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Wiiitek edited this page May 22, 2017 · 4 revisions

W3C HTML5 Issues Filter

W3C HTML5 Issues Filter allows to exclude some W3C HTML5 issues from result. Excluded issues will appear at the bottom of issues table and won't be taken into account when calculating status.

Name: w3c-filter

Resource name: source

Comparators: w3c-html5


Parameter Value Description Mandatory
message string Exact message text of issue to be filter out. *see notes below At least one of params should be used and all of used params should be not empty.
messagePattern regexp Regular expression that matches message text of issue to be filter out. *see notes below At least one of params should be used and all of used params should be not empty.
line integer Line in source file where issue appear
column integer Column in source file where issue appear


  • message will be overridden by messagePattern if set.
  • If there are some If some XML-specific charactes (e.g. &) are in parameter's value, then they have to be escaped. Suite should be valid XML document.
Example Usage for w3c-html5 comparator
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<suite name="test-suite" company="Cognifide" project="project" environment="win7-ff16">
    <test name="remove-nodes-test">
            <source comparator="w3c-html5" errors-only="false">
                <w3c-filter messagePattern = "The first occurrence of.*" />
                <w3c-filter message="A slash was not immediately followed by “&gt;”."/>
                <w3c-filter message="Element “img” is missing required attribute “src”."/>
                <w3c-filter line="1" column="119"/>
                <w3c-filter line="390" message="End tag for  “html” seen, but there were unclosed elements."/>
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