- when users reconnect, sometimes a page refresh is required before the room information shows up
- (host) in a room, when the host refresh the page, the health/status bar of all participants is empty
- (participant) in a room, when the host refresh the page, the health/status bar remains but turns grey
- (participant) in a room, when the participant refresh the page, the health/status bar oh the host is empty
- (host) nudge user feature
- (participant) UI feedback from getting kicked from host
- hide "ping" button unless debug mode on
- Begin XState refactoring for room.tsx - implemented basic room joining flow
- Continue XState refactoring:
- Refactor room state management (waiting vs active)
- Refactor socket event handling with XState
- Handle late-joining participants (purgatory area)
- Different UIs for host/participants in active state
- Group naming/labeling features
- Implement repeat minimization algorithm for group assignments
- Implement interactive health actions (damage/heal/train)
- Add stats tracking system
- Track damage dealt
- Track healing provided
- Track training sessions
- Implement cross-session persistence
- Host can "freeze" users that abuse the nudge feature (separate tab)
- Need to think about how the application should handle new participants joining during an active room session
- room ids can be shorter (maybe 10 char long?)
- add UI feedback for participants when clicking on buttons such as
Nudge Host
- increase button sizes on mobile view