- dreymonde / AppFolder: 🗂 Never use NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains again. Never.
- IMcD23 / TiltedTabView: iOS control to replicate the tab switcher in Safari for iOS.
- futuretap / FTLinearActivityIndicator: Add the missing network activity indicator on iPhone X
- dillidon / Alerts-Pickers: Advanced usage of UIAlertController with TextField, DatePicker, PickerView, TableView and CollectionView.
- PersistX / PersistDB: Projection-based Database Persistence in Swift
- llvm-swift / LLVMSwift: A Swift wrapper for the LLVM C API (version 5.0)
- lhc70000 / iina: The modern video player for macOS.
- Ramotion / folding-cell: 📃 FoldingCell is an expanding content cell with animation inspired by folding paper material design UI made by @Ramotion
- vsouza / awesome-ios: A curated list of awesome iOS ecosystem, including Objective-C and Swift Projects
- AudioKit / AudioKit: Swift audio synthesis, processing, & analysis platform for iOS, macOS and tvOS
- raywenderlich / swift-algorithm-club: Algorithms and data structures in Swift, with explanations!
- SwifterSwift / SwifterSwift: A handy collection of more than 500 native Swift extensions to boost your productivity.
- airbnb / Lona: A tool for defining design systems and using them to generate cross-platform UI code, Sketch files, images, and other artifacts.
- dkhamsing / open-source-ios-apps: 📱 Collaborative List of Open-Source iOS Apps
- Moya / Moya: Network abstraction layer written in Swift.
- onmyway133 / DeepDiff: 🦀 Very fast diffing in Swift
- kateinoigakukun / IBLinter: A linter tool for Interface Builder
- matteocrippa / awesome-swift: A collaborative list of awesome Swift libraries and resources. Feel free to contribute!
- louisdh / terminal: OpenTerm, a sandboxed command line interface for iOS
- Alamofire / Alamofire: Elegant HTTP Networking in Swift
- duckduckgo / iOS: DuckDuckGo iOS Application
- realm / SwiftLint: A tool to enforce Swift style and conventions.
- MessageKit / MessageKit: In-progress: A community-driven replacement for JSQMessagesViewController
- PersistX / PersistQL: Projection-based GraphQL Clients and Servers in Swift
- Carthage / Carthage: A simple, decentralized dependency manager for Cocoa
- google / promises: Promises is a modern framework that provides a synchronization construct for Objective-C and Swift.
- yangshun1029 / aria2gui: Aria2GUI for MAC OS X
- objective-see / LuLu: LuLu is the free open-source macOS firewall that aims to block unauthorized (outgoing) network traffic
- TKkk-iOSer / WeChatPlugin-MacOS: mac OS版微信小助手 功能: 自动回复、消息防撤回、远程控制、微信多开、会话置底、免认证登录、窗口置顶、会话多选删除
- realm / realm-cocoa: Realm is a mobile database: a replacement for Core Data & SQLite
- NJHu / iOSProject: oc综合项目,ios综合项目,iosdemo,ocdemo,demo,iosproject,百思不得姐,新浪微博,sina,QQ音乐,QQMusic,music,视频列表,滚动播放,拖拽播放,离线下载,即时通讯,打印 ios 日志,省市区三级联动,没有导航栏,自定义导航栏,字体适配屏幕,空白页展示,空白页,导航条颜色渐变,导航条高度渐变,YYText 使用,列表的展开和收起,京东首页布局,流水布局,垂直流水布局,水平流水布局,非规则流水布局,键盘处理,文件下载,Masonry 案例,LKDB 数据库,百度地图,二维码,照片上传,照片上传有进度,列表倒计时,H5和原生交互,自定义各种弹框,常见表单类型,人脸识别,列表加载图片,列表拖拽,日历操作,导航条渐变,指纹解锁,物理仿真,控制器生命…
- willowtreeapps / Hyperion-iOS: In-app design review tool to inspect measurements, attributes, and animations.
- airbnb / lottie-ios: An iOS library to natively render After Effects vector animations
- yangli-dev / LYEmptyView: iOS一行代码集成空白页面占位图(无数据、无网络占位图) emptyView-empty set-支持TableView、CollectionView、ScrollView
- SVProgressHUD / SVProgressHUD: A clean and lightweight progress HUD for your iOS and tvOS app.
- react-community / react-native-maps: React Native Mapview component for iOS + Android
- hackiftekhar / IQKeyboardManager: Codeless drop-in universal library allows to prevent issues of keyboard sliding up and cover UITextField/UITextView. Neither need to write any code nor any setup required and much more.
- AloneMonkey / MonkeyDev: CaptainHook Tweak、Logos Tweak and Command-line Tool、Patch iOS Apps, Without Jailbreak.
- uber / ios-snapshot-test-case: Snapshot view unit tests for iOS
- IBM / CognitiveConcierge: A swift iOS app for recommending the best local restaurants with a swift with kitura backend API
- arnesson / cordova-plugin-firebase: Cordova plugin for Google Firebase
- etresoft / EtreCheck: Source code for EtreCheck
- netease-im / NIM_iOS_UIKit: 网易云信 iOS UI 组件,提供聊天界面,文本消息,图片消息,语音消息,视频消息,地理位置消息,自定义消息(阅后即焚)等消息示例
- netease-im / NIM_iOS_SDK: 网易云信 iOS SDK 发布仓库
- mapsplugin / cordova-plugin-googlemaps: Google Maps plugin for Cordova
- BelledonneCommunications / linphone-iphone: Linphone is a free VoIP and video softphone based on the SIP protocol. Mirror of linphone-iphone (git://git.linphone.org/linphone-iphone.git)
- ebrugungor / FlexibleGauge: A gauge for multiple purposes.
- OneBusAway / onebusaway-iphone: The OneBusAway iPhone app.
- jks-prv / Beagle_SDR_GPS: KiwiSDR: BeagleBone web-accessible shortwave receiver and software-defined GPS
- pthtc / Loveprogress: 一个数据存储使用 Leancloud的恋爱APP,持续迭代中
- ethereum / go-ethereum: Official Go implementation of the Ethereum protocol
- bradleyjkemp / memviz: Visualize your data structures using graphviz
- ServiceComb / go-chassis: Go-Chassis is a Software Development Kit(SDK) for rapid development of microservices in Go
- golang / go: The Go programming language
- txthinking / brook: Brook is a cross-platform(Linux/MacOS/Windows/Android/iOS) proxy software
- gohugoio / hugo: The world’s fastest framework for building websites.
- sundy-li / wechat_brain: 头脑王者辅助工具
- astaxie / build-web-application-with-golang: A golang ebook intro how to build a web with golang
- jiajunhuang / guard: A generic high performance circuit breaker & proxy server written in Go
- avelino / awesome-go: A curated list of awesome Go frameworks, libraries and software
- dnote-io / cli: Capture what you learn as you code without leaving the command line
- lightningnetwork / lnd: Lightning Network Daemon ⚡️
- gin-gonic / gin: Gin is a HTTP web framework written in Go (Golang). It features a Martini-like API with much better performance -- up to 40 times faster. If you need smashing performance, get yourself some Gin.
- kubernetes / kubernetes: Production-Grade Container Scheduling and Management
- golang / dep: Go dependency management tool
- PaxAutoma / operos: Linux-based operating system that brings hyperscaler-grade infrastructure automation to organizations of all sizes
- twitchtv / twirp: A simple RPC framework with protobuf service definitions
- openfaas / faas: OpenFaaS - Serverless Functions Made Simple for Docker & Kubernetes
- moby / moby: Moby Project - a collaborative project for the container ecosystem to assemble container-based systems
- jedisct1 / dnscrypt-proxy: A flexible DNS proxy, with support for encrypted DNS protocols.
- kubernetes / helm: The Kubernetes Package Manager
- grpc / grpc-go: The Go language implementation of gRPC. HTTP/2 based RPC
- google / cadvisor: Analyzes resource usage and performance characteristics of running containers.
- ncw / rclone: "rsync for cloud storage" - Google Drive, Amazon Drive, S3, Dropbox, Backblaze B2, One Drive, Swift, Hubic, Cloudfiles, Google Cloud Storage, Yandex Files
- coyove / goflyway: HTTP tunnel in Go
- wearehive / project-guidelines: A set of best practices for JavaScript projects
- developit / greenlet: 🦎 Move an async function into its own thread.
- FullHuman / purgecss: Remove unused css
- bfirsh / jsnes: A JavaScript NES emulator.
- vuejs / vue: 🖖 A progressive, incrementally-adoptable JavaScript framework for building UI on the web.
- IBM / css-gridish: Automatically build your grid design’s CSS Grid code, CSS Flexbox fallback code, Sketch artboards, and Chrome extension.
- facebook / react: A declarative, efficient, and flexible JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
- GoogleChrome / puppeteer: Headless Chrome Node API
- facebook / create-react-app: Create React apps with no build configuration.
- developit / workerize: 🏗️ Run a module in a Web Worker.
- axios / axios: Promise based HTTP client for the browser and node.js
- airbnb / javascript: JavaScript Style Guide
- renatorib / react-powerplug: 🔌 3kB gzipped Renderless Pluggable Containers
- parcel-bundler / parcel: 📦🚀 Blazing fast, zero configuration web application bundler
- storybooks / storybook: Interactive UI component dev & test: React, React Native, Vue, Angular
- styled-components / styled-components: Visual primitives for the component age. Use the best bits of ES6 and CSS to style your apps without stress 💅
- gatsbyjs / gatsby: ⚛️📄🚀 Blazing fast static site generator for React
- nodejs / node: Node.js JavaScript runtime ✨🐢🚀✨
- alibaba / weex-ui: 🏄 A rich interaction, lightweight, high performance UI library based on Weex.
- facebook / react-native: A framework for building native apps with React.
- nearform / node-clinic: Clinic diagnoses your Node.js performance issues
- transloadit / uppy: The next open source file uploader for web browsers 🐶
- developit / karmatic: 🦑 Easy automatic (headless) browser testing. Powered by Karma, Webpack & Jasmine.
- webpack / webpack: A bundler for javascript and friends. Packs many modules into a few bundled assets. Code Splitting allows to load parts for the application on demand. Through "loaders," modules can be CommonJs, AMD, ES6 modules, CSS, Images, JSON, Coffeescript, LESS, ... and your custom stuff.
- ccxt / ccxt: A JavaScript / Python / PHP cryptocurrency trading library with support for more than 90 bitcoin/altcoin exchanges
- jondot / awesome-react-native: Awesome React Native components, news, tools, and learning material!
- dnasseri / fir: fir stands for friendly-interactive-ruby!
- jekyll / jekyll: 🌐 Jekyll is a blog-aware, static site generator in Ruby
- piotrmurach / tty-markdown: Convert a markdown document or text into a terminal friendly output.
- Homebrew / brew: 🍺 The missing package manager for macOS
- tootsuite / mastodon: Your self-hosted, globally interconnected microblogging community
- exercism / exercism.io: Quickly ramp up in new programming languages.
- discourse / discourse: A platform for community discussion. Free, open, simple.
- zverok / any_good: Is this gem any good?
- caskroom / homebrew-cask: 🍻 A CLI workflow for the administration of macOS applications distributed as binaries
- rails / rails: Ruby on Rails
- fastlane / fastlane: 🚀 The easiest way to automate building and releasing your iOS and Android apps
- wojciech11 / se_teaching_vm_images: Scripts for creating VM images for my courses on software engineering and testing.
- rapid7 / metasploit-framework: Metasploit Framework
- bayandin / awesome-awesomeness: A curated list of awesome awesomeness
- davydovanton / kan: Simple, light and functional authorization library
- bbatsov / rubocop: A Ruby static code analyzer, based on the community Ruby style guide.
- dev-sec / ansible-os-hardening: This Ansible role provides numerous security-related configurations, providing all-round base protection.
- saasbook / hw-ruby-intro: Ruby Introduction Assignment for Agile Development using Ruby on Rails
- oss-gate / workshop: OSSの開発に未参加または参加したことはあるけどまだ自信がない人を後押しするワークショップ用のリポジトリー
- deadlyvipers / dojo_rules:
- turingschool / ruby-exercises: A collection of exercises to practice various aspects of Ruby
- muhammednagy / peatio: An open-source cryptocurrency exchange.
- premailer / css_parser: Ruby CSS Parser
- voxpupuli / puppet-nginx: Puppet Module to manage NGINX on various UNIXes
- jmacdonald / amp: A complete text editor for your terminal.
- jwilm / alacritty: A cross-platform, GPU-accelerated terminal emulator
- rust-lang / rust: A safe, concurrent, practical language.
- rbspy / rbspy: Sampling profiler for Ruby
- svenstaro / genact: 🌀 A nonsense activity generator
- sharkdp / hyperfine: A command-line benchmarking tool
- lunaryorn / mdcat: Cat for markdown: Show markdown documents in TTYs
- paritytech / parity: Fast, light, robust Ethereum implementation.
- BurntSushi / ripgrep: ripgrep combines the usability of The Silver Searcher with the raw speed of grep.
- google / xi-editor: A modern editor with a backend written in Rust.
- rust-lang / cargo: The Rust package manager
- nical / lyon: 2D graphics rendering experiments in rust.
- rayon-rs / rayon: Rayon: A data parallelism library for Rust
- sharkdp / fd: A simple, fast and user-friendly alternative to find.
- rust-unofficial / awesome-rust: A curated list of Rust code and resources.
- DenisKolodin / yew: Rust framework for making client web apps
- lalrpop / lalrpop: LR(1) parser generator for Rust
- killercup / quicli: Quickly build cool CLI apps in Rust.
- AltSysrq / proptest: Hypothesis-like property testing for Rust
- sfackler / rust-postgres: Native PostgreSQL driver for the Rust programming language
- AdamNiederer / faster: SIMD for humans
- cryptape / cita: A fast and scalable blockchain for enterprise users.
- alexcrichton / tar-rs: Tar file reading/writing for Rust
- sfackler / cargo-tree:
- amethyst / amethyst: Data-oriented game engine written in Rust
- facebookresearch / Detectron: FAIR's research platform for object detection research, implementing popular algorithms like Mask R-CNN and RetinaNet.
- satwikkansal / wtfpython: A collection of surprising Python snippets and lesser-known features.
- chrisstroemel / Simple: Experimental Global Optimization Algorithm
- rmusser01 / Infosec_Reference: An Information Security Reference That Doesn't Suck
- keras-team / keras: Deep Learning for humans
- DiegoVicen / som-tsp: Solving the Traveling Salesman Problem using Self-Organizing Maps
- NifTK / NiftyNet: An open-source convolutional neural networks platform for research in medical image analysis and image-guided therapy
- vinta / awesome-python: A curated list of awesome Python frameworks, libraries, software and resources
- wangshub / wechat_jump_game: python 微信《跳一跳》辅助
- tensorflow / models: Models and examples built with TensorFlow
- deepfakes / faceswap: Non official project based on original /r/Deepfakes thread. Many thanks to him!
- pytorch / pytorch: Tensors and Dynamic neural networks in Python with strong GPU acceleration
- python / cpython: The Python programming language
- 251321639 / wechat_brain: 头脑王者全自动答题辅助
- eriklindernoren / NapkinML: A tiny lib with pocket-sized implementations of machine learning models in NumPy.
- scikit-learn / scikit-learn: scikit-learn: machine learning in Python
- riannevdberg / gc-mc:
- ageitgey / face_recognition: The world's simplest facial recognition api for Python and the command line
- facebookresearch / adversarial_image_defenses: Countering Adversarial Image using Input Transformations.
- scrapy / scrapy: Scrapy, a fast high-level web crawling & scraping framework for Python.
- rg3 / youtube-dl: Command-line program to download videos from YouTube.com and other video sites
- toddmotto / public-apis: A collective list of public JSON APIs for use in web development.
- facebookresearch / poincare-embeddings: PyTorch implementation of the NIPS-17 paper "Poincaré Embeddings for Learning Hierarchical Representations"
- django / django: The Web framework for perfectionists with deadlines.
- home-assistant / home-assistant: 🏡 Open-source home automation platform running on Python 3