Check for empty transient value when fetching term language.
for read only settings in the backoffice settings page.
Internal option ubb_settings_manual_changes
for keeping track if manual changes have been made to the settings.
Allow for duplicate term slugs in different languages.
Improved get post language handling of empty values.
Options in options page are now modifiable from the values set in the ubb_options
API rest url when Unbabble is set to directory routing no longer has the language directory applied.
Hide post metabox actions when editing a Yoast's rewrite-republish copy.
Term language set when term has no language.
Missing post type in url when creating a term translation to stay in the same post type Menu.
WordPress url variables where being lost when redirecting a term on its edit page.
Language not being set for post tags created in post quick edits.
No Language filter is now kept selected when using the search box for post types/taxonomies in their admin list.
Meta ubb_source
no longer set for Yoast's rewrite republish posts when migrating via the WPML migrator.
You can’t perform that action at this time.