% YADTminion(1) YADTminion User Manuals % The YADT project team % December 23rd, 2013
yadtminion - yadt, an augmented deployment tool: the minion part
The yadtminion provides scripts and utilities used remotely by the yadtshell to orchestrate hosts and services. These tools are (mostly) not fit for direct usage but should rather be used through appropriate yadtshell commands.
The yadt-status commands yields full information about the local host on standard output in JSON format.
Interesting parts are :
- current_artefacts A list with the artefacts currently installed.
- latest_kernel The latest kernel available from the configured repos.
- next_artefacts Incoming artefacts that can be installed during the next update. This is a JSON object where keys are the updating package and values are the package that is going to be updated.
- services JSON object where keys are service names and values are service definitions.
The yadt-config-services program can be used to determine the service configuration of the current host. This will work with either modularized services (yadt.conf.d) or monolithic services (yadt.services).
There are several helper scripts that should usually not be called directly by users.
- yadt-artefact-update : Updates one or several artefacts without regarding service dependencies.
- yadt-command : Wrapper script that logs output and prepares environment.
- yadt-config-services : See CONFIGURATION above.
- yadt-host-checkaccess : Checks if the host can be accessed or if it is locked by another user.
- yadt-host-lock : Locks this host.
- yadt-host-status : Checks if the current host is up to date.
- yadt-host-status.py : Checks if the current host is up to date.
- yadt-host-unlock : Unlocks this host.
- yadt-host-update : Updates this host, optionally with a reboot afterwards.
- yadt-service-checkaccess : Checks if the service can be altered, or if it is locked or ignored.
- yadt-service-ignore : Ignores a service.
- yadt-service-start : Starts a service.
- yadt-service-status : Queries the state of a service.
- yadt-service-stop : Stops a service.
- yadt-service-unignore : Unignores a service.
- yadt-status : Queries the status of this host. See STATUS COMMAND above for more information.
- yadt-status.py : Queries the status of this host. See STATUS COMMAND above for more information.
- yadt-yum : Deprecation warning.
the yadt project : http://www.yadt-project.org/
sources at github : https://github.com/yadt/yadt-minion
Alternatives : puppet, chef
Licensed under the GNU General Public License (GPL), see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt for full license text.