If you were directed to this page from an embed, please contact the original content owner to let them know their hard work is being stolen!
To install 25Embed, first you must create your own config.js file using the 25Embed Config Tool if you want custom settings.
To install 25Embed in an HTML file, you must add the latest.js file and custom config.js file (leave out if you want default settings) in script tags in the head of your file.
<!-- Your head content -->
<script src="path to config file"></script>
<script src="path to 25Embed file"></script>
<!-- Your body content -->
Put your config.js file url where it says "path to config file", and put the 25Embed file url where it says "path to 25Embed file".
If you would like to install 25Embed in your index.js file, you can add the following code:
<script src="path to config file"></script>
<script src="path to 25Embed file"></script>
Put your config.js file url where it says "path to config file", and put the 25Embed file url where it says "path to 25Embed file".
The config.js file is the file where your 25Embed settings are held. If you would like to change your config file to enable/disable the default settings, you must create your own config.js file with the settings adjusted to your liking. To see a list of all settings and their functions, click here!
I first thought of the concept of 25Embed back when I was a dumb skid, when I would just embed things into google sites.
I figured there had to be a way to prevent someone from so easily stealing your content like I was doing, but I didn't know how to create something like that at the time.
Fast forward two years, and I now had (some of) the ability to make something like that... so I did.
I now add features and optimize code when I can/want to.
Unframed: A friend actually found and told me about this while I was working on 25Embed in class instead of doing work. (I kinda stole the idea of Unframed's UI ngl).
Unbed: Basically Unframed but was made for embeds. It's the same concept.
This tool is not perfect under any means, that means it cannot protect from everything, so here I will list various vulnerabilities and ways to further protect your site in hopes that your content will remain safe.
Sandbox iframes | A project I found called Sandblaster may work (although it is a little old)
Outsider scripts that run before 25E | Make sure 25E is the first script ran on your site
Proxies | Some Anti-Proxy products do exist, but almost all of them either dont work very well, need to grab the user's IP, or both. I am currently working on a solution to this problem.
Plain code ripping | Not sure, maybe use your host to run scripts? Idk backend stuff.
To further protect your content, you may want to do some of the following:
Add authentication like Auth0.
Use HTTP headers or meta tags on your site. Many of the settings have better alternatives as HTTP headers and meta tags.