- Layers overlap, there should be only one single symbol drawn by cell
Includes optimizing draw function for all layers
- Color picking by layer
- Should text be its own layer?
- startX and startY to use where the @ is placed, it's a pseudo-object
- Be able to pick up items
- Inventory screen
- Be able to use an item
- Menu with [esc]
Contains help messages Save / load? Options?
- Clear indications in the editor, such as:
'q' and 'w' to switch type 'a' and 's' to switch item Space to place 1-9 to color
- Stairs
- Ennemies?
- What's the setting? What's the aim of the game?
- Be able to remove a map (if it doesn't leave orphans behind).
- Don't draw on each input. Instead use a fixed framerate
Allows ASCII animations Imitate key repeat Integrate joystick
- Be able to configure keys?