The following document was made by studying the doxygen build of ctrulib and ctrulib's sourcecode.
- ctrulib documentation
- Variables
- Memory allocator
- Networking / Sockets
- AC
- Application Management
- Audio subsystem
- Filesystem / IO
- GX
- User Input / HID
- Infrared Communication
- Hardware expansion services/IRRST
- Microphone / Audio capture
- Hardware Video Decoder
- NS
- Process/Program management service
- Process service
- Srv
In addition to the standard C/C++ types, ctrulib provides the following short-hand types.
They are all types of integers (no decimal numbers), but of course you can use native floating point numbers (with decimals), booleans (true/false) and chars.
Unsigned int types:
u8, u16, u32, s64,
vu8, vu16, vu32, vu64
Signed int types:
s8, s16, s32, s64,
vs8, vs16, vs32, vs64
- u means unsigned; the number is strictly positive
- s means signed; the number can be positive or negative
- v means volatile; he number can be changed from outside of your code, such as the 3D effect slider value
non-volatile numbers are optimized during compilation.
The above designations are followed by the amount of bits in memory the variable type uses.
It is important to note that on a desktop PC, there is no difference between the amount of memory an u8 or an u32 take.
However, on hardware with limited resources such as a 3DS, this difference does exist, and choosing the proper size variable will save you valuable memory capacity.
ctrulib also defines the following constants and macros:
U64_MAX // max u64 value (about 1.8e19)
BIT(n) // returns the nth bit of a number (TODO: confirm that, and explain how to use it)
void * linearMemAlign (size_t size, size_t alignment)
void * linearAlloc (size_t size)
void * linearRealloc (void *mem, size_t size)
void linearFree (void *mem)
u32 linearSpaceFree ()
bool Ready ()
void AddBlock (MemBlock *blk)
void DelBlock (MemBlock *b)
void InsertBefore (MemBlock *b, MemBlock *p)
void InsertAfter (MemBlock *b, MemBlock *n)
void CoalesceRight (MemBlock *b)
bool Allocate (MemChunk &chunk, u32 size, int align)
void Deallocate (const MemChunk &chunk)
void Destroy ()
u32 GetFreeSpace ()
void GPU_Init (Handle *gsphandle)
void GPUCMD_SetBuffer (u32 *adr, u32 size, u32 offset)
void GPUCMD_SetBufferOffset (u32 offset)
void GPUCMD_GetBuffer (u32 **adr, u32 *size, u32 *offset)
void GPUCMD_AddRawCommands (u32 *cmd, u32 size)
void GPUCMD_Run (u32 *gxbuf)
void GPUCMD_FlushAndRun (u32 *gxbuf)
void GPUCMD_Add (u32 cmd, u32 *param, u32 paramlength)
void GPUCMD_AddSingleParam (u32 cmd, u32 param)
void GPUCMD_Finalize ()
void GPU_Reset (u32 *gxbuf, u32 *gpuBuf, u32 gpuBufSize)
void GPU_SetUniform (u32 startreg, u32 *data, u32 numreg)
u32 f32tof24 (float f)
u32 computeInvValue (u32 val)
void GPU_SetViewport (u32 *depthBuffer, u32 *colorBuffer, u32 x, u32 y, u32 w, u32 h)
void GPU_SetScissorTest (GPU_SCISSORMODE mode, u32 x, u32 y, u32 w, u32 h)
void GPU_DepthRange (float nearVal, float farVal)
void GPU_SetAlphaTest (bool enable, GPU_TESTFUNC function, u8 ref)
void GPU_SetStencilTest (bool enable, GPU_TESTFUNC function, u8 ref, u8 mask, u8 replace)
void GPU_SetStencilOp (GPU_STENCILOP sfail, GPU_STENCILOP dfail, GPU_STENCILOP pass)
void GPU_SetDepthTestAndWriteMask (bool enable, GPU_TESTFUNC function, GPU_WRITEMASK writemask)
void GPU_SetColorLogicOp (GPU_LOGICOP op)
void GPU_SetBlendingColor (u8 r, u8 g, u8 b, u8 a)
void GPU_SetTextureEnable (GPU_TEXUNIT units)
void GPU_SetTexture (GPU_TEXUNIT unit, u32 *data, u16 width, u16 height, u32 param, GPU_TEXCOLOR colorType)
void GPU_SetAttributeBuffers (u8 totalAttributes, u32 *baseAddress, u64 attributeFormats, u16 attributeMask, u64 attributePermutation, u8 numBuffers, u32 bufferOffsets[], u64 bufferPermutations[], u8 bufferNumAttributes[])
void GPU_SetAttributeBuffersAddress (u32 *baseAddress)
void GPU_SetFaceCulling (GPU_CULLMODE mode)
void GPU_SetTexEnv (u8 id, u16 rgbSources, u16 alphaSources, u16 rgbOperands, u16 alphaOperands, GPU_COMBINEFUNC rgbCombine, GPU_COMBINEFUNC alphaCombine, u32 constantColor)
void GPU_DrawArray (GPU_Primitive_t primitive, u32 n)
void GPU_DrawElements (GPU_Primitive_t primitive, u32 *indexArray, u32 n)
void GPU_FinishDrawing ()
DVLB_s * SHDR_ParseSHBIN (u32 *shbinData, u32 shbinSize)
s8 SHDR_GetUniformRegister (DVLB_s *dvlb, const char *name, u8 programID)
void DVLP_SendCode (DVLP_s *dvlp)
void DVLP_SendOpDesc (DVLP_s *dvlp)
void DVLE_SendOutmap (DVLE_s *dvle)
void DVLE_SendConstants (DVLE_s *dvle)
void SHDR_UseProgram (DVLB_s *dvlb, u8 id)
void SHDR_FreeDVLB (DVLB_s *dvlb)
int accept (int sockfd, struct sockaddr *addr, socklen_t *addrlen)
int bind (int sockfd, const struct sockaddr *addr, socklen_t addrlen)
int closesocket (int sockfd)
s32 _net_convert_error (s32 sock_retval)
int SOC_GetErrno (void)
int connect (int sockfd, const struct sockaddr *addr, socklen_t addrlen)
int fcntl (int fd, int cmd,...)
struct hostent * gethostbyname (const char *name)
long gethostid (void)
int getpeername (int sockfd, struct sockaddr *addr, socklen_t *addrlen)
int getsockname (int sockfd, struct sockaddr *addr, socklen_t *addrlen)
int getsockopt (int sockfd, int level, int optname, void *optval, socklen_t *optlen)
in_addr_t inet_addr (const char *cp)
int inet_aton (const char *cp, struct in_addr *inp)
char * inet_ntoa (struct in_addr in)
Result SOC_Initialize (u32 *context_addr, u32 context_size)
Result SOC_Shutdown (void)
int ioctl (int fd, int request,...)
int listen (int sockfd, int max_connections)
int poll (struct pollfd *fds, nfds_t nfsd, int timeout)
ssize_t recv (int sockfd, void *buf, size_t len, int flags)
ssize_t socuipc_cmd7 (int sockfd, void *buf, size_t len, int flags, struct sockaddr *src_addr, socklen_t *addrlen)
ssize_t socuipc_cmd8 (int sockfd, void *buf, size_t len, int flags, struct sockaddr *src_addr, socklen_t *addrlen)
ssize_t recvfrom (int sockfd, void *buf, size_t len, int flags, struct sockaddr *src_addr, socklen_t *addrlen)
int select (int nfds, fd_set *readfds, fd_set *writefds, fd_set *exceptfds, struct timeval *timeout)
ssize_t send (int sockfd, const void *buf, size_t len, int flags)
ssize_t socuipc_cmd9 (int sockfd, const void *buf, size_t len, int flags, const struct sockaddr *dest_addr, socklen_t addrlen)
ssize_t socuipc_cmda (int sockfd, const void *buf, size_t len, int flags, const struct sockaddr *dest_addr, socklen_t addrlen)
ssize_t sendto (int sockfd, const void *buf, size_t len, int flags, const struct sockaddr *dest_addr, socklen_t addrlen)
int setsockopt (int sockfd, int level, int optname, const void *optval, socklen_t optlen)
int shutdown (int sockfd, int shutdown_type)
int sockatmark (int sockfd)
int socket (int domain, int type, int protocol)
Result acInit ()
Result acExit ()
Result ACU_CreateDefaultConfig (Handle *servhandle, u32 *ptr)
Result ACU_cmd26 (Handle *servhandle, u32 *ptr, u8 val)
Result ACU_GetWifiStatus (Handle *servhandle, u32 *out)
Result ACU_WaitInternetConnection ()
Result amInit ()
Result amExit ()
Result AM_GetTitleCount (u8 mediatype, u32 *count)
Result AM_GetTitleList (u8 mediatype, u32 count, void *buffer)
Result AM_GetDeviceId (u32 *deviceid)
Result AM_StartCiaInstall (u8 mediatype, Handle *ciahandle)
Result AM_StartDlpChildCiaInstall (Handle *ciahandle)
Result AM_CancelCIAInstall (Handle *ciahandle)
Result AM_FinishCiaInstall (u8 mediatype, Handle *ciahandle)
Result AM_DeleteTitle (u8 mediatype, u64 titleid)
Result AM_DeleteAppTitle (u8 mediatype, u64 titleid)
Result AM_InstallFIRM (u8 mediatype, u64 titleid)
void aptInitCaptureInfo (u32 *ns_capinfo)
void aptWaitStatusEvent ()
void aptAppletUtility_Exit_RetToApp ()
NS_APPID aptGetMenuAppID ()
void aptReturnToMenu ()
void aptAppletStarted ()
void aptAppletClosed ()
void aptEventHandler (u32 arg)
Result aptInit (void)
Result CFGNOR_Initialize (u8 value)
Result CFGNOR_Shutdown ()
Result CFGNOR_ReadData (u32 offset, u32 *buf, u32 size)
Result CFGNOR_WriteData (u32 offset, u32 *buf, u32 size)
Result CFGNOR_DumpFlash (u32 *buf, u32 size)
Result CFGNOR_WriteFlash (u32 *buf, u32 size)
Result initCfgu ()
Result exitCfgu ()
Result CFGU_GetRegionCanadaUSA (u8 *value)
Result CFGU_GetSystemModel (u8 *model)
Result CFGU_GetModelNintendo2DS (u8 *value)
Result CFGU_GetCountryCodeString (u16 code, u16 *string)
Result CFGU_GetCountryCodeID (u16 string, u16 *code)
Result CSND_cmd1 (Handle *mutexhandle, Handle *sharedmemhandle, u32 sharedmem_size, u32 off0, u32 off1, u32 off2, u32 off3)
Result CSND_cmd2 ()
Result CSND_cmd5 (u32 *bitmask)
Result CSND_initialize (u32 *sharedMem)
Result CSND_shutdown ()
Result CSND_cmd3 (u32 offset)
void CSND_writesharedmem_cmdtype0 (u16 cmdid, u8 *cmdparams)
Result CSND_processtype0cmds ()
u32 CSND_convertsamplerate (u32 samplerate)
void CSND_sharedmemtype0_cmd0 (u32 channel, u32 value)
void CSND_setchannel_playbackstate (u32 channel, u32 value)
void CSND_sharedmemtype0_cmd3 (u32 channel, u32 physaddr, u32 size)
void CSND_sharedmemtype0_cmd9 (u32 channel, u16 value)
void CSND_sharedmemtype0_cmd8 (u32 channel, u32 samplerate)
void CSND_sharedmemtype0_cmde (u32 channel, u32 looping, u32 encoding, u32 samplerate, u32 unk0, u32 unk1, u32 physaddr0, u32 physaddr1, u32 totalbytesize)
Result CSND_sharedmemtype0_cmdupdatestate (int waitdone)
Result CSND_playsound (u32 channel, u32 looping, u32 encoding, u32 samplerate, u32 *vaddr0, u32 *vaddr1, u32 totalbytesize, u32 unk0, u32 unk1)
Result CSND_getchannelstate (u32 entryindex, u32 *out)
Result CSND_getchannelstate_isplaying (u32 entryindex, u8 *status)
Handle __get_handle_from_list (char *name)
Result fsInit (void)
Result fsExit (void)
Result FSUSER_Initialize (Handle *handle)
Result FSUSER_OpenFile (Handle *handle, Handle *out, FS_archive archive, FS_path fileLowPath, u32 openFlags, u32 attributes)
Result FSUSER_OpenFileDirectly (Handle *handle, Handle *out, FS_archive archive, FS_path fileLowPath, u32 openFlags, u32 attributes)
Result FSUSER_DeleteFile (Handle *handle, FS_archive archive, FS_path fileLowPath)
Result FSUSER_RenameFile (Handle *handle, FS_archive srcArchive, FS_path srcFileLowPath, FS_archive destArchive, FS_path destFileLowPath)
Result FSUSER_DeleteDirectory (Handle *handle, FS_archive archive, FS_path dirLowPath)
Result FSUSER_DeleteDirectoryRecursively (void)
Result FSUSER_CreateFile (void)
Result FSUSER_CreateDirectory (Handle *handle, FS_archive archive, FS_path dirLowPath)
Result FSUSER_RenameDirectory (Handle *handle, FS_archive srcArchive, FS_path srcDirLowPath, FS_archive destArchive, FS_path destDirLowPath)
Result FSUSER_OpenDirectory (Handle *handle, Handle *out, FS_archive archive, FS_path dirLowPath)
Result FSUSER_OpenArchive (Handle *handle, FS_archive *archive)
Result FSUSER_CloseArchive (Handle *handle, FS_archive *archive)
Result FSUSER_GetSdmcArchiveResource (Handle *handle, u32 *sectorSize, u32 *clusterSize, u32 *numClusters, u32 *freeClusters)
Result FSUSER_IsSdmcDetected (Handle *handle, u32 *detected)
Result FSUSER_IsSdmcWritable (Handle *handle, u32 *writable)
Result FSFILE_Close (Handle handle)
Result FSFILE_Read (Handle handle, u32 *bytesRead, u64 offset, void *buffer, u32 size)
Result FSFILE_Write (Handle handle, u32 *bytesWritten, u64 offset, const void *buffer, u32 size, u32 flushFlags)
Result FSFILE_GetSize (Handle handle, u64 *size)
Result FSFILE_SetSize (Handle handle, u64 size)
Result FSFILE_GetAttributes (Handle handle, u32 *attributes)
Result FSFILE_SetAttributes (Handle handle, u32 attributes)
Result FSFILE_Flush (Handle handle)
Result FSDIR_Read (Handle handle, u32 *entriesRead, u32 entryCount, FS_dirent *buffer)
Result FSDIR_Close (Handle handle)
File opening
FS_OPEN_READ = 1 // open a file to read it
FS_OPEN_WRITE = 2 // open a file to write in it
FS_OPEN_CREATE = 4 // create a file if it doesn't exist, and open it
(used in FSUSER_OpenFile() and FSUSER_OpenFileDirectly())
File creation
FS_ATTRIBUTE_NONE = 0x00000000 // create a file without special attributes
FS_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY = 0x00000001 // create an readonly file
FS_ATTRIBUTE_ARCHIVE = 0x00000100 // create an archive
FS_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN = 0x00010000 // create a hidden file
FS_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY = 0x01000000 // create a directory
(used in FSUSER_OpenFile() and FSUSER_OpenFileDirectly())
File writing parameters
When writing to the filesystem, usually the operating system will wait with actually writing the file data to the storage medium until a certain amount of data has been 'written'. You can specify that you want to write+flush, or just write. Meaning; you can let the OS decide when to do the writing, or you can force the data to be written to the file immediately. In most cases, you will not need to force flushing.
FS_WRITE_NOFLUSH = 0x00000000 // write without flush
FS_WRITE_FLUSH = 0x00010001 // write with flush
(used in FSFILE_Write())
(screen capture?)
Result gspInit ()
void gspExit ()
Result gspInitEventHandler (Handle _gspEvent, vu8 *_gspSharedMem, u8 gspThreadId)
void gspExitEventHandler ()
void gspWaitForEvent (GSP_Event id, bool nextEvent)
Result GSPGPU_WriteHWRegs (Handle *handle, u32 regAddr, u32 *data, u8 size)
Result GSPGPU_WriteHWRegsWithMask (Handle *handle, u32 regAddr, u32 *data, u8 datasize, u32 *maskdata, u8 masksize)
Result GSPGPU_ReadHWRegs (Handle *handle, u32 regAddr, u32 *data, u8 size)
Result GSPGPU_SetBufferSwap (Handle *handle, u32 screenid, GSP_FramebufferInfo *framebufinfo)
Result GSPGPU_FlushDataCache (Handle *handle, u8 *adr, u32 size)
Result GSPGPU_InvalidateDataCache (Handle *handle, u8 *adr, u32 size)
Result GSPGPU_SetLcdForceBlack (Handle *handle, u8 flags)
Result GSPGPU_TriggerCmdReqQueue (Handle *handle)
Result GSPGPU_RegisterInterruptRelayQueue (Handle *handle, Handle eventHandle, u32 flags, Handle *outMemHandle, u8 *threadID)
Result GSPGPU_UnregisterInterruptRelayQueue (Handle *handle)
Result GSPGPU_AcquireRight (Handle *handle, u8 flags)
Result GSPGPU_ReleaseRight (Handle *handle)
Result GSPGPU_ImportDisplayCaptureInfo (Handle *handle, GSP_CaptureInfo *captureinfo)
Result GSPGPU_SaveVramSysArea (Handle *handle)
Result GSPGPU_RestoreVramSysArea (Handle *handle)
Result GSPGPU_SubmitGxCommand (u32 *sharedGspCmdBuf, u32 gxCommand[0x8], Handle *handle)
Result GX_RequestDma (u32 *gxbuf, u32 *src, u32 *dst, u32 length)
Result GX_SetCommandList_Last (u32 *gxbuf, u32 *buf0a, u32 buf0s, u8 flags)
Result GX_SetMemoryFill (u32 *gxbuf, u32 *buf0a, u32 buf0v, u32 *buf0e, u16 width0, u32 *buf1a, u32 buf1v, u32 *buf1e, u16 width1)
Result GX_SetDisplayTransfer (u32 *gxbuf, u32 *inadr, u32 indim, u32 *outadr, u32 outdim, u32 flags)
Result GX_SetTextureCopy (u32 *gxbuf, u32 *inadr, u32 indim, u32 *outadr, u32 outdim, u32 size, u32 flags)
Result GX_SetCommandList_First (u32 *gxbuf, u32 *buf0a, u32 buf0s, u32 *buf1a, u32 buf1s, u32 *buf2a, u32 buf2s)
- ZL+ZR and CSTICK are New3DS-Only
- KEY_UP and friends respond to both the Circle pad and the D-pad
You can use these constants to check if certain buttons are pressed, held, or released like so:
if(hidKeysHeld() & KEY_A) {
//your code when A button is held down
Result hidInit (u32 *sharedMem)
void hidExit ()
void hidWaitForEvent (HID_Event id, bool nextEvent)
u32 hidCheckSectionUpdateTime (vu32 *sharedmem_section, u32 id)
void hidScanInput ()
u32 hidKeysHeld ()
u32 hidKeysDown ()
u32 hidKeysUp ()
void hidTouchRead (touchPosition *pos)
void hidCircleRead (circlePosition *pos)
void hidAccelRead (accelVector *vector)
void hidGyroRead (angularRate *rate)
Result HIDUSER_GetHandles (Handle *outMemHandle, Handle *eventpad0, Handle *eventpad1, Handle *eventaccel, Handle *eventgyro, Handle *eventdebugpad)
Result HIDUSER_EnableAccelerometer ()
Result HIDUSER_DisableAccelerometer ()
Result HIDUSER_EnableGyroscope ()
Result HIDUSER_DisableGyroscope ()
Result httpcInit ()
void httpcExit ()
Result httpcOpenContext (httpcContext *context, char *url, u32 use_defaultproxy)
Result httpcCloseContext (httpcContext *context)
Result httpcAddRequestHeaderField (httpcContext *context, char *name, char *value)
Result httpcBeginRequest (httpcContext *context)
Result httpcReceiveData (httpcContext *context, u8 *buffer, u32 size)
Result httpcGetRequestState (httpcContext *context, httpcReqStatus *out)
Result httpcGetDownloadSizeState (httpcContext *context, u32 *downloadedsize, u32 *contentsize)
Result httpcGetResponseStatusCode (httpcContext *context, u32 *out, u64 delay)
Result httpcDownloadData (httpcContext *context, u8 *buffer, u32 size, u32 *downloadedsize)
Result HTTPC_Initialize (Handle handle)
Result HTTPC_CreateContext (Handle handle, char *url, Handle *contextHandle)
Result HTTPC_InitializeConnectionSession (Handle handle, Handle contextHandle)
Result HTTPC_SetProxyDefault (Handle handle, Handle contextHandle)
Result HTTPC_CloseContext (Handle handle, Handle contextHandle)
Result HTTPC_AddRequestHeaderField (Handle handle, Handle contextHandle, char *name, char *value)
Result HTTPC_BeginRequest (Handle handle, Handle contextHandle)
Result HTTPC_ReceiveData (Handle handle, Handle contextHandle, u8 *buffer, u32 size)
Result HTTPC_GetRequestState (Handle handle, Handle contextHandle, httpcReqStatus *out)
Result HTTPC_GetDownloadSizeState (Handle handle, Handle contextHandle, u32 *downloadedsize, u32 *contentsize)
Result HTTPC_GetResponseStatusCode (Handle handle, Handle contextHandle, u32 *out)
Result irucmd_Initialize ()
Result irucmd_Shutdown ()
Result irucmd_StartSendTransfer (u8 *buf, u32 size)
Result irucmd_WaitSendTransfer ()
Result irucmd_StartRecvTransfer (u32 size, u8 flag)
Result irucmd_WaitRecvTransfer (u32 *transfercount)
Result IRU_SetBitRate (u8 value)
Result IRU_GetBitRate (u8 *out)
Result IRU_SetIRLEDState (u32 value)
Result IRU_GetIRLEDRecvState (u32 *out)
Result IRU_Initialize (u32 *sharedmem_addr, u32 sharedmem_size)
Result IRU_Shutdown ()
Handle IRU_GetServHandle ()
Result IRU_SendData (u8 *buf, u32 size, u32 wait)
Result IRU_RecvData (u8 *buf, u32 size, u8 flag, u32 *transfercount, u32 wait)
Used to communicate with any new hardware that was added to the New3DS. This is effectively only used to talk to the C-stick as far as we know.
Result irrstInit (u32 *sharedMem)
void irrstExit ()
void irrstWaitForEvent (bool nextEvent)
u32 irrstCheckSectionUpdateTime (vu32 *sharedmem_section, u32 id)
void irrstScanInput ()
u32 irrstKeysHeld ()
void irrstCstickRead (circlePosition *pos)
Result IRRST_GetHandles (Handle *outMemHandle, Handle *outEventHandle)
Result IRRST_Initialize (u32 unk1, u8 unk2)
Result IRRST_Shutdown (void)
Result MIC_Initialize (u32 *sharedmem, u32 sharedmem_size, u8 control, u8 recording, u8 unk0, u8 unk1, u8 unk2)
Result MIC_Shutdown ()
u32 MIC_GetSharedMemOffsetValue ()
u32 MIC_ReadAudioData (u8 *outbuf, u32 readsize, u32 waitforevent)
Result MIC_MapSharedMem (Handle handle, u32 size)
Result MIC_UnmapSharedMem ()
Result MIC_cmd3_Initialize (u8 unk0, u8 unk1, u32 sharedmem_baseoffset, u32 sharedmem_endoffset, u8 unk2)
Result MIC_cmd5 ()
Result MIC_GetCNTBit15 (u8 *out)
Result MIC_GetEventHandle (Handle *handle)
Result MIC_SetControl (u8 value)
Result MIC_GetControl (u8 *value)
Result MIC_SetRecording (u8 value)
Result MIC_IsRecoding (u8 *value)
Result mvdstdSetConfig (mvdstdConfig *config)
void mvdstdGenerateDefaultConfig (mvdstdConfig *config, u32 input_width, u32 input_height, u32 output_width, u32 output_height, u32 *vaddr_colorconv_indata, u32 *vaddr_outdata0, u32 *vaddr_outdata1_colorconv)
Result mvdstdInit (mvdstdMode mode, mvdstdTypeInput input_type, mvdstdTypeOutput output_type, u32 size)
Result mvdstdShutdown ()
Result mvdstdProcessFrame (mvdstdConfig *config, u32 *h264_vaddr_inframe, u32 h264_inframesize, u32 h264_frameid)
Result nsInit ()
Result nsExit ()
Result NS_LaunchTitle (u64 titleid, u32 launch_flags, u32 *procid)
Result NS_RebootToTitle (u8 mediatype, u64 titleid)
Result pmInit ()
Result pmExit ()
Result PM_LaunchTitle (u8 mediatype, u64 titleid, u32 launch_flags)
Result PM_GetTitleExheaderFlags (u8 mediatype, u64 titleid, u8 *out)
Result PM_SetFIRMLaunchParams (u32 size, u8 *in)
Result PM_GetFIRMLaunchParams (u32 size, u8 *out)
Result PM_LaunchFIRMSetParams (u32 firm_titleid_low, u32 size, u8 *in)
Result psInit ()
Result psExit ()
Result PS_EncryptDecryptAes (u32 size, u8 *in, u8 *out, u32 aes_algo, u32 key_type, u8 *iv)
Result PS_EncryptSignDecryptVerifyAesCcm (u8 *in, u32 in_size, u8 *out, u32 out_size, u32 data_len, u32 mac_data_len, u32 mac_len, u32 aes_algo, u32 key_type, u8 *nonce)
Result PS_GetLocalFriendCodeSeed (u64 *seed)
Result PS_GetDeviceId (u32 *device_id)
Result ptmInit ()
Result ptmExit ()
Result PTMU_GetShellState (Handle *servhandle, u8 *out) //out = 1 means screen is opened
Result PTMU_GetBatteryLevel (Handle *servhandle, u8 *out) //out = 4 means mostly full, 5 = full, rest undocumented
Result PTMU_GetBatteryChargeState (Handle *servhandle, u8 *out) //out = 1 means charging
Result PTMU_GetPedometerState (Handle *servhandle, u8 *out) //out = 1 means counting steps is enabled
Result PTMU_GetTotalStepCount (Handle *servhandle, u32 *steps)
void gfxSet3D (bool enable)
void gfxSetFramebufferInfo (gfxScreen_t screen, u8 id)
void gfxWriteFramebufferInfo (gfxScreen_t screen)
void gfxInit ()
void gfxExit ()
u8 * gfxGetFramebuffer (gfxScreen_t screen, gfx3dSide_t side, u16 *width, u16 *height)
void gfxFlushBuffers ()
void gfxSwapBuffers ()
void gfxSwapBuffersGpu ()
Handle __get_handle_from_list (const char *name)
void __destroy_handle_list (void)
Result srvInit ()
Result srvExit ()
Result srvRegisterClient ()
Result srvGetServiceHandle (Handle *out, const char *name)
Result srvPmInit ()
Result srvRegisterProcess (u32 procid, u32 count, void *serviceaccesscontrol)
Result srvUnregisterProcess (u32 procid)