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190 lines (183 loc) · 23.3 KB

File metadata and controls

190 lines (183 loc) · 23.3 KB




  • objective-see / LuLu: LuLu is the free open-source macOS firewall that aims to block unauthorized (outgoing) network traffic
  • chenliangloveyou / EasyShowView: 一款非常简单的展示工具。提示框,加载框,空白页提示,alert弹出框。一行代码搞定所有操作。
  • NJHu / iOSProject: oc综合项目,ios综合项目,PLMMPrjk,PLMM,iosdemo,ocdemo,demo,原PLMMPrjk,原PLMM,百思不得姐,新浪微博,sina,QQ音乐,QQMusic,music,视频列表,滚动播放,拖拽播放,离线下载,即时通讯,打印 ios 日志,省市区三级联动,没有导航栏,自定义导航栏,字体适配屏幕,空白页展示,空白页,导航条颜色渐变,导航条高度渐变,YYText 使用,列表的展开和收起,京东首页布局,流水布局,垂直流水布局,水平流水布局,非规则流水布局,键盘处理,文件下载,Masonry 案例,LKDB 数据库,百度地图,二维码,照片上传,照片上传有进度,列表倒计时,H5和原生交互,自定义各种弹框,常见表单类型,人脸识别,列表加载图片,列表拖拽,日历操作,导航…
  • Liaoworking / GHConsole: An easy way to show a console in your app.
  • expo / expo: Expo iOS/Android Client
  • react-community / react-native-maps: React Native Mapview component for iOS + Android
  • Instagram / IGListKit: A data-driven UICollectionView framework for building fast and flexible lists.
  • facebook / WebDriverAgent: A WebDriver server for iOS that runs inside the Simulator.
  • SoulLights / SLSocketKit: socket kit
  • iCloudys / TDInputBar:
  • airbnb / lottie-ios: An iOS library to natively render After Effects vector animations
  • xorshine / KafkaRefresh: This library solves the problems encountered with the use of the popular pull-to-refresh library. And open interface easier to expand rich UI effects, and support for customize UI.
  • inverse-inc / sogo: SOGo is a very fast and scalable modern collaboration suite (groupware). It offers calendaring, address book management, and a full-featured Webmail client along with resource sharing and permission handling. It also makes use of documented standards (IMAP, CalDAV, CardDAV, etc.) and thereby provides native connectivity (without plugins) to many…
  • alibaba / VirtualView-iOS: A solution to create & release UI component dynamically.
  • victorBaro / VBFPopFlatButton: Flat button with 9 different states using POP
  • benzamin / BBLocationManager: A Location Manager for easily implementing location services & geofencing in iOS. Ready for iOS 11.
  • wikimedia / wikipedia-ios: The official Wikipedia iOS app.
  • SRGSSR / SRGMediaPlayer-iOS: The SRG Media Player library for iOS provides a simple way to add a universal audio / video player to any iOS application.
  • christopherdro / react-native-html-to-pdf: Convert html strings to PDF documents using React Native
  • carekit-apple / CareKit: CareKit is an open source software framework for creating apps that help people better understand and manage their health.
  • phuochau / react-native-thumbnail: Get thumbnail from local media. Currently, it only supports for video.
  • appsquickly / XcodeEditor: An API for manipulating Xcode project files.
  • AFNetworking / AFNetworking: A delightful networking framework for iOS, macOS, watchOS, and tvOS.
  • rs / SDWebImage: Asynchronous image downloader with cache support as a UIImageView category
  • BradLarson / GPUImage: An open source iOS framework for GPU-based image and video processing




