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135 lines (90 loc) · 6.96 KB

File metadata and controls

135 lines (90 loc) · 6.96 KB


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

This project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

2.2.0 (March 9, 2025)

  1. Added WithWorkTextMapPropagator
  2. Updated module to go1.24
  3. Updated dependencies
  4. Fixed linter

2.1.1 (Feb 13, 2025)

  1. Forward/Backwards compatible schemas used to produce/consume messages were not being properly deserialized. Test_SchemaRegistryReal_Avro_AutoRegisterSchemas_OldProducerCanBeConsumedByNewConsumer and Test_SchemaRegistryReal_Avro_AutoRegisterSchemas_NewProducerCanBeConsumedByOldConsumer demonstrated bug. Schema registry aware avro formatter was updated to reconcile the bug.

2.1.0 (Jan 23, 2025)

  1. Include DisableTracePropagation as a WriterOption

2.0.5 (Jan 14, 2025)

  1. Updated confluent-kafka-go-2.8.0

2.0.4 (Dec 19, 2024)

  1. Bugfix in ChainLifecycleHooks where incorrect nil checks could result in panic
  2. go get -u to upgrade deps

2.0.3 (Nov 22, 2024)

  1. Updated version 0.5.0
  2. Updated version 0.9.0
  3. Removed noisy log Timed out on read

2.0.2 (Nov 18, 2024)

  1. Updated confluent-kafka-go version 2.6.1 along with other dependencies

2.0.1 (October 29, 2024)

  1. Updated confluent-kafka-go version 2.6.0 to address security vulnerability.

2.0.0 (October 17, 2024)

  1. Removed dependency on (deprecated) in favor of
  2. Bugfixes in WithDisableCircuitBreaker and WithDisableBusyLoopBreaker options implementation

1.3.0 (Sep 25, 2024)

  1. Added WithDisableCircuitBreaker and WithDisableBusyLoopBreaker options. These are variants of the now deprecated DisableCircuitBreaker and DisableBusyLoopBreaker options. They provide a booling parameter which is more convenient for usage with code generation and for shimming with configuration.

1.2.0 (Sep 23, 2024)

  1. Update to allow subject name specification (not just TopicNameStrategy)
  2. Updated avro_schema_registry formatter deserialization to require passed in schema (less susceptible to errors from inferred target schema)

1.1.0 (Sep 23, 2024)

  1. Added support for schema registry (avro, proto, json). Extended zfmt.FormatterType types to include avro_schema_registry, proto_schema_registry and json_schema_registry
  2. Added lifecycle function LifecyclePostReadImmediate
  3. Added workFactory.CreateWithFunc which is a convenience work factory method for creating work using a callback instead of an interface (can reduce boilerplate) in some scenarios.
  4. During the creation of readers/writers an error is now returned if bootstrap servers is empty
  5. Updated golang version 1.23
  6. Updated otel versions

1.0.2 (Sep 6, 2024)

  1. Updated WithDeadLetterTopic option to borrow username and password from ConsumerTopicConfig when those issues aren't specified on DeadLetterTopicConfig

1.0.1 (Sep 3, 2024)

  1. Added dlt topic name in error logs on dlt write failure

1.0.0 (July 2024)

Initial release to public

Internal Releases Below

4.2.0 (June 2024)

  1. Updated otel to v1.27
  2. Updated semconv to v1.25

4.1.0 (May 2024)

  1. Added consumer delay config ProcessDelayMillis this allows the consumption of messages, but delays processing until at least the configured delay has passed since the message was written. Useful for intermediate dead letter messages.
  2. Added ability to add headers via writer option (WithHeaders).
  3. Updated so is the default.
  4. Updated so socket.nagle.disable=true is the default.
  5. Increased SessionTimeoutMillis and MaxPollIntervalMillis defaults to be greater than ProcessDelayMillis so that an inadvertent long running processor doesn't cause a rebalance.
  6. Updated confluent.Config's usage of config.AdditionalProps. They can now override any setting. Previously, some of the promoted configs couldn't be set via this map.

4.0.0 (April 2024)

  1. Updated to be used with zworker.Work which requires a work.Run interface not work.Do. The difference been work.Run is executed once, and zkafka is responsible for continuously looping, whereas work.Do would be continually executed in a loop.
  2. Renamed zkafka.WithOnDoneWithContext to zkafka.WithOnDone and removed original zkafka.WithOnDone option (which didn't provide a context.Context arg)
  3. Updated Writer interface to include WriteRaw method. The concrete type has supported it for some time, but was waiting for a major version roll to update the interface.
  4. Updated zkafka.Message headers to be a map[string][]byte instead of map[string]interface{}. This is closer to the transport representation and is more convenient and self documenting. The interface{} type was a holdover from the original implementation and was not necessary.
  5. Removed ExtractHeaderKeys (reduce surface area of package). Opinionated API (zillow specific) that now resides in zkafkacomproot
  6. Added variadic arguments (...zkafka.WriteOption) to kwriter.Write* methods . This allows future customization in a noninvasive way.
  7. Removed zcommon dependency. Introduce hooks which can be used toward the same end
  8. Changed interface{} -> any
  9. Added lifecycle methods PostRead, PreWrite and PostFanout
  10. Added WithConsumerProvider and WithProducerProvider which is useful for full e2e testing.
  11. Updated work to remove read messages that won't be worked, from the inwork count. Allows Faster shutdown

3.0.0 (October 2023)

  1. Supports migration from Datadog statsd to Panoptes.
  2. Removes the Metrics interface and related options. Removes NoopMetrics struct. Rather than calling metrics classes directly, the user registers lifecycle hooks and calls the metric provider from the hooks. For example, zkafkacomproot registers hooks that call the zmetric provider.
  3. Removes the RequestContextExtractor interface. Instead, use the PreProcessing lifecycle hook to extract information from the request and add it to the context. The context returned from the PreProcessing hook is used for the rest of the request lifecycle.

2.0.0 (July 27th 2023)

  1. Removes the dependency on opentracing-go. Opentracing-go was a stale dependency that was no longer receiving updates. The library is now instrumented with opentelemtry a stable tracing library, that was written with backwards compatability in mind with opentracing-go.
  2. Removed WithTracer(opentracing.Tracer). Use WithTracerProvider and WithTextMapPropagator instead.

1.0.0 (August 2022)

Updated to account for update in zfmt which changes the values of some of the formatter factory entry values.

To see further details on zmt update to V1. See migration guide here