English | 简体中文
VTable 是 VisActor 可视化体系中的表格组件库,基于可视化渲染引擎 VRender 进行封装。 核心能力如下:
- 性能极致:支持百万级数据快速运算与渲染
- 多维分析:多维数据自动分析与呈现
- 表现力强:提供灵活强大的图形能力,无缝融合VChart
本仓库包含如下 package
- packages/vtable:表格组件代码
- docs: 教程文档
// npm
npm install @visactor/vtable
// yarn
yarn add @visactor/vtable
// this demo you can run on codesanbox https://codesandbox.io/s/vtable-simple-demo-g8q738
import * as VTable from '@visactor/vtable';
const columns = [
field: 'Order ID',
caption: 'Order ID'
field: 'Customer ID',
caption: 'Customer ID'
field: 'Product Name',
caption: 'Product Name'
field: 'Sales',
caption: 'Sales'
field: 'Profit',
caption: 'Profit'
const option = {
container: document.getElementById(CONTAINER_ID),
records: [
'Order ID': 'CA-2018-156720',
'Customer ID': 'JM-15580',
'Product Name': 'Bagged Rubber Bands',
Sales: '3.024',
Profit: '-0.605'
'Order ID': 'CA-2018-115427',
'Customer ID': 'EB-13975',
'Product Name': 'GBC Binding covers',
Sales: '20.72',
Profit: '6.475'
// ...
const tableInstance = new VTable.ListTable(option);
首先,全局安装 @microsoft/rush
$ npm i --global @microsoft/rush
接着将代码 clone 至本地:
# clone
$ git clone [email protected]:VisActor/VTable.git
$ cd VTable
# install dependencies
$ rush update
# start vtable demo
$ cd packages/vtable
# execute in file path: ./packages/vtable
$ rushx demo
# start site development server, execute in file path: ./
$ rush docs
# after execut git commit, please run the following command to update the change log. Please execute in file path: ./
$ rush change-all
安装并且更新依赖后,可以执行 docs 命令,开启 VTable 的本地文档预览
# start vtable document server. execute in file path: ./
$ rush docs
Project | Description |
React-VTable | VTable React 组件 |