1. Download and install ActiveTCL 8.4 ( not 8.5 or 8.6) e.g. http://downloads.activestate.com/ActiveTcl/releases/
- Install it to
(the path is important)
If you use 32bit Windows platform you can try to use the binary distribution:
- download https://github.com/downloads/3dptv/3dptv/3dptv.exe (Tcl/Tk 8.4 has to be installed)
- download the software package https://github.com/3dptv/3dptv/zipball/master
- uncompress the software package e.g. in C:PTV and run the
If you need to compile from source, download Visual C++ 2010 Express http://www.microsoft.com/visualstudio/en-us/products/2010-editions/visual-cpp-express
- Install it anywhere, e.g.
C:\Program Files\VC2010
Important note for the first-time installation - RESTART YOUR WINDOWS after installing the ActiveTcl and Visual C++
1. If you wish to compile from source - download and unpack the newest version of 3DPTV software from our tarball on Github: https://github.com/3dptv/3dptv/zipball/master
2. If you want to try the pre-compiled binary executables visit https://github.com/3dptv/3dptv/downloads for the Windows 32bit XP or Windows 7 64bit (with Tcl/Tk 32bit libraries) versions.
- Expand the compressed file into
folder (the path is important it is prescribed by the Visual C++ project file)
- Double-click the
to open the 3DPTV package in Visual C++ 2010 Express. - If all the paths are the same as ours, Build the solution and you should see the 3DPTV software up and running
- If you use different paths it is important to:
- add
to the list of included directories - add
to the additional libraries - on Windows XP it is important to ignore
and also to useMFC as Static Library
- add