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190 lines (183 loc) · 24.7 KB

File metadata and controls

190 lines (183 loc) · 24.7 KB




  • Tencent / LKImageKit: A high-performance image framework, including a series of capabilities such as image views, image downloader, memory caches, disk caches, image decoders and image processors.
  • jxshunqiziran / XJNewPost: 仿微博发布界面,包括表情显示YYText,图文混编,UICollectionView图片拖动,富文本,@选人,范围选人,图片压缩,缓存
  • sdegutis / AppGrid: macOS window manager with Vim–like hotkeys
  • tihmstar / doubleH3lix: Jailbreak for iOS 10.x 64bit devices without KTRR
  • NJHu / iOSProject: oc综合项目,ios综合项目,iosdemo,ocdemo,demo,iosproject,百思不得姐,新浪微博,sina,QQ音乐,QQMusic,music,视频列表,滚动播放,拖拽播放,离线下载,即时通讯,打印 ios 日志,省市区三级联动,没有导航栏,自定义导航栏,字体适配屏幕,空白页展示,空白页,导航条颜色渐变,导航条高度渐变,YYText 使用,列表的展开和收起,京东首页布局,流水布局,垂直流水布局,水平流水布局,非规则流水布局,键盘处理,文件下载,Masonry 案例,fmdb,数据库,sqlite,百度地图,二维码,照片上传,照片上传有进度,列表倒计时,H5和原生交互,自定义各种弹框,常见表单类型,人脸识别,列表加载图片,列表拖拽,日历操作,导航条渐变,指纹解锁,物理仿…
  • 90candy / YWLogisticsQuery: 物流查询:传入快递单号、对应物流公司、以及对应物流公司编码即可,巴拉巴拉小魔仙!
  • TKkk-iOSer / WeChatPlugin-MacOS: mac OS版微信小助手 功能: 自动回复、消息防撤回、远程控制、微信多开、会话置底、免认证登录、窗口置顶、会话多选删除、通知快捷回复、表情包复制&导出、小助手更新提醒
  • YPLiang19 / Mango: Mango is a DSL which syntax is very similar to Objective-C,Mango is also an iOS App hotfix SDK. You can use Mango method replace any Objective-C method.
  • MTJailed / UnjailMe: A sandbox escape based on the proof-of-concept (CVE-2018-4087) by Rani Idan (Zimperium)
  • renzifeng / ZFPlayer: Based on AVPlayer, support the vertical, horizontal screen(lock screen direction). Support adjust volume, brigtness and video progress.基于AVPlayer,支持横屏、竖屏(全屏播放还可锁定屏幕方向),上下滑动调节音量、屏幕亮度,左右滑动调节播放进度。
  • expo / expo: Expo iOS/Android Client
  • skyming / iOS-Performance-Optimization: 关于iOS 性能优化梳理、内存泄露、卡顿、网络、GPU、电量、 App 包体积瘦身、启动速度优化等、Instruments 高级技巧、常见的优化技能- Get — Edit
  • uber / ios-snapshot-test-case: Snapshot view unit tests for iOS
  • JZJJZJ / MSCrashProtector: An Global protection scheme.
  • MrTung / MTRouter: iOS模块化构建方案,模块间解耦,路由中心设计方案
  • crazycodeboy / RNStudyNotes: React Native 研究与实践
  • google / promises: Promises is a modern framework that provides a synchronization construct for Swift and Objective-C.
  • OpenEmu / OpenEmu: 🕹 Retro video game emulation for macOS
  • material-components / material-components-ios: Modular and customizable Material Design UI components for iOS
  • AAChartModel / AAChartKit: An elegant and friendly chart library for iOS . Powerful,support the column chart、bar chart、area chart、areaspline chart、line chart、spline chart、radar chart、polar chart、pie chart、bubble chart、pyramid chart、funnel chart、columnrange chart and other graphics.极其精美而又强大的 iOS 图表组件库,支持柱状图、条形图、折线图、曲线图、折线填充图、曲线填充图、气泡图、扇形图、环形图、散点图、雷达图、混合图等各种类型的多达几十种的信息图图表,完…
  • CoderMikeHe / WeChat: 利用MVVM + RAC + ViewModel-Based Navigation来搭建微信(WeChat)的整体基本架构,以及实现微信朋友圈的功能
  • google / google-toolbox-for-mac: Google Toolbox for Mac
  • huobiapi / REST-API-demos: demos for REST API
  • signalapp / Signal-iOS: A private messenger for iOS.
  • cordova-plugin-camera-preview / cordova-plugin-camera-preview: Cordova plugin that allows camera interaction from HTML code




