- Added a system of modular widgets; Added widget for example at home page;
- Fixed error with caching types of publications;
- Fixed images compression error from Publicaion module;
- Slightly fixed CSS-styles;
- Deleted Slider module;
- Improved multilingual caching components;
- Fixed a bug with item "Admin" after the upgrade 0.1.5;
- Added foreign key index from
- Added some translations into Russian to the admin panel;
- Added module Menu; Construction of the menu tree to the definition of active pages;
- Identifying and correcting a few PHP Notice;
- Admin interface launched in part to adapt to the English language. The admin can choose the language in the configuration;
- Fixed non-critical error validation authorization form to the admin panel;
- Added localization administrative panel;
- Added method renderAll () for Application\Form\Form - displays all the form elements;
- Fixed all the bugs in the module SEO. Now properly apply the instructions to modify the title, meta-description, meta-keywords, seo-text. Title replaced completely, without a global suffix;
- SEO manager adds meta tag in the body of the page, if there is a match for the circumstances and apply the modification;
- Slightly modified multilingual routers. Now to each such routed prefixed 'ml__', it facilitates the work in recognition of the treated routed in dispatchere;
- Fixed a PHP Notice errors;
- Finalization of the interface;
- Updated SQL-dump;
- Fixed safety (# 13, # 12, # 11 - thanks for report xboston);
- Added resources for ACL, now all the admin page correctly opened (there was a problem with /cms/language, /seo/manager, /cms/javascript, /cms/javascript);
- Updated version of Semantic UI (1.0.0);
- SQL-dump is laid out as a simple .sql file, not .gz archive;
- Configuration files are divided into directories development, production;
- List of plug-imposed /app/config/modules.php file and automatically converted into the necessary instructions for Phalcon\Loader;
- Improved module Image. Convert images are now engaged Phalcon\Image;
- Remove old unneeded modules;
- Fixed some bugs;
v. 0.0.13
- Added additional check for the existence of the processing route helper LangSwitcher
- Fixed a bug with building links in publications
- So far removed translations admn part. In the future, it will be localized admin and this point will be fully worked out.
- Small changes in the Slider
v. 0.0.12
- Added an administrative section to manage languages;
- Make Multi-Module Publication;
- Added the management of the types of publications in the module Publication;
- Added checkbox enable DB-profiler configuration CMS;
v. 0.0.11
- Added SEO-Manager for installing the title, meta-description, meta-keywords and free text-CEO to any page on the set parameters;
- Minor bug fixes;
v. 0.0.9
- Added the class Init inside modules. The class serves as the initialization parameters and possible service module;
- Added storage scheme css, less, js files, the individual modules to improve their portability (directory assets within modules).
- Added module Slider;
- In Module Cms added management functionality JS-script on the front end, which are displayed in the head and in the end body. You can use the code to insert Google Analytics, Moscow, etc .;
- Small changes;
v. 0.0.8
- Added translation management system (instead of Gettext). Management of phrases and their translations can be made directly in the admin;
v. 0.0.7
- Added module SEO;
- Added the ability to edit the file robots.txt;
- Added a pattern unlimited multi-lingual;
v. 0.0.6
- Fixed handling and output of 404 and 503 errors;
- Fixed a bug in ajax.js attribute href;
- Rotation.js now switch slides smoothly (smoothness is defined by the config). Little documentation completed yet;
- Installation of the main cache backend in the configuration;
- Installation backend modelsMetadata cache in the configuration;
- Added a constant HOST_HASH. Generated by hostname;
v. 0.0.5
- To make their own applications for improved initialization error handling and working with AJAX;
- Added tests Codeception;
v. 0.0.4
- Added module Cms;
- Added functionality for working with the configuration of the application;
v. 0.0.3
- Fixed a syntax highlighting module Widget;
- Height of code in the module Widget automatically adjusted to the size of the content;
- Few in the admin menu to regroup;
v. 0.0.2
- Fixed path to elfinder module FileManager;
- Added check for the administrative user 'yona', a warning message about the need to remove it;
- Added a constant ROOT = $ _SERVER ['DOCUMENT_ROOT'];
- Added displaying CHANGELOG.md on the main page of admin panel;
v. 0.0.1
- Create a repository and made the first commit;