diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 04f9e04b..1e3b07ac 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -84,6 +84,48 @@ optional arguments:
--fix Automatically fix problems where supported
+**Example Output**
+❯ ./tools/lint
+js | Use channel module for AJAX calls at static/js/channel.js line 81:
+js | const jqXHR = $.ajax(args);
+py | avoid subject as a var at zerver/lib/email_mirror.py line 321:
+py | # strips RE and FWD from the subject
+py | Please use access_message() to fetch Message objects at zerver/worker/queue_processors.py line 579:
+py | message = Message.objects.get(id=event['message_id'])
+py | avoid subject as a var at zerver/lib/email_mirror.py line 327:
+py | Use do_change_is_admin function rather than setting UserProfile's is_realm_admin attribute directly. at file.py line 28:
+py | user.is_realm_admin = True
+puppet | /usr/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/puppet/util.rb:461: warning: URI.escape is obsolete
+hbs | Avoid using the `style=` attribute; we prefer styling in CSS files at static/templates/group_pms.hbs line 6:
+hbs |
+pep8 | tools/linter_lib/custom_check.py:499:13: E121 continuation line under-indented for hanging indent
+pep8 | tools/linter_lib/custom_check.py:500:14: E131 continuation line unaligned for hanging indent
+To display `good_lines` and `bad_lines` along with errors, use `--verbose` option.
+❯ ./tools/lint --verbose
+py | Always pass update_fields when saving user_profile objects at zerver/lib/actions.py line 3160:
+py | user_profile.save() # Can't use update_fields because of how the foreign key works.
+py | Good code: user_profile.save(update_fields=["pointer"])
+py | Bad code: user_profile.save()
+py |
+py | Missing whitespace after ":" at zerver/tests/test_push_notifications.py line 535:
+py | 'realm_counts': '[{"id":1,"property":"invites_sent::day","subgroup":null,"end_time":574300800.0,"value":5,"realm":2}]',
+py | Good code: "foo": bar | "some:string:with:colons"
+py | Bad code: "foo":bar | "foo":1
+py |
+js | avoid subject in JS code at static/js/util.js line 279:
+js | message.topic = message.subject;
+js | Good code: topic_name
+js | Bad code: subject="foo" | MAX_SUBJECT_LEN
+js |
### pre-commit hook mode
See https://github.com/zulip/zulip/blob/master/tools/pre-commit for an
@@ -93,17 +135,171 @@ run the hook from outside Vagrant).
## Adding zulint to a codebase
-TODO. Will roughly include `pip install zulint`, copying an example
-`lint` script, and adding your rules.
+TODO: Make a pypi release
+Add `zulint` to your codebase requirements file or just do:
+pip install zulint
+See [example-lint](./example-lint) file for a simple example of adding zulint to
+your codebase. For a more advanced usage example, you can look at
+[Zulip's linter](https://github.com/zulip/zulip/blob/master/tools/lint).
+* Remember to mark your lint file executable using:
+> chmod +x
+* Add `.do_lint()` add the end of your lint file.
## Adding third-party linters
-TODO: Document the linter_config API.
+First import the `LinterConfig` and initialize it with default arguments.
+You can then use the `external_linter` method to register the linter.
+linter_config.external_linter('eslint', ['node', 'node_modules/.bin/eslint',
+ '--quiet', '--cache', '--ext', '.js,.ts'], ['js', 'ts'],
+ fix_arg='--fix',
+ description="Standard JavaScript style and formatting linter"
+ "(config: .eslintrc).")
+The `external_linter` method takes the following arguments:
+* name: Name of the linter. It will be printer before the failed code to show
+ which linter is failing. | `REQUIRED`
+* command: The terminal command to execute your linter in "shell-like syntax".
+ You can use `shlex.split("SHELL COMMAND TO RUN LINTER")` to split your
+ command. | `REQUIRED`
+* target_langs: The language files this linter should run on. Leave this argument
+ empty (= `[]`) to run on all the files. | `RECOMMENDED`
+* pass_targets: Pass target files (aka files in the specified `target_langs`) to
+ the linter command when executing it. Default: `True` | `OPTIONAL`
+* fix_arg: Some linters support fixing the errors automatically. Set it to the flag
+ used by the linter to fix the errors. | `OPTIONAL`
+* description: The description of your linter to be printed with `--list` argument. | `RECOMMENDED`
+❯ ./tools/lint --list
+Linter Description
+css Standard CSS style and formatting linter (config: .stylelintrc)
+eslint Standard JavaScript style and formatting linter(config: .eslintrc).
+puppet Runs the puppet parser validator, checking for syntax errors.
+puppet-lint Standard puppet linter(config: tools/linter_lib/exclude.py)
+templates Custom linter checks whitespace formattingof HTML templates.
+openapi Validates our OpenAPI/Swagger API documentation(zerver/openapi/zulip.yaml)
+shellcheck Standard shell script linter.
+mypy Static type checker for Python (config: mypy.ini)
+tsc TypeScript compiler (config: tsconfig.json)
+yarn-deduplicate Shares duplicate packages in yarn.lock
+gitlint Checks commit messages for common formatting errors.(config: .gitlint)
+semgrep-py Syntactic Grep (semgrep) Code Search Tool (config: ./tools/semgrep.yml)
+custom_py Runs custom checks for python files (config: tools/linter_lib/custom_check.py)
+custom_nonpy Runs custom checks for non-python files (config: tools/linter_lib/custom_check.py)
+pyflakes Standard Python bug and code smell linter (config: tools/linter_lib/pyflakes.py)
+pep8_1of2 Standard Python style linter on 50% of files (config: tools/linter_lib/pep8.py)
+pep8_2of2 Standard Python style linter on other 50% of files (config: tools/linter_lib/pep8.py)
+Please make sure external linter (here `eslint`) is accessible via bash or in the
+virtual env where this linter will run.
## Writing custom rules
-TODO: Document all the features of the `RuleList` and `custom_check` system.
+You can write your own custom rules for any language using regular expression
+in zulint. Doing it is very simple and there are tons of examples available
+in [Zulip's custom_check.py file](https://github.com/zulip/zulip/blob/master/tools/linter_lib/custom_check.py).
+In the [above example](#adding-third-party-linters) you can add custom rules via `@linter_config.lint` decorator.
+For eg:
+from zulint.custom_rules import RuleList
+def check_custom_rules():
+ # type: () -> int
+ """Check trailing whitespace for specified files"""
+ trailing_whitespace_rule = RuleList(
+ langs=file_types,
+ rules=[{
+ 'pattern': r'\s+$',
+ 'strip': '\n',
+ 'description': 'Fix trailing whitespace'
+ }]
+ )
+ failed = trailing_whitespace_rule.check(by_lang, verbose=args.verbose)
+ return 1 if failed else 0
+#### RuleList
+A new custom rule is defined via the `RuleList` class. `RuleList` takes the following arguments:
+langs # The languages this rule will run on. eg: ['py', 'bash']
+rules # List of custom `Rule`s to run. See definition of Rule below for more details.
+max_length # Set a max length value for each line in the files. eg: 79
+length_exclude # List of files to exclude from `max_length` limit. eg: ["README"]
+shebang_rules # List of shebang `Rule`s to run in `langs`. Default: []
+exclude_files_in # Directory to exclude from all rules. eg: 'app/' Default: None
+exclude_max_length_fns # List of file names to exclude from max_length limit. eg: [test, example] Defautl: []
+exclude_max_length_line_patterns # List of line patterns to exclude from max_length limit. eg: ["`\{\{ api_url \}\}[^`]+`"]
+#### Rule
+A rule is a python dictionary containing regular expression,
+which will be run on each line in the `langs`' files specified in the `RuleList`.
+It has a lot of additional features which you can use to run the pattern in
+specific areas of your codebase.
+Find below all the keys that a `Rule` can have along with the
+type of inputs they take.
+Rule = TypedDict("Rule", {
+ "bad_lines": List[str],
+ "description": str,
+ "exclude": Set[str],
+ "exclude_line": Set[Tuple[str, str]],
+ "exclude_pattern": str,
+ "good_lines": List[str],
+ "include_only": Set[str],
+ "pattern": str,
+ "strip": str,
+ "strip_rule": str,
+}, total=False)
+* `pattern` is your regular expression to be run on all the eligible lines (i.e. lines which haven't been excluded by you).
+* `description` is the message that will be displayed if a pattern match is found.
+* `good_lines` are the list of sample lines which shouldn't match the pattern.
+* `bad_lines` are like `good_lines` but they match the pattern.
+**NOTE**: `patten` is run on `bad_lines` and `good_lines` and you can use them as an example to tell the developer
+ what is wrong with their code and how to fix it.
+* `exclude` List of folders to exclude.
+* `exclude_line` Tuple of filename and pattern to exclude from pattern check.
+('zerver/lib/actions.py', "user_profile.save() # Can't use update_fields because of how the foreign key works.")`
+* `exclude_pattern`: pattern to exclude from the matching patterns.
+* `include_only`: `pattern` is only run on these files.
## Development Setup
@@ -112,5 +308,5 @@ Run the following commands in a terminal to install zulint.
git clone git@github.com:zulip/zulint.git
python3 -m venv zulint_env
source zulint_env/bin/activate
-python3 setup.py install
+pip install -e .