigureDelay, err := bridgePolicy.FindMissingBridgesForContainer(host, container)
if err != nil {
return err
Expand Down
307 changes: 307 additions & 0 deletions network/containerizer/bridgepolicy.go
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@@ -0,0 +1,307 @@
// Copyright 2017 Canonical Ltd.
// Licensed under the AGPLv3, see LICENCE file for details.

package containerizer

import (


// Used for some constants and things like LinkLayerDevice[Args]

var logger = loggo.GetLogger("")

// BridgePolicy defines functionality that helps us create and define bridges
// for guests inside of a host machine, along with the creation of network
// devices on those bridges for the containers to use.
// Ideally BridgePolicy would be defined outside of the 'state' package as it
// doesn't deal directly with DB content, but not quite enough of State is exposed
type BridgePolicy struct {
// NetBondReconfigureDelay is how much of a delay to inject if we see that
// one of the devices being bridged is a BondDevice. This exists because of
NetBondReconfigureDelay int

// Machine describes either a host machine, or a container machine. Either way
// *state.Machine should fulfill the interface in non-test code.
type Machine interface {
Id() string
AllSpaces() (set.Strings, error)
LinkLayerDevicesForSpaces([]string) (map[string][]*state.LinkLayerDevice, error)

var _ Machine = (*state.Machine)(nil)

// Container describes the extra attributes we need to be able to update the
// devices for a container.
// *state.Machine should fulfill the interface.
type Container interface {
DesiredSpaces() (set.Strings, error)
SetLinkLayerDevices(...state.LinkLayerDeviceArgs) error

var _ Container = (*state.Machine)(nil)

// inferContainerSpaces tries to find a valid space for the container to be
// on. This should only be used when the container itself doesn't have any
// valid constraints on what spaces it should be in.
// If this machine is in a single space, then that space is used. Else, if
// the machine has the default space, then that space is used.
// If neither of those conditions is true, then we return an error.
func (p *BridgePolicy) inferContainerSpaces(m Machine, containerId, defaultSpaceName string) (set.Strings, error) {
hostSpaces, err := m.AllSpaces()
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Trace(err)
logger.Debugf("container %q not qualified to a space, host machine %q is using spaces %s",
containerId, m.Id(), network.QuoteSpaceSet(hostSpaces))
if len(hostSpaces) == 1 {
return hostSpaces, nil
if defaultSpaceName != "" && hostSpaces.Contains(defaultSpaceName) {
return set.NewStrings(defaultSpaceName), nil
if len(hostSpaces) == 0 {
logger.Debugf("container has no desired spaces, " +
"and host has no known spaces, triggering fallback " +
"to bridge all devices")
return set.NewStrings(""), nil
return nil, errors.Errorf("no obvious space for container %q, host machine has spaces: %s",
containerId, network.QuoteSpaceSet(hostSpaces))

// determineContainerSpaces tries to use the direct information about a
// container to find what spaces it should be in, and then falls back to what
// we know about the host machine.
func (p *BridgePolicy) determineContainerSpaces(m Machine, containerMachine Container, defaultSpaceName string) (set.Strings, error) {
containerSpaces, err := containerMachine.DesiredSpaces()
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Trace(err)
logger.Debugf("for container %q, found desired spaces: %s",
containerMachine.Id(), network.QuoteSpaceSet(containerSpaces))
if len(containerSpaces) == 0 {
// We have determined that the container doesn't have any useful
// constraints set on it. So lets see if we can come up with
// something useful.
containerSpaces, err = p.inferContainerSpaces(m, containerMachine.Id(), defaultSpaceName)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Trace(err)
return containerSpaces, nil

// findSpacesAndDevicesForContainer looks up what spaces the container wants
// to be in, and what spaces the host machine is already in, and tries to
// find the devices on the host that are useful for the container.
func (p *BridgePolicy) findSpacesAndDevicesForContainer(m Machine, containerMachine Container) (set.Strings, map[string][]*state.LinkLayerDevice, error) {
containerSpaces, err := p.determineContainerSpaces(m, containerMachine, "")
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, errors.Trace(err)
devicesPerSpace, err := m.LinkLayerDevicesForSpaces(containerSpaces.Values())
if err != nil {
logger.Errorf("findSpacesAndDevicesForContainer(%q) got error looking for host spaces: %v",
containerMachine.Id(), err)
return nil, nil, errors.Trace(err)
return containerSpaces, devicesPerSpace, nil

func possibleBridgeTarget(dev *state.LinkLayerDevice) (bool, error) {
// LoopbackDevices can never be bridged
if dev.Type() == state.LoopbackDevice {
return false, nil
// Devices that have no parent entry are direct host devices that can be
// bridged.
if dev.ParentName() == "" {
return true, nil
// TODO(jam): 2016-12-22 This feels dirty, but it falls out of how we are
// currently modeling VLAN objects. see bug
if dev.Type() != state.VLAN_8021QDevice {
// Only state.VLAN_8021QDevice have parents that still allow us to bridge
// them. When anything else has a parent set, it shouldn't be used
return false, nil
parentDevice, err := dev.ParentDevice()
if err != nil {
// If we got an error here, we have some sort of
// database inconsistency error.
return false, err
if parentDevice.Type() == state.EthernetDevice || parentDevice.Type() == state.BondDevice {
// A plain VLAN device with a direct parent of its underlying
// ethernet device
return true, nil
return false, nil

// FindMissingBridgesForContainer looks at the spaces that the container
// wants to be in, and sees if there are any host devices that should be
// bridged.
// This will return an Error if the container wants a space that the host
// machine cannot provide.
func (b *BridgePolicy) FindMissingBridgesForContainer(m Machine, containerMachine Container) ([]network.DeviceToBridge, int, error) {
reconfigureDelay := 0
containerSpaces, devicesPerSpace, err := b.findSpacesAndDevicesForContainer(m, containerMachine)
if err != nil {
return nil, 0, errors.Trace(err)
logger.Debugf("FindMissingBridgesForContainer(%q) spaces %s devices %v",
containerMachine.Id(), network.QuoteSpaceSet(containerSpaces), devicesPerSpace)
spacesFound := set.NewStrings()
for spaceName, devices := range devicesPerSpace {
for _, device := range devices {
if device.Type() == state.BridgeDevice {
notFound := containerSpaces.Difference(spacesFound)
if notFound.IsEmpty() {
// Nothing to do, just return success
return nil, 0, nil
hostDeviceNamesToBridge := make([]string, 0)
for _, spaceName := range notFound.Values() {
hostDeviceNames := make([]string, 0)
hostDeviceByName := make(map[string]*state.LinkLayerDevice, 0)
for _, hostDevice := range devicesPerSpace[spaceName] {
possible, err := possibleBridgeTarget(hostDevice)
if err != nil {
return nil, 0, err
if !possible {
hostDeviceNames = append(hostDeviceNames, hostDevice.Name())
hostDeviceByName[hostDevice.Name()] = hostDevice
if len(hostDeviceNames) > 0 {
if spaceName == "" {
// When we are bridging unknown space devices, we bridge all
// of them. Both because this is a fallback, and because we
// don't know what the exact spaces are going to be.
for _, deviceName := range hostDeviceNames {
hostDeviceNamesToBridge = append(hostDeviceNamesToBridge, deviceName)
if hostDeviceByName[deviceName].Type() == state.BondDevice {
if reconfigureDelay < b.NetBondReconfigureDelay {
reconfigureDelay = b.NetBondReconfigureDelay
} else {
// This should already be sorted from
// LinkLayerDevicesForSpaces but sorting to be sure we stably
// pick the host device
hostDeviceNames = network.NaturallySortDeviceNames(hostDeviceNames...)
hostDeviceNamesToBridge = append(hostDeviceNamesToBridge, hostDeviceNames[0])
if hostDeviceByName[hostDeviceNames[0]].Type() == state.BondDevice {
if reconfigureDelay < b.NetBondReconfigureDelay {
reconfigureDelay = b.NetBondReconfigureDelay
notFound = notFound.Difference(spacesFound)
if !notFound.IsEmpty() {
hostSpaces, err := m.AllSpaces()
if err != nil {
// log it, but we're returning another error right now
logger.Warningf("got error looking for spaces for host machine %q: %v",
m.Id(), err)
logger.Warningf("container %q wants spaces %s, but host machine %q has %s missing %s",
containerMachine.Id(), network.QuoteSpaceSet(containerSpaces),
m.Id(), network.QuoteSpaceSet(hostSpaces), network.QuoteSpaceSet(notFound))
return nil, 0, errors.Errorf("host machine %q has no available device in space(s) %s",
m.Id(), network.QuoteSpaceSet(notFound))
hostToBridge := make([]network.DeviceToBridge, 0, len(hostDeviceNamesToBridge))
for _, hostName := range network.NaturallySortDeviceNames(hostDeviceNamesToBridge...) {
hostToBridge = append(hostToBridge, network.DeviceToBridge{
DeviceName: hostName,
// Should be an indirection/policy being passed in here
BridgeName: fmt.Sprintf("br-%s", hostName),
return hostToBridge, reconfigureDelay, nil

// PopulateContainerLinkLayerDevices sets the link-layer devices of the given
// containerMachine, setting each device linked to the corresponding
// BridgeDevice of the host machine. It also records when one of the
// desired spaces is available on the host machine, but not currently
// bridged.
func (p *BridgePolicy) PopulateContainerLinkLayerDevices(m Machine, containerMachine Container) error {
// TODO(jam): 20017-01-31 This doesn't quite feel right that we would be
// defining devices that 'will' exist in the container, but don't exist
// yet. If anything, this feels more like "Provider" level devices, because
// it is defining the devices from the outside, not the inside.
containerSpaces, devicesPerSpace, err := p.findSpacesAndDevicesForContainer(m, containerMachine)
if err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)
logger.Debugf("for container %q, found host devices spaces: %s",
containerMachine.Id(), devicesPerSpace)

spacesFound := set.NewStrings()
devicesByName := make(map[string]*state.LinkLayerDevice)
bridgeDeviceNames := make([]string, 0)

for spaceName, hostDevices := range devicesPerSpace {
for _, hostDevice := range hostDevices {
deviceType, name := hostDevice.Type(), hostDevice.Name()
if deviceType == state.BridgeDevice {
devicesByName[name] = hostDevice
bridgeDeviceNames = append(bridgeDeviceNames, name)
missingSpace := containerSpaces.Difference(spacesFound)
if len(missingSpace) > 0 {
logger.Warningf("container %q wants spaces %s could not find host %q bridges for %s, found bridges %s",
containerMachine.Id(), network.QuoteSpaceSet(containerSpaces),
m.Id(), network.QuoteSpaceSet(missingSpace), bridgeDeviceNames)
return errors.Errorf("unable to find host bridge for space(s) %s for container %q",
network.QuoteSpaceSet(missingSpace), containerMachine.Id())

sortedBridgeDeviceNames := network.NaturallySortDeviceNames(bridgeDeviceNames...)
logger.Debugf("for container %q using host machine %q bridge devices: %v",
containerMachine.Id(), m.Id(), sortedBridgeDeviceNames)
containerDevicesArgs := make([]state.LinkLayerDeviceArgs, len(bridgeDeviceNames))

for i, hostBridgeName := range sortedBridgeDeviceNames {
hostBridge := devicesByName[hostBridgeName]
newLLD, err := state.DefineEthernetDeviceOnBridge(fmt.Sprintf("eth%d", i), hostBridge)
if err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)
containerDevicesArgs[i] = newLLD
logger.Debugf("prepared container %q network config: %+v", containerMachine.Id(), containerDevicesArgs)

if err := containerMachine.SetLinkLayerDevices(containerDevicesArgs...); err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)

logger.Debugf("container %q network config set", containerMachine.Id())
return nil

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