Grimas are programs using the Grima library. They are often simple, but can be very powerful and speed up your work!
- PrintBib -- display bib record in printable web page
- PrintHolding -- display holding record in printable web page
- Hierarchy -- view bib/mfhds/items in hierarchy view
- ShowItemsFromHoldings -- show all the items from a holding record
- InsertOclcNo -- insert OCLC number into 035
- Boundwith -- create boundwith in Alma using bib 501/774, holding 014
- RemoveTempLocation -- remove temporary location from item
- MarkImportTemporaryLocation -- mark items from an import job as being in a temporary location
- AppendToNoteOnSet -- add a note to every item in a set, appending if there is already a note there
- CreateBriefBib -- create a brief bib with specified 245a
- DuplicateBib -- create a duplicate copy of a bib
- MoreItems -- add more items to a journal or set, based on the first one
- DeleteTree -- delete bib and all of its inventory from Alma
- DeleteBib -- delete bib from Alma
- DeleteItem -- delete item from Alma
- DeletePortfolio -- delete portfolio from Alma
- ViewXmlBib -- view Bib record as Bib object XML
- ViewXmlHolding -- view Holding record as Holding object XML
- ViewXmlItem -- view Item record as Item object XML
- ViewXmlPortfolio -- view Portfolio record as Electronic Portfolio object XML