2015.3.16 v0.3
##Aural Keyboard Manual
###Initial Setup
Before the application can be used, we need to register the eye’s normal position, up position, and down (shut) position. This is done by pressing 1.
Then adjust computer until the blue box is steady (with few or no beep) and the left eye appears in the box. Press 2.
With the left eye visible in the blue box, ask the user to roll her eyes up. Press 3.
Press 4 when the eyes are down.
Look at the 3 pictures on the left hand side. If they are not clear or seem to have registered the wrong eye position, press 1 to start over.
###Running the program
Press 5 to run the program. The left eye should appear in the blue box at all times. If the program seems not to sense the eye properly, press 1 to re-start.
The program cycles through ‘1’, ‘2’, ‘3’, ‘4’, ‘5’. If one of these is selected, it will cycle through the alphabet within that group. ‘5’ will let the user type a ‘space’, 'pause', delete a letter/word/line, go into Morse entry mode, sound call bell, or retrieve a previously stored line.
When 'delete' is selected, the user will be prompted for whether a letter, word will be deleted or the entire line erased. The 'erase text' option is first announced by a 'erase coming'.
Once a line of text reaches 30 letters, the next space will cause the line to be stored and a new blank line begins. The stored line could be retrieved (and wipe out the current line) using the 'Retrieve' option.
When 'pause' is selected, the program pauses for 3 minutes before 'waking up' and become active again. It can be unpaused manually by pressing p.
When 'use Morse' is selected, the program will go into Morse input mode. 6 short blinks will bring the program back to normal typing mode.
While in Morse input, a 7-unit 'eyes up' will delete a letter. Another 7-unit 'eyes up' will delete a word. A 12 seconds 'eyes up' will sound the call bell.
j and k - Change pace: use j to slow down and k to speed up. The speed will be displayed from 0 (3 seconds between announcements) to 10 (<1sec). When in Morse input, the same j and k keys will adjust speed for Morse as well.
v - voice feedback (on/off switch). With voice feedback, whenever a letter or menu is selected, a voice will repeat the selection.
p - pause and un-pause the program.
s – sound feedback – a tone is sounded whenever the eye is rolled up
a - announcement of the menu and letters. When off, this makes the program unusable for typing, as you won’t know what is going on. However, combined with the s option on, this will let the user practice short and long blinks for Morse code (while in normal typing mode).
Shift-R – readies the call bell. Rings call bell when eyes are down for > 1 second.