This is a simple Erela.JS example music bot.
Please edit the config.json
file first. (Add Token Bot, Prefix, and Owner Bot ID, Spotify clientID, Spotify clientSecret)
- discord.js v12
- Java Azul or or
- Lavalink
Note: Java v11 or newer is required to run the Lavalink.jar. Java v13 is recommended. If you are using sdkman then its a manager, not Java, you have to install sdkman and use sdkman to install Java
Warning: Java v14 has issues with Lavalink.
- Create an application.yml file in your working directory and copy the example into the created file and edit it with your configuration.
- Run the jar file by running
java -jar Lavalink.jar
in a Terminal window.
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.