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python-neural-network Build Status

A neural network implementation using python. It supports variable size and number of hidden layers, uses numpy and scipy to implement feed-forward and back-propagation effeciently.


  • Any purpose neural network training.
  • Binary classification (0 or 1).
  • Multiclass classification (class 0 to class k-1).
  • Raw evaluation values for custom classification logic implementation.
  • Separate utility to draw learning curves using the existing neural network.
  • Choice of high performance calculation (read- faster training) using Numba.
  • Choice of GPU acceleration for even higher performance using CUDA (depending on hardware support).
  • Separate utility to automatically select optimal value of the regularization parameter (lambda).
  • Ability to register a callback method to facilitate gradient checking.

Basic workflow

  • When you train a NeuralNetwork, you get a Model.
  • You use the Model to predict classification or evaluate the hypothesis on input.
  • Knowledge is nothing but some floating point numbers. So, you can create a Model using your own knowledge values without training any NeuralNetwork.


Initializing neural network

nn = NeuralNetwork.init(
    lambda_val = 0.03, # you know what lambda is, right? it is the regularization parameter
    input_layer_size = 10, # number of features in each input row
    output_layer_size = 4, # number of output classes (use 1 for binary)
    hidden_layer_sizes = [30, 20] # array like structure, mentioning size of hidden layers

This will initialize the neural network with some random initial parameters (theta values). However, if you are not really satisfied with default initialization of parameters with radom values, feel free to use another variant of the neural network initializer.

thetas = []
thetas.append([[0.1, 0.2, 0.03],
                [0.01, 0.02, 0.5],
                [1, 2, 3]])
thetas.append([[1, 2, 3, 4],
                [1, 2, 3, 4],
                [1, 2, 3, 4],
                [1, 2, 3, 4]])
thetas.append([[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]])

nn = NeuralNetwork.init_with_theta(
    lambda_val = 0.01, # the regularization parameter
    thetas = thetas # initialization with your magical theta values

Note: You don't need to tell any size for this variant as I went to primary and learnt enough arithmatic to figure out the sizes myself.

How to train your neural network

Once you have initialized the neural network, all you need to do is train it. Here is how you do it:

nn = NeuralNetwork.init(0.03, 10, 4, [30, 20])
model = nn.train(X_train, Y_train)

Here, X_train is a matrix (or, multi-dimensional array if you prefer) of size (m x n), where

  • m is the number of training data you have
  • n is the number of features in each data (i.e. number of columns)
  • X is expected to be normalized, if needed.
  • You do NOT need to pad 1 in the first column. Neural network will that as a part of training. But, it will keep your original data unchanged.

And, Y_train is a matrix (or, multi-dimensional array) of size (m x k), where

  • m is the number of training data you have
  • k is the number of the output class you have (also, is the number of columns in output data). For any particular output data of k class (where k > 2), only one of the columns (column 0 to k-1) should have the value 1, while other columns of the same row should have the value 0.
  • for binary classification, k=1. This single output will denote two classes with the values 0 and 1.


Once you have the model, you can make prediction using that.

For binary classification, you are expected to have an output layer size one. That is, a single column in your output data when you were training the model. When you use the trained model to predict, you will have similar single column output with values either 0 or 1 for each input data. This is how you use the model for binary classification:

# initialize neural network
nn = NeuralNetwork.init(0.03, 10, 4, [30, 20])

# train the network to get the model
model = nn.train(X_train, Y_train)

# get prediction
prediction = model.predict_binary_classification(X_in)

X_in is the input data matrix of size (m x n) that you want to predict the output of. Where,

  • m is the number of input data rows.
  • n is the number of features.
  • X_in should be normalized using the exact same normalization applied to X_train before training the network (if applicable).
  • There is, however, an optional second parameter positive_threshold_inclusive for predict_binary_classification method with default value 0.5. This value is used to decide the class based on the probability. If probability of an input data row of being in class 1 is >= positive_threshold_inclusive, then it belongs to class 1. Otherwise, the input row is classified as class 0. You can overwrite this optional parameter's value in some special cases.

The returned value in prediction is a matrix of size (m x 1) containing only 0 and 1 as values. 0 and 1 indicates two different classes that same way it did in your training dataset Y_train.

For multiclass classfication, it is somewhat similar. You need to use the following function:

nn = NeuralNetwork.init(0.03, 10, 4, [30, 20])
model = nn.train(X_train, Y_train)
prediction = model.predict_multiclass_classification(X_in)

I this case, the returned value in prediction is a matrix of size (m x 1). Where,

  • m is the number of input data rows.
  • Each output will have an integer value betwen 0 (inclusive) and k-1 (inclusive), where k is the number of classes the output has (or, the size of output layer) and is defintely > 2.
  • The value in the output (between 0 and k-1) will indicate the predicted class of the corresponding input data row.

Raw hypothesis evaluation

In case you do not like the sugar-coated methods for binary classification and multiclass classification, you can always use the hypothesis evaluation result directly and have your own complex classification logic. Here is how you use it:

nn = NeuralNetwork.init(0.03, 10, 4, [30, 20])
model = nn.train(X_train, Y_train)
hypothesis = model.evaluate(X_in)

The returned value in hypothesis is a matrix of size (m x k), where m and k holds the same meaning as before. In this case, the values in this matrix are real numbers between 0 and 1. One way to interpret these values woule be:

The value in the ith row's jth cell of the returned matrix is the probability of ith input data row's being in output class j.

Drawing learning curve

There is an utility in this repository, named, to help you draw the learning curve. The learning curve utility can be initialized as:

lc = LearningCurve(
    0, # lambda 
    [5], # hidden layer sizes
    np.random.rand(10, 5), # X_train 
    np.random.rand(10, 1), # Y_train
    np.random.rand(2, 5), # X_cv or cross validation input
    np.random.rand(2, 1) # Y_cv or cross validation output

Once initialized, you can generate data points that can be used to draw learning curve. Here is a skeleton code:

for data_point in lc.generate():
    x, error_train, error_cv = data_point
    # using the data above, keep drawing the graph

However, with massive amount of data, this process will take huge time to complete. In that case, you may not want to draw all the points starting from x=1 up to x = <number of data rows you have>. You may want to skip some data points by supplying your custom indices. Here is how you do that:

custom_indices = [1, 3, 4, 5, 9, 11, 17, 50, 100]
# or
# custom_indices = range(1, 1000, 5)

 for data_point in lc.generate(custom_indices):
    x, error_train, error_cv = data_point
    # draw me a nice graph!

Note: You need to make sure that your custom indices do not go bellow zero and beyond the size of your trainig data, for obvious reasons.