go的error一直是被人诟病的,对于菜鸡来说无非是每调用一个函数就要判断一下if err!=nil{return err}
- No extra care should be required for an error to have all the necessary debug information; it is the opposite that may constitute a special case
- There must be a way to distinguish one kind of error from another, as they may imply or require a different handling in user code
- Errors must be composable, and patterns like
if err == io.EOF
defeat that purpose, so they should be avoided // 这里是因为error的判断完全归结为接口类型的判断,这取决于类型和值,即使是对于一样的字符串,也有着不一样的地址,导致不等 - Some context information may be added to the error along the way, and there must be a way to do so without altering the semantics of the error
- It must be easy to create an error, add some context to it, check for it
- A kind of error that requires a special treatment by the caller is a part of a public API; an excessive amount of such kinds is a code smell
看完之后,我们就大概知道std error的局限在哪里了
- error应该是可比较的,这种可比较不应该和它Error()后的label有关(有点kind和type的感觉)
- error既要有可变的类型type,也要有不变的特性trait
- error应该可以较方便的追加上下文
- error处理应该较快
var user_namespace_1 = errorx.NewNamespace("user_namespace_1")
var user_trait_1 = errorx.RegisterTrait("user_trait_1")
var user_property_1 = errorx.RegisterProperty("user_property_1")
var user_property_1_p = errorx.RegisterPrintableProperty("user_property_1_p")
func main() {
err := errorx.AssertionFailed.New("1").WithProperty(user_property_1, "test1").WithProperty(user_property_1_p, "test1_p")
fmt.Printf("%v\n", err)
fmt.Printf("typecheck: %t\n", err.IsOfType(errorx.AssertionFailed))
fmt.Printf("traitcheck: %t\n", err.HasTrait(errorx.Timeout()))
err = errorx.Decorate(err, "2").WithProperty(user_property_1, "test2").WithProperty(user_property_1_p, "test2_p")
fmt.Printf("%v\n", err)
err = errorx.IllegalArgument.Wrap(err, "3")
fmt.Printf("%v\n", err)
err = errorx.NewType(user_namespace_1, "userErrorType", user_trait_1).Wrap(err, "4")
fmt.Printf("%v\n", err)
fmt.Printf("traitcheck: %t\n", err.HasTrait(user_trait_1))
PS C:\Users\salvare000\Desktop\benchmark\errorx> go run .
common.assertion_failed: 1 {user_property_1_p: test1_p}
typecheck: true
traitcheck: false
2 {user_property_1_p: test2_p}, cause: common.assertion_failed: 1 {user_property_1_p: test1_p}
common.illegal_argument: 3, cause: 2 {user_property_1_p: test2_p}, cause: common.assertion_failed: 1 {user_property_1_p: test1_p}
user_namespace_1.userErrorType: 4, cause: common.illegal_argument: 3, cause: 2 {user_property_1_p: test2_p}, cause: common.assertion_failed: 1 {user_property_1_p: test1_p}
traitcheck: true
- Error
- Namespace
- Type
- Trait
- Property
graph LR
A[Error] -->B(Type)
A[Error] -->C(Property)
B[Type] -->D(Namespace)
B[Type] -->E(Trait)
D[Namespace] -->E(Trait)
graph LR
A[Error1] -->B(Type1)
A[Error1] -->a(Property)
A[Error1] -->C[Error2]
C[Error2] -->D(Type2)
C[Error2] -->b(Property)
F[Error3] -->E(Type3)
F[Error3] -->e(Property)
C[Error2] -->F[Error3]
本质是设置Error的isTraparent = True
graph LR
A[Error1] -->a(Property)
A[Error1] -->C[Error2]
C[Error2] -->b(Property)
F[Error3] -->E(Type3)
F[Error3] -->e(Property)
C[Error2] -->F[Error3]
// Trait is a static characteristic of an error type.
// All errors of a specific type possess exactly the same traits.
// Traits are both defined along with an error and inherited from a supertype and a namespace.
type Trait struct {
id uint64
label string
var (
traitTemporary = RegisterTrait("temporary")
traitTimeout = RegisterTrait("timeout")
traitNotFound = RegisterTrait("not_found")
traitDuplicate = RegisterTrait("duplicate")
func newTrait(label string) Trait {
return Trait{
id: nextInternalID(),
label: label,
每个error type都要依托于一个namespace,即error的类型是与领域有关的,我觉得这个设计挺好
type Type struct {
namespace Namespace
parent *Type
id uint64
fullName string
traits map[Trait]bool
modifiers modifiers
常见内置错误类型,注册在"common" namespace下
var (
// CommonErrors is a namespace for general purpose errors designed for universal use.
// These errors should typically be used in opaque manner, implying no handing in user code.
// When handling is required, it is best to use custom error types with both standard and custom traits.
CommonErrors = NewNamespace("common")
// IllegalArgument is a type for invalid argument error
IllegalArgument = CommonErrors.NewType("illegal_argument")
// IllegalState is a type for invalid state error
IllegalState = CommonErrors.NewType("illegal_state")
// IllegalFormat is a type for invalid format error
IllegalFormat = CommonErrors.NewType("illegal_format")
// InitializationFailed is a type for initialization error
InitializationFailed = CommonErrors.NewType("initialization_failed")
// DataUnavailable is a type for unavailable data error
DataUnavailable = CommonErrors.NewType("data_unavailable")
// UnsupportedOperation is a type for unsupported operation error
UnsupportedOperation = CommonErrors.NewType("unsupported_operation")
// RejectedOperation is a type for rejected operation error
RejectedOperation = CommonErrors.NewType("rejected_operation")
// Interrupted is a type for interruption error
Interrupted = CommonErrors.NewType("interrupted")
// AssertionFailed is a type for assertion error
AssertionFailed = CommonErrors.NewType("assertion_failed")
// InternalError is a type for internal error
InternalError = CommonErrors.NewType("internal_error")
// ExternalError is a type for external error
ExternalError = CommonErrors.NewType("external_error")
// ConcurrentUpdate is a type for concurrent update error
ConcurrentUpdate = CommonErrors.NewType("concurrent_update")
// TimeoutElapsed is a type for timeout error
TimeoutElapsed = CommonErrors.NewType("timeout", Timeout())
// NotImplemented is an error type for lacking implementation
NotImplemented = UnsupportedOperation.NewSubtype("not_implemented")
// UnsupportedVersion is a type for unsupported version error
UnsupportedVersion = UnsupportedOperation.NewSubtype("version")
// Namespace is a way go group a number of error types together, and each error type belongs to exactly one namespace.
// Namespaces may form hierarchy, with child namespaces inheriting the traits and modifiers of a parent.
// Those modifiers and traits are then passed upon all error types in the namespace.
// In formatting, a dot notation is used, for example:
// namespace.sub_namespace.type.subtype
type Namespace struct {
parent *Namespace
id uint64
name string
traits []Trait
modifiers modifiers
每个Error不仅有自己的Error Type,还有properties,这些properties都说动态的,指的的一些调用者希望传入的键值信息,因为单独的error可能只是表示某种错误,如果想知道现场的值的什么,用这个动态properties(怎么感觉和log很重叠)
type Error struct {
message string
errorType *Type
cause error
stackTrace *stackTrace
// properties are used both for public properties inherited through "transparent" wrapping
// and for some optional per-instance information like "underlying errors"
properties *propertyMap
transparent bool
hasUnderlying bool
printablePropertyCount uint8
// 装饰不会改变error的type,traits,properties
func Decorate(err error, message string, args ...interface{}) *Error {
return NewErrorBuilder(transparentWrapper).
WithConditionallyFormattedMessage(message, args...).
func NewErrorBuilder(t *Type) ErrorBuilder
如果你想改变Error的type(这导致在与原Error进行type check时失败,有时这的确是我们想要的)
func (t *Type) Wrap(err error, message string, args ...interface{}) *Error {
return NewErrorBuilder(t).
WithConditionallyFormattedMessage(message, args...).
// IsOfType is a type check for errors.
// Returns true either if both are of exactly the same type, or if the same is true for one of current type's ancestors.
// For an error that does not have an errorx type, returns false.
func IsOfType(err error, t *Type) bool {
e := Cast(err)
return e != nil && e.IsOfType(t)
func Cast(err error) *Error // Cast函数将标准库error接口断言成errorx.Error
这个函数单纯的使用for loop跳过透明Error层,即Decorate:
func (e *Error) IsOfType(t *Type) bool {
cause := e
for cause != nil {
if !cause.transparent {
return cause.errorType.IsOfType(t)
cause = Cast(cause.Cause())
return false
// Returns true either if both are of exactly the same type, or if the same is true for one of current type's ancestors.
func (t *Type) IsOfType(other *Type) bool {
current := t
for current != nil {
if current.id == other.id {
return true
current = current.parent
return false
type ErrorBuilder struct {
message string
errorType *Type
cause error
mode callStackBuildMode
isTransparent bool
func (eb ErrorBuilder) WithCause(err error) ErrorBuilder
func (eb ErrorBuilder) Transparent() ErrorBuilder
func (eb ErrorBuilder) EnhanceStackTrace() ErrorBuilder
func (eb ErrorBuilder) WithConditionallyFormattedMessage(fmt string, args ...interface{}) ErrorBuilder
func (e *Error) Format(s fmt.State, verb rune) {
message := e.fullMessage()
switch verb {
case 'v':
io.WriteString(s, message)
if s.Flag('+') {
e.stackTrace.Format(s, verb)
case 's':
io.WriteString(s, message)
var _ fmt.Formatter = (*Error)(nil)
var _ encoding.TextMarshaler = (*Type)(nil)
type Namespace Type