Some reusable ReactJS components I'm writing as I learn the library
items = [{title: 'one'}, {title: 'two'}, {title: 'three'}]
Right anchored dropdown
<DropdownExample items={items} title='show menu' placement='down' anchor='right' />
Left anchored dropup
<DropdownExample items={items} title='show menu' placement='up' anchor='left' />
Centered dropup
<DropdownExample items={items} title='show menu' placement='up' anchor='center' />
A simple popover content
`<PopoverButton placement="right" anchor="center">`
`<h2>I'm inside the popover content</h2>`
`<p>I'm the popover body</p>`
A popover with component inside
`<PopoverButton autoClose={false}>`
`<h2>Popover with a dropdon inside</h2>`
`<p>I'm a composable component</p>`
`<DropdownButton items={items} autoClose={true} onSelect={this.handleDropdownSelect} title="with a dropdown in it" />`
A simple carosel that "react" to the available viewport
var carouselItems = [
'title': 'item 1',
'img': '',
'key': 1
'title': 'item 2',
'img': '',
'key': 2
'title': 'item 3',
'img': '',
'key': 3
<Carousel items={carouselItems} itemComponent={CarouselCustomItem} />