diff --git a/docs/source/data-structures.rst b/docs/source/data-structures.rst
index 67e0e608..4417e099 100644
--- a/docs/source/data-structures.rst
+++ b/docs/source/data-structures.rst
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ Again these are not normally used unless explicitly accessed by the user.
 Creating a DataTree
-There are three ways to create a ``DataTree`` from scratch. The first is to create each node individually,
+One way to create a create a ``DataTree`` from scratch is to create each node individually,
 specifying the nodes' relationship to one another as you create each one.
 The ``DataTree`` constructor takes:
@@ -81,16 +81,16 @@ The ``DataTree`` constructor takes:
 - ``children``: The various child nodes (if there are any), given as a mapping from string keys to ``DataTree`` objects.
 - ``name``: A string to use as the name of this node.
-Let's make a datatree node without anything in it:
+Let's make a single datatree node with some example data in it:
 .. ipython:: python
     from datatree import DataTree
-    # create root node
-    node1 = DataTree(name="Oak")
+    ds1 = xr.Dataset({"foo": "orange"})
+    dt = DataTree(name="root", data=ds1)  # create root node
-    node1
+    dt
 At this point our node is also the root node, as every tree has a root node.
@@ -98,56 +98,38 @@ We can add a second node to this tree either by referring to the first node in t
 .. ipython:: python
+    ds2 = xr.Dataset({"bar": 0}, coords={"y": ("y", [0, 1, 2])})
     # add a child by referring to the parent node
-    node2 = DataTree(name="Bonsai", parent=node1)
+    node2 = DataTree(name="a", parent=dt, data=ds2)
 or by dynamically updating the attributes of one node to refer to another:
 .. ipython:: python
-    # add a grandparent by updating the .parent property of an existing node
-    node0 = DataTree(name="General Sherman")
-    node1.parent = node0
+    # add a second child by first creating a new node ...
+    ds3 = xr.Dataset({"zed": np.NaN})
+    node3 = DataTree(name="b", data=ds3)
+    # ... then updating its .parent property
+    node3.parent = dt
-Our tree now has three nodes within it, and one of the two new nodes has become the new root:
+Our tree now has three nodes within it:
 .. ipython:: python
-    node0
+    dt
-Is is at tree construction time that consistency checks are enforced. For instance, if we try to create a `cycle` the constructor will raise an error:
+It is at tree construction time that consistency checks are enforced. For instance, if we try to create a `cycle` the constructor will raise an error:
 .. ipython:: python
-    node0.parent = node2
-The second way is to build the tree from a dictionary of filesystem-like paths and corresponding ``xarray.Dataset`` objects.
-This relies on a syntax inspired by unix-like filesystems, where the "path" to a node is specified by the keys of each intermediate node in sequence,
-separated by forward slashes. The root node is referred to by ``"/"``, so the path from our current root node to its grand-child would be ``"/Oak/Bonsai"``.
-A path specified from the root (as opposed to being specified relative to an arbitrary node in the tree) is sometimes also referred to as a
-`"fully qualified name" <https://www.unidata.ucar.edu/blogs/developer/en/entry/netcdf-zarr-data-model-specification#nczarr_fqn>`_.
-If we have a dictionary where each key is a valid path, and each value is either valid data or ``None``,
-we can construct a complex tree quickly using the alternative constructor ``:py:func::DataTree.from_dict``:
+    dt.parent = node3
-.. ipython:: python
-    d = {
-        "/": xr.Dataset({"foo": "orange"}),
-        "/a": xr.Dataset({"bar": 0}, coords={"y": ("y", [0, 1, 2])}),
-        "/a/b": xr.Dataset({"zed": np.NaN}),
-        "a/c/d": None,
-    }
-    dt = DataTree.from_dict(d)
-    dt
+Alternatively you can also create a ``DataTree`` object from
-Notice that this method will also create any intermediate empty node necessary to reach the end of the specified path
-(i.e. the node labelled `"c"` in this case.)
-Finally the third way is from a file. if you have a file containing data on disk (such as a netCDF file or a Zarr Store), you can also create a datatree by opening the
-file using ``:py:func::~datatree.open_datatree``. See the page on :ref:`reading and writing files <io>` for more details.
+- An ``xarray.Dataset`` using ``Dataset.to_node()`` (not yet implemented),
+- A dictionary mapping directory-like paths to either ``DataTree`` nodes or data, using ``DataTree.from_dict()``,
+- A netCDF or Zarr file on disk with ``open_datatree()``. See :ref:`reading and writing files <io>`.
 DataTree Contents
@@ -187,8 +169,6 @@ Like with ``Dataset``, you can access the data and coordinate variables of a nod
 Dictionary-like methods
-We can update the contents of the tree in-place using a dictionary-like syntax.
 We can update a datatree in-place using Python's standard dictionary syntax, similar to how we can for Dataset objects.
 For example, to create this example datatree from scratch, we could have written:
@@ -196,11 +176,10 @@ For example, to create this example datatree from scratch, we could have written
 .. ipython:: python
-    dt = DataTree()
+    dt = DataTree(name="root")
     dt["foo"] = "orange"
     dt["a"] = DataTree(data=xr.Dataset({"bar": 0}, coords={"y": ("y", [0, 1, 2])}))
     dt["a/b/zed"] = np.NaN
-    dt["a/c/d"] = DataTree()
 To change the variables in a node of a ``DataTree``, you can use all the standard dictionary
@@ -209,6 +188,6 @@ methods, including ``values``, ``items``, ``__delitem__``, ``get`` and
 Note that assigning a ``DataArray`` object to a ``DataTree`` variable using ``__setitem__`` or ``update`` will
 :ref:`automatically align<update>` the array(s) to the original node's indexes.
-If you copy a ``DataTree`` using the ``:py:func::copy`` function or the :py:meth:`~xarray.DataTree.copy` it will copy the entire tree,
-including all parents and children.
-Like for ``Dataset``, this copy is shallow by default, but you can copy all the data by calling ``dt.copy(deep=True)``.
+If you copy a ``DataTree`` using the ``:py:func::copy`` function or the :py:meth:`~xarray.DataTree.copy` it will copy the subtree,
+meaning that node and children below it, but no parents above it.
+Like for ``Dataset``, this copy is shallow by default, but you can copy all the underlying data arrays by calling ``dt.copy(deep=True)``.
diff --git a/docs/source/hierarchical-data.rst b/docs/source/hierarchical-data.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..daf4b10f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/source/hierarchical-data.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,332 @@
+.. _hierarchical-data:
+Working With Hierarchical Data
+.. ipython:: python
+    :suppress:
+    import numpy as np
+    import pandas as pd
+    import xarray as xr
+    from datatree import DataTree
+    np.random.seed(123456)
+    np.set_printoptions(threshold=10)
+Why Hierarchical Data?
+Many real-world datasets are composed of multiple differing components,
+and it can often be be useful to think of these in terms of a hierarchy of related groups of data.
+Examples of data which one might want organise in a grouped or hierarchical manner include:
+- Simulation data at multiple resolutions,
+- Observational data about the same system but from multiple different types of sensors,
+- Mixed experimental and theoretical data,
+- A systematic study recording the same experiment but with different parameters,
+- Heterogenous data, such as demographic and metereological data,
+or even any combination of the above.
+Often datasets like this cannot easily fit into a single ``xarray.Dataset`` object,
+or are more usefully thought of as groups of related ``xarray.Dataset`` objects.
+For this purpose we provide the :py:class:`DataTree` class.
+This page explains in detail how to understand and use the different features of the :py:class:`DataTree` class for your own heirarchical data needs.
+.. _node relationships:
+Node Relationships
+.. _creating a family tree:
+Creating a Family Tree
+The three main ways of creating a ``DataTree`` object are described briefly in :ref:`creating a datatree`.
+Here we go into more detail about how to create a tree node-by-node, using a famous family tree from the Simpsons cartoon as an example.
+Let's start by defining nodes representing the two siblings, Bart and Lisa Simpson:
+.. ipython:: python
+    bart = DataTree(name="Bart")
+    lisa = DataTree(name="Lisa")
+Each of these node objects knows their own :py:class:`~DataTree.name`, but they currently have no relationship to one another.
+We can connect them by creating another node representing a common parent, Homer Simpson:
+.. ipython:: python
+    homer = DataTree(name="Homer", children={"Bart": bart, "Lisa": lisa})
+Here we set the children of Homer in the node's constructor.
+We now have a small family tree
+.. ipython:: python
+    homer
+where we can see how these individual Simpson family members are related to one another.
+The nodes representing Bart and Lisa are now connected - we can confirm their sibling rivalry by examining the :py:class:`~DataTree.siblings` property:
+.. ipython:: python
+    list(bart.siblings)
+But oops, we forgot Homer's third daughter, Maggie! Let's add her by updating Homer's :py:class:`~DataTree.children` property to include her:
+.. ipython:: python
+    maggie = DataTree(name="Maggie")
+    homer.children = {"Bart": bart, "Lisa": lisa, "Maggie": maggie}
+    homer
+Let's check that Maggie knows who her Dad is:
+.. ipython:: python
+    maggie.parent.name
+That's good - updating the properties of our nodes does not break the internal consistency of our tree, as changes of parentage are automatically reflected on both nodes.
+    These children obviously have another parent, Marge Simpson, but ``DataTree`` nodes can only have a maximum of one parent.
+    Genealogical `family trees are not even technically trees <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Family_tree#Graph_theory>`_ in the mathematical sense -
+    the fact that distant relatives can mate makes it a directed acyclic graph.
+    Trees of ``DataTree`` objects cannot represent this.
+Homer is currently listed as having no parent (the so-called "root node" of this tree), but we can update his :py:class:`~DataTree.parent` property:
+.. ipython:: python
+    abe = DataTree(name="Abe")
+    homer.parent = abe
+Abe is now the "root" of this tree, which we can see by examining the :py:class:`~DataTree.root` property of any node in the tree
+.. ipython:: python
+    maggie.root.name
+We can see the whole tree by printing Abe's node or just part of the tree by printing Homer's node:
+.. ipython:: python
+    abe
+    homer
+We can see that Homer is aware of his parentage, and we say that Homer and his children form a "subtree" of the larger Simpson family tree.
+In episode 28, Abe Simpson reveals that he had another son, Herbert "Herb" Simpson.
+We can add Herbert to the family tree without displacing Homer by :py:meth:`~DataTree.assign`-ing another child to Abe:
+.. ipython:: python
+    herbert = DataTree(name="Herb")
+    abe.assign({"Herbert": herbert})
+.. note::
+   This example shows a minor subtlety - the returned tree has Homer's brother listed as ``"Herbert"``,
+   but the original node was named "Herbert". Not only are names overriden when stored as keys like this,
+   but the new node is a copy, so that the original node that was reference is unchanged (i.e. ``herbert.name == "Herb"`` still).
+   In other words, nodes are copied into trees, not inserted into them.
+   This is intentional, and mirrors the behaviour when storing named ``xarray.DataArray`` objects inside datasets.
+Certain manipulations of our tree are forbidden, if they would create an inconsistent result.
+In episode 51 of the show Futurama, Philip J. Fry travels back in time and accidentally becomes his own Grandfather.
+If we try similar time-travelling hijinks with Homer, we get a :py:class:`InvalidTreeError` raised:
+.. ipython:: python
+    :okexcept:
+    abe.parent = homer
+.. _evolutionary tree:
+Ancestry in an Evolutionary Tree
+Let's use a different example of a tree to discuss more complex relationships between nodes - the phylogenetic tree, or tree of life.
+.. ipython:: python
+    vertebrates = DataTree.from_dict(
+        name="Vertebrae",
+        d={
+            "/Sharks": None,
+            "/Bony Skeleton/Ray-finned Fish": None,
+            "/Bony Skeleton/Four Limbs/Amphibians": None,
+            "/Bony Skeleton/Four Limbs/Amniotic Egg/Hair/Primates": None,
+            "/Bony Skeleton/Four Limbs/Amniotic Egg/Hair/Rodents & Rabbits": None,
+            "/Bony Skeleton/Four Limbs/Amniotic Egg/Two Fenestrae/Dinosaurs": None,
+            "/Bony Skeleton/Four Limbs/Amniotic Egg/Two Fenestrae/Birds": None,
+        },
+    )
+    primates = vertebrates["/Bony Skeleton/Four Limbs/Amniotic Egg/Hair/Primates"]
+    dinosaurs = vertebrates[
+        "/Bony Skeleton/Four Limbs/Amniotic Egg/Two Fenestrae/Dinosaurs"
+    ]
+We have used the :py:meth:`~DataTree.from_dict` constructor method as an alternate way to quickly create a whole tree,
+and :ref:`filesystem-like syntax <filesystem paths>`_ (to be explained shortly) to select two nodes of interest.
+.. ipython:: python
+    vertebrates
+This tree shows various families of species, grouped by their common features (making it technically a `"Cladogram" <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cladogram>`_,
+rather than an evolutionary tree).
+Here both the species and the features used to group them are represented by ``DataTree`` node objects - there is no distinction in types of node.
+We can however get a list of only the nodes we used to represent species by using the fact that all those nodes have no children - they are "leaf nodes".
+We can check if a node is a leaf with :py:meth:`~DataTree.is_leaf`, and get a list of all leaves with the :py:class:`~DataTree.leaves` property:
+.. ipython:: python
+    primates.is_leaf
+    [node.name for node in vertebrates.leaves]
+Pretending that this is a true evolutionary tree for a moment, we can find the features of the evolutionary ancestors (so-called "ancestor" nodes),
+the distinguishing feature of the common ancestor of all vertebrate life (the root node),
+and even the distinguishing feature of the common ancestor of any two species (the common ancestor of two nodes):
+.. ipython:: python
+    [node.name for node in primates.ancestors]
+    primates.root.name
+    primates.find_common_ancestor(dinosaurs).name
+We can only find a common ancestor between two nodes that lie in the same tree.
+If we try to find the common evolutionary ancestor between primates and an Alien species that has no relationship to Earth's evolutionary tree,
+an error will be raised.
+.. ipython:: python
+    :okexcept:
+    alien = DataTree(name="Xenomorph")
+    primates.find_common_ancestor(alien)
+.. _navigating trees:
+Navigating Trees
+There are various ways to access the different nodes in a tree.
+We can navigate trees using the :py:class:`~DataTree.parent` and :py:class:`~DataTree.children` properties of each node, for example:
+.. ipython:: python
+    lisa.parent.children["Bart"].name
+but there are also more convenient ways to access nodes.
+Dictionary-like interface
+Children are stored on each node as a key-value mapping from name to child node.
+They can be accessed and altered via the :py:class:`~DataTree.__getitem__` and :py:class:`~DataTree.__setitem__` syntax.
+In general :py:class:`~DataTree.DataTree` objects support almost the entire set of dict-like methods,
+including :py:meth:`~DataTree.keys`, :py:class:`~DataTree.values`, :py:class:`~DataTree.items`,
+:py:meth:`~DataTree.__delitem__` and :py:meth:`~DataTree.update`.
+.. ipython:: python
+    vertebrates["Bony Skeleton"]["Ray-finned Fish"]
+Note that the dict-like interface combines access to child ``DataTree`` nodes and stored ``DataArrays``,
+so if we have a node that contains both children and data, calling :py:meth:`~DataTree.keys` will list both names of child nodes and
+names of data variables:
+.. ipython:: python
+    dt = DataTree(
+        data=xr.Dataset({"foo": 0, "bar": 1}),
+        children={"a": DataTree(), "b": DataTree()},
+    )
+    print(dt)
+    list(dt.keys())
+This also means that the names of variables and of child nodes must be different to one another.
+Attribute-like access
+# TODO attribute-like access is not yet implemented, see issue #98
+.. _filesystem paths:
+Filesystem-like Paths
+Hierarchical trees can be thought of as analogous to file systems.
+Each node is like a directory, and each directory can contain both more sub-directories and data.
+.. note::
+    You can even make the filesystem analogy concrete by using :py:func:`~DataTree.open_mfdatatree` or :py:func:`~DataTree.save_mfdatatree` # TODO not yet implemented - see GH issue 51
+Datatree objects support a syntax inspired by unix-like filesystems,
+where the "path" to a node is specified by the keys of each intermediate node in sequence,
+separated by forward slashes.
+This is an extension of the conventional dictionary ``__getitem__`` syntax to allow navigation across multiple levels of the tree.
+Like with filepaths, paths within the tree can either be relative to the current node, e.g.
+.. ipython:: python
+    abe["Homer/Bart"].name
+    abe["./Homer/Bart"].name  # alternative syntax
+or relative to the root node.
+A path specified from the root (as opposed to being specified relative to an arbitrary node in the tree) is sometimes also referred to as a
+`"fully qualified name" <https://www.unidata.ucar.edu/blogs/developer/en/entry/netcdf-zarr-data-model-specification#nczarr_fqn>`_,
+or as an "absolute path".
+The root node is referred to by ``"/"``, so the path from the root node to its grand-child would be ``"/child/grandchild"``, e.g.
+.. ipython:: python
+    # absolute path will start from root node
+    lisa["/Homer/Bart"].name
+Relative paths between nodes also support the ``"../"`` syntax to mean the parent of the current node.
+We can use this with ``__setitem__`` to add a missing entry to our evolutionary tree, but add it relative to a more familiar node of interest:
+.. ipython:: python
+    primates["../../Two Fenestrae/Crocodiles"] = DataTree()
+    print(vertebrates)
+Given two nodes in a tree, we can also find their relative path:
+.. ipython:: python
+    bart.relative_to(lisa)
+You can use this filepath feature to build a nested tree from a dictionary of filesystem-like paths and corresponding ``xarray.Dataset`` objects in a single step.
+If we have a dictionary where each key is a valid path, and each value is either valid data or ``None``,
+we can construct a complex tree quickly using the alternative constructor :py:meth:`DataTree.from_dict()`:
+.. ipython:: python
+    d = {
+        "/": xr.Dataset({"foo": "orange"}),
+        "/a": xr.Dataset({"bar": 0}, coords={"y": ("y", [0, 1, 2])}),
+        "/a/b": xr.Dataset({"zed": np.NaN}),
+        "a/c/d": None,
+    }
+    dt = DataTree.from_dict(d)
+    dt
+.. note::
+    Notice that using the path-like syntax will also create any intermediate empty nodes necessary to reach the end of the specified path
+    (i.e. the node labelled `"c"` in this case.)
+    This is to help avoid lots of redundant entries when creating deeply-nested trees using :py:meth:`DataTree.from_dict`.
diff --git a/docs/source/index.rst b/docs/source/index.rst
index 9448e232..e0e39de7 100644
--- a/docs/source/index.rst
+++ b/docs/source/index.rst
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ Datatree
    Quick Overview <quick-overview>
    Tutorial <tutorial>
    Data Model <data-structures>
+   Hierarchical Data <hierarchical-data>
    Reading and Writing Files <io>
    API Reference <api>
    Terminology <terminology>
diff --git a/docs/source/whats-new.rst b/docs/source/whats-new.rst
index e57e31e4..0d59e0e7 100644
--- a/docs/source/whats-new.rst
+++ b/docs/source/whats-new.rst
@@ -58,6 +58,8 @@ Documentation
   By `Tom Nicholas <https://github.com/TomNicholas>`_.
 - Added ``Terminology`` page. (:pull:`174`)
   By `Tom Nicholas <https://github.com/TomNicholas>`_.
+- Added page on ``Working with Hierarchical Data`` (:pull:`179`)
+  By `Tom Nicholas <https://github.com/TomNicholas>`_.
 Internal Changes